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In an active sentence, the subject is the person or thing

that performs the action. Example: Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. When we turn this into a passive sentence, the object of the verb becomes the subject. Example: Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare

PASSIVE VOICE Object + action + place + time +(BY subject)

I am affected by the situation. You were invited to a party. The exercises will be compared My computer has been repaired at home.

ACTIVE VOICE Subject + action + place + time

The situation affected me They invited you to a party They will compare the exercises Someone has repaired my computer at home


Subject + verb + object + place +


Object + action + place + time+(BY subject)


Ellie caught the bank

robbers. Collectors buy almost everything. They will compare the exercises

The bank robbers were

caught by Ellie Almost everything is bought by the collectors The exercises will be compared

We use the passive voice because : The subject is very long :

The robbery was reported by a homeless person

spending the night at the bus station

We dont know or care who does the action.
The walls are painted white

The action itself is more important than who did it

My car has been stolen

It is obvious who did or will do something

The robbers will be found and arrested

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