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The main purpose of a kitchen garden is to provide for the family, daily with fresh vegetables rich in nutrients and energy. There will be continuous supply of vegetables throughout the year

and for each of the season .

The vegetables are grown according to the taste of the family members. The size of the garden depends on the size of the family and on the availability of land.

ADVANTAGES OF A KITCHEN GARDEN ARE 1.It is a best means of recreation and exercise to family members. 2.An excellent hobby and healthy occupation for the young and

old during their leisure time.

3.Outs down the expenditure on purchase of vegetables. 4.An ideal medium for training children in duty and order. 5.Vegetables grown in one's own home with one's own labour have special appeal to his or her palate and the dividends paid by these in the form of pleasure and satisfaction or priceless. 6.Vegetables grown in kitchen garden are fresh and are free from market infection.


X28.0 M



Sq. m

Points to the considered for raising crops in a kitchen garden: 1.The perennial plants should located on north side of the garden so that they may not shade other crops and compete for nutrients with annual crops. Once the perennial crops are established, they will supply vegetables regularly without any additional cost and also with less care. 2.Around the boarder. on the fence, reapers can be raised i.e. lab ,cucurbits etc.

3.The land should not kept vacant. A continuous pattern in the form of successive or companion cropping is to be followed
4.Root crops can be raised on ridges.

5.One side of footpath a single staked tomato and on the other side leafy vegetables may be planted.
6.A proper rotation of crops is to be followed i.e. deep rooted followed by shallow rooted crops, a leguminous crop followed a non-legume etc.

It is always better to make a plan before planting. The location of plots, crops to be grown, season of sowing variation of crops to be used and succession of planting is to produce crops which ensure continuous supply of fresh vegetables and to avoid glut of any one crop or season. GROWING PERIOD : plot-1: may-oct nov-feb mar-April Brinjal (round) cauliflower coriander NAME OF THE CROP :

plot-2 :
aug-dec jan-april may-July Brinjal (long) with Palak as intercrop lady's finger cluster bean

GROWING PERIOD: plot-3 Sept-March April-August Plot-4: Oct-Jan Feb.-may June-august Plot-5: June September oct-january feb-may Plot-6:


chillies ladys finger

Potato Cowpea Menthi

Lady's finger Cabbage Onion

May-august sept-December jan-may

Tomato Cauliflower (early) Onion



jun-may Onion



On Ridges: Colocasia-beetroot Radish-carrot Elephant foot yam-Khol-Khol

Crops along the fence: Rainy Season:Bottle gourd,Pumpkin,lab lab,bitter gourd Summer Season:Ridge gourd,Bottle gourd Crops on the pandal: Sanke gourd,Cocoinia

2.Market garden
Generally these gardens are larger in size which produce vegetables for commercial purpose nearer to local market. Most of the market gardens are located with in a radius of 15 to 20 km of a town or city. The cropping pattern of those gardens will depend on the demand of local market. There cost of land is high and intensive methods of cultivation are adopted. A market gardener has to grow varieties to catch the early market so that he go to better price. He can utilize organic manures like municipal compost which are available at cheaper rate.

3.Truck garden: This is the type of garden which produces special crops in which in which relatively large quantities for distinct market. More extensive area is taken for gardening and the method of cultivation is less intensive compared to market garden. The location of this type of garden is determined by the soil and climate factors suitable for raising a particular type of crops. Very few crops lie. one or two crops only are grown. E.g.: In summer season, tomato is grown in madanapally area of chittor district and they are marketed in bangalore, tirupati, vellore etc. Cabbage, Cauliflower potato raised in summer at Nilagiri hills are sold in madras and bangalore etc. The produce are generally sold through the middlemen. The cost of land and labour are comparatively cheaper. Hence the cost of production is less and usually the net returns are also less as larger amounts are incurred on transport and commission to middlemen.

4.Vegetable garden for processing

This is the type of garden which comes up around vegetable processing factories. These gardens are responsible for regular supply of vegetables to the factories.
Due to lack of processing industries, this type of gardens are not well developed in India. Few existing factories purchase from local market and the products produced from them are not up to the standard. These gardens specialize in growing only few vegetables in bulk which are suitable for processing like canning ,dehydration, paste making or freezing . The prices are paid on contract basis on weight and quality of the product.

5.Vegetable forcing:

This type of garden is concerned with the production of vegetables out of their normal season. vegetables like tomato, cucumber etc. can't be grown in winter in temperature regions. Therefore these vegetables are grown under special structures like glass houses in foreign countries. Asparagus, mushrooms hectare also grown in glass house or other special structures. Special varieties are developed for this purposes and the cost of produce is very high.

In India this type of gardening has not been developed since we have varied climatic regions where it is possible to grow in the open all types of vegetables in one region or other. The cost of production of vegetables in special structures will be high.
Thus they get crop earlier and fetch higher price in the market.

6.Vegetables for seed production

Good seed is essential for successful growing of any crop. Seed production is rather a specialized operation. Soil climate and disease free conditions are factors influencing the location of seed producing areas . A knowledge of the crop , its growth habit and mode of pollination are essential .

A proper isolation distance have to be maintained for each crop. The grower should also know the method of rouging , threshing , cleaning ,grading, packing and storing .
Generally the growth, flowering and fruit development should be during rainy or humid season and harvesting in dry period .

There are different kinds of seed production: 1.Nucleus or breeder seed It is the initial seed which is produced by the organization which releases a variety. Seed is 100% pure. 2.Foundation seed It is seed multiplied from the nucleus seed in the Government farms or of NSC farms. The 3rd and 4th stages of multiplication are registered and certified seed respectively which are multiplied by grocers.

7.Floating gardens: This is a special type of garden which is seen on the dal lake of the Kashmir valley. The water in the lake is stagnant. A floating base is made from the roots of Typha grass which grows wild in the lake. Seedlings are transplanted in summer on leaf compost made from weeds in the lake. All operations are done i.e. weeding, sprinkling of water and harvesting using boats.

Prepared by :
R.V.Sagar Kumar Reddy C. Ravindra Reddy

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