Multiple Intelligence: Universal Design For Learning

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Multiple Intelligence vs Universal Design for Learning

By Kathleen Braley

UDL claims to be addressing the reality of learner diversity in an educational climate of high expectations.

Howard Gardners Theory of Multiple

Intelligence suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited.

UDL claims that the solution to the problem is that traditional curriculum needs to be fixed

The theory of multiple intelligences

proposes a major transformation in the way our schools are run. It suggests that teachers be trained to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways using music, cooperative learning, art activities, role play, multimedia, field trips, inner reflection, and much more

Multiple Intelligence Type Groupings

Associated with the arts Typically valued in school Personal Intelligences Other later added categories

Category Groupings Explained

Typically valued in school
1. Linguistic 2. Logicalmathematical
Ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically

Sensitive to spoken and written language


Personal intelligences 6. Interpersonal 7. Intrapersonal

3. Musical

4. BodilyKinesthetic

5. Spatial

Added later 8. Existentialist 9. Naturalist

9 intelligences explained
Linguistic intelligence

(word smart) Logical-mathematical intelligence (number/reasoning smart) Spatial intelligence (picture smart) Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence (body smart)

Musical intelligence

(music smart) Interpersonal intelligence (people smart) Intrapersonal intelligence (self smart) Naturalist intelligence (nature smart) Existentialist (philosophically smart)

UDL claims that learner diversity is the norm

Howard Gardner agrees!! He has identified 9 categories of intelligence. The intelligences do not operate in isolation. Every normal individual possesses varying degrees of each of these intelligences. The ways in which intelligences combine and T blend are as varied as the faces and the personalities of individuals

UDL begins by examining the BROKEN curriculum in order to solve the problem
The Theory of Multiple Intelligence

focuses on attending to the different types of intelligences present in the students in order to help them learn in the manner that best suits each student

Methods for implementing the Implications of Multiple Intelligences

Gardner did not set out initially to reform

educational practices As MI became more popular, schools have adopted the theory and set it into practice Teachers are encouraged to collaborate and brainstorm when planning lessons so that all types of learners can use his/her strengths in acquiring new information

HOW TO use Multiple Intelligence in school

Attend to all intelligences not just the traditional
valued two Students need to have extended opportunities to work on a topic Develop flexible programs Multiple means of assessments Acting on the belief that diverse students can learn and succeed Reflect on what worked, what didnt and rework it for next time.


Engaged students Choices Portfolios for all students for all subjects Art centers Technology Co-teaching and collaboration Dioramas, projects, and multi-media presentations

Works Cited
e_intelligences.htm 008/04/multiple_intelligences_diagram.jpg chool.htm

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