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Well Logging and Its Implication in Reservoir Simulation

Submitted By: Group 1

Group Members
Name Satyam Prasad Yakshender Utkarsh Bhushan Nimish Newatia R. Vellayan Disha Sahoo Krishnaraj Singh Roll no. 10BPE-012 10BPE-014 10BPE-017 10BPE-018 10BPE-024 10BPE-058 10BPE-079

Prashant Kumar Sumantha Reddy

Aman Dhanani

10BPE-087 10BPE-097

What is well Logging?

Well log is a continuous record of measurement made in bore hole respond to variation in some physical properties of rocks through which the bore hole is drilled. Traditionally Logs are display on girded papers shown in figure.

Now a days the log may be taken as films, images, and in digital format.
Source: Reference no. 6

Key Events in history:
1912 Conrad Schlumberger give the idea of using electrical measurements to map sub-surface rock bodies. 1919 Conrad Schlumberger and his brother Marcel begin work on well logs. 1927 First electrical resistivity well log was taken. 1930 Dip Meter log were developed. 1936 Photographic-film recorder was developed. 1941 Gamma Ray and Neutron Log were used for first time.

Why Are Well Log So Important?

They Help us to: To Identify Reservoir Rocks To identify the productive zones of hydrocarbon. To define the petro-physical parameters like porosity, permeability, hydrocarbon To measure hydrocarbon mobility. To identify fluid saturation in reservoir. To determine depth, thickness, formation temperature and pressure of a reservoir. To analyze various other geological parameters like formation dip.

Open Hole Logging

Open-Hole logging refers to logging operations that are performed on a well before the wellbore has been cased and cemented. In other words, the logging is done through the bare rock sides of the formation.

This is the most common type of logging method because the measurements are not obstructed and it's done during or after the well has been drilled.

Cased Hole Drilling

Cased-Hole logging involves retrieving logging measurements through the well casing, or the metal piping that is inserted into the well during completion operations. Casedhole logging is performed more rarely but still provides valuable information about the well.

Cased-hole logging is used to help operators obtain additional information from a well or reservoir that has already been completed.
Cased-hole logging can be used to evaluate the formation and completion of the well, as well as determine the state of the cement, corrosion and perforation

Production Logging
Production logging denotes that area of well logging concerned with two general goals: problem well diagnosis, and reservoir surveillance. Production logs are for analyzing wells already in production, with known hydrocarbons in place, or for looking for accessibility to inject to create drive mechanism. Logging in exploration uses the same concept, but those logs are looking at the formation to see if it is conducive to hydrocarbon production. The purpose of logging is to track fluid movement within or behind pipe or to monitor the movement of reservoir fluid contacts.

Characterization of Well-Log
Logs are recorded to measure different physical parameter of the well. Hence, it is also known as the electronic eye of the well. Depending upon need many different parameters are considered, however there are a very few basic parameters, which are broadly classified as:
Resistivity log. Porosity/ Radioactive log. Sonic/ Acoustic log. Sampling and coring. Cement/ Mud evaluation log.

Open Hole Logging

There are various logging tools available to evaluate the sub-surface conditions in open hole, namely they are:
Porosity logs.
To determine porosity of sub-surface rock of interest.

Spectral logs.
Content of special radioactive elements.

Permeable zone logs.

Evaluate the permeable zone.

Dipmeter and related logs.

High resolution resistivity gives orientation of bedding and cracks

Resistivity logs.
Electric resistivity in the formation.

Caliper logs.
Borehole diameter and its stability.

Gamma Ray Log

The Gamma Ray log is a continuous measurement of the natural radioactivity emanating from the formations. It works on the principle that clay particles contains more concentration of high radioactive materials and hence shales show high radioactivity due to presence of isotopes emitting radiation are Potassium-40, Uranium, and Thorium (K40, U, Th). Sensitive detectors count the number of gamma rays per unit of time

Recorded in API Units which is 1/200th of the calibrated, standard response.

This log can be used in all open hole cased hole and production logging.
Source: Reference no. 1

Self-Potential Log
The spontaneous potential tool records the naturally

occurring electrical potential produced.

The SP curve reflects a difference in the electrical potential between a movable electrode in the borehole and a fixed reference electrode at the surface Though the SP is used primarily as a lithology indicator and as a correlation tool, it has other uses as well.
permeability indicators.

shale volume indicator

porosity indicator, and measurement of Rw.
Source: Reference no. 8

Caliper Log
Used to measure the variation of borehole diameter with depth. Give the bore hole cross-sectional variation. It is one of most simple tools. Application: High-resolution Lithology discrimination Depth calibration of different log suites Fracture identification Measurement of borehole rigidity. Estimation of mud cake thickness. The evaluation of temperature and CBL logs in combination with caliper data help to diagnose quality of cementation
Source: Reference no. 3

Resistivity Log
Working Principle: The resistivity of a substance is its ability to impede the flow of electric current through the substance. Formation resistivity general range 0.2 to 1000 ohm meter. For a formation with oil or gas, both are which electrical insulators resistivity is a function of formation factor, brine resistivity and water saturation.

Types (depending on environment): Latero Log. Induction Log.

Resistivity Logs (contd.)

Application of resistivity Log:
True formation resistivity and flushed zone resistivity Mud filtrate invasion profile Quick look hydrocarbon detection Indication of producible hydrocarbon Correlation of different formations

Neutron Log
Working principle: Gamma ray spectrum analysis emitted on collision of neutrons to nucleus of atoms in the formation. Americium-Beryllium/Neutron bulb emits neutrons as continuous source of energy Neutrons collide with nucleus of atoms in formation and looses energy. When come back to normal state, emits Gamma ray.

Analysis of Gamma ray spectrum identifies composition of elements into the formation viz. C, H, Cl, O, etc.
Source: Reference no. 7

Neutron Log (Contd.)

Advantages of Neutron Log:
Determination of Porosity Lithology identification Water saturation Gas detection Location and monitoring of gas/oil and water/oil contacts. Correlation with open hole resistivity logs Shale indicator

Sonic/Acoustic Log
Working principle: time difference measurement to travel an acoustic wave through on foot formation. It is ensured the wave travels along a parallel path to the borehole The time difference measured is reciprocal of the velocity of compression sound wave. Wyllie proposed the following empirical relation for determination of porosity form the sonic log.

Source: Reference no. 9

Sonic/Acoustic Log (Contd.)

Effects of cement coverage can be easily measured by comparing both open and case hole dia. Detection of hydrocarbon in high porosity sand. Lithology can be identified. Integrated travel time useful in seismic interpretation.

In unconsolidated formation, formation fractures.

Provides less working efficiency in presence of Gas saturation and aerated mud.

Density Log
Principle: Measurement of formation bulk density and photo electric absorption index of the lithological column. The density depends on fluid density and matrix density in porous formation. The detectors measure the gamma rays flux resulting from scattering and absorption effect of the formation.

The higher the formation density, the lower the gamma ray intensity at the detectors.
Source: Reference no. 5

Cased Hole Logging

There are various tools available like:
Casing Collar Locator Log
Locates the casing collar.

Tubing Puncture.
To puncture the tube.

Cement Bond Logging Tool.

Evaluate cement bonding.

Casing cutting/ Tubing Cutting

Sub-surface cutting of casing or tubing.

Perforation Tool.
For controlled explosion.

Bridge Plug Setting Tool.

To plug the casing to isolate it.

String Shot. Acid Job.

Casing collar locator Tool

It is a magnetic device that detects changes in metal mass, such as those induced by the relatively high mass of casing collar vis--vis the casing. The disturbance to the magnetic field is detected as a voltage difference The CCL detects changes in metal volume a it moves through the tubing or casing.

Purpose: to determine the location of casing collars

Application: Depth correlation
Source: Reference no. 9

Cement Bond Tool

It evaluates cement bond integrity. It has single Omni-directional acoustic transmitter and two receivers. One at 3ft and other at 5ft. It works based upon the principle of sonic wave-train attenuation, detecting the amplitude of a sonic signal passing along the casing as an analog waveform. Signal is reduced where the casing is bonded to the cement. Clearly identifying cement bond. Purpose: Cement bond integrity is requisite to hydraulic isolation Application: Cement bond evaluation

Source: Reference no. 8

Perforation Tool
To establish fluid communication between well bore and formation for production/ injection. Uses high explosives with shaped charges. Perforators uses
Initiator/ Detonator Detonating chord Shaped Charges

Overbalanced method (+ve head) Underbalanced method (- ve head)

Source: Reference no. 10

Bridge plug setting by wire line

Bridge plug are mainly used for isolation of zones in casing This prevent the movement of fluid from either direction.

Back off services

Some times the drill string or tubing gets stuck in bore hole A shock at a joint just above free point is given When detonating chord is fired it releases string

Puncture Job
It is a perforation operation with specially design small change so as to have big holes with lesser depth of penetration.

Production Logging
Various types of tools used in production logging are basically:
Radioactive fluid density tool Production gamma ray tool Capacitance temperature flow meter Caliper Log Temperature Tool Log.

Radioactive Fluid Density Tool

Working principle: The density tool responds to electron density of the fluid in the bore-hole. Used to differentiate the various types of fluid in the bore-hole depending on their densities Tool measures borehole fluid density by radioactive techniques. Part of the fluid flow passes through the tool between low activity Cs 137 gamma source and a Scintillation gamma ray detector. An increase in the average fluid density in the sample volume causes a reduction in received counts. Purpose: Is to measure fluid density of a sample as it flows through the tool Applications:
Multiphase production drilling Fluid identification Horizontal/ Highly deviated wells High fluid flow rates.

Production Gamma Ray Tool

It comprise a sodium iodide scintillation crystal and photomultiplier to measure incident gamma radiations. Single conductor passing through the tool carries telemetry and power. The detector is unshielded and will thus accept radiation from any direction. Purpose:
Lithology identification and depth correlation Gravel pack density monitoring Evaluation of shale volume. Delineation of nonradioactive mineral including coal beds.
Source: Reference no. 8

Capacitance Temperature Flow meter

Purpose: to provide a continuous log of fluid capacitance (water hold up), temperature, flow-rate and flow direction Application:
Fluid composition form average dielectric constant Fluid ID from temperature response Location of leaks and cross-flow by temperature response Production and injection log interpretation Cement top determination

Temperature Logging
Oldest type of production log to measure temperature. Early thermometers have mercury as the sensing element whose expansion or contraction positioned a floating piston.

Later the sensors were replaced by vapor pressure type detectors.

This type of thermometers comprises of a bulb filled with volatile liquid whose vapor pressure changes with temperature. This is still in use mainly for bottom-hole temperature measurements.

Reservoir Simulation
It is a practice for preparing a model of the reservoir existing below the subsurface and defining parameters such as porosity and permeability, saturation, etc. for every point in the reservoir. Done by combining physical, mathematical, geological data by computer programming

Needed to obtain performance predictions for a hydrocarbon reservoir under different operating conditions.

Modeling Methods
Divide the reservoir into small cubes.

Reservoir Structure
Each small cube is analyzed by different techniques. The techniques are dependent on the scale of the cube size. Different scales are as follows: 1. Giga Scale 2. Mega Scale 3. Macro Scale 4. Micro Scale

Giga Scale: Includes information associated with geophysical techniques such as reservoir architecture. Theories of regional characterization such as plate tectonics provide an intellectual framework. Mega Scale: It is the scale of reservoir characterization and include well logging, well testing and 3D seismic analysis Macro Scale: It focuses on data sampling at the level of core analysis and fluid property analysis Micro Scale: Includes pore scale data obtained from techniques such as thin section analysis and measurements of grain-size distribution

Well logging and its implication in Reservoir Simulation

It is a technique that comes under mega scale. The mega scale is the scale at which we begin to integrate well log and well test data into a working model of reservoir. Well logging gives us following important data for reservoir simulation:
Rock type Fluid type Water and hydrocarbon saturation

Logging derived parameters aiding in characterization

LOG TYPE Gamma ray Resistivity Density Acoustic (Sonic) USED FOR Rock type Fluid type Porosity Porosity

Neutron Spontaneous Potential

Hydrogen Content Permeable Beds

Resistivity Logs
Used for determining Rock type Detects shale from in situ radioactivity
High GR => Shales Low GR => Clean sands or carbonates

Gamma Ray Logs

Used for Fluid type Measures resistivity for formation water
High resistivity => Hydrocarbons Low resistivity => Brine

Density Log
Used for finding porosity Measures electron density by detecting Compton scattered gamma rays. Electron density is related to formation density. Good for detecting HC gas with low density compared to rock or liquid.
Low response => Low HC gas content Large response => High HC gas content

Neutron log:
Used to determine Hydrogen content Fast neutrons are slowed by collisions to thermal energies. Thermal neutrons are captured by nuclei, which then emit detectable gamma rays. Note: Hydrogen has a large capture cross-section for thermal neutrons. Good for detecting gas.
Low response => high H content Small response => low H content

Acoustic (sonic) log

Used to measure porosity of the rocks. Measures speed of sound in medium. Speed of sound is faster in rock than in fluid

Long travel time => slow speed => large pore space Short travel time => high speed => small pore space

Spontaneous Potential
Used for determining permeability of beds. Measures electrical potential (voltage) associated with the movement of ions.

Low response => impermeable shales Large response => permeable beds.

Pressure logs (400C)

To estimate flow irrigate of the bedrock which is governed by the permeability of the rock, the viscosity of the liquid and a distribution of pressure.

Down hole Video Camera (80C)

Motion pictures can be taken down to 600 m depth if the temperature is not higher than 80C. This equipment is used for studies of fractures, scaling, and casing damage hence useful in geological description.

Detects the surroundings, detect shape, formation, fractures, casing damage, and other irregularities in the well and its surroundings so useful in geological description.

Fluid Flow
The continuous flow-meter spinner is logged to obtain an overall picture of inflow zones within the borehole hence useful for fluid characterization.

1. Principles of Applied Reservoir Simulation, John R. Franchi 2. Basic applied Reservoir Simulation by T. Ertekin, Jamal H. Abou-Kassem, and G. R. King 3. ogging.ashx 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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