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What is the Mole?

One mole is equal to the number of carbon atoms in exactly 12.00 grams of C-12: 6.02 x 1023 atoms

18 grams of H2O

1 mole of H2O

6.02 x 1023 molecules of H2O

What is the Mole?

Calculating the molar mass of an element (mg)
6.02 x 1023 atoms of Mg

40 amu 1atom of Mg

1.67 x 10-24 g* = 40.21 g 1 amu




Calculate the numbers of atoms of cesium found in 3.57 moles of cesium Calculate the numbers of atoms of cesium found in 3.57grams of cesium Calculate the mass of 4.82 x 1023 grams of cesium

What is the Mole?

Calculating the molar mass of a compound (NH4)2S
1 f.u. (NH2)2S = 2 atoms N + 4 atoms H + 1 atom S 1 mol (NH2)2S = 2 mol N + 4 mol H + 1 mol S 1 mol (NH2)2S = 2 mol N (14.01 g) + 4 mol (1.008 g) + 1 mol S (32.07g)

Calculate the mass of 4.65 moles of (NH2)2S

Calculate the numbers of atoms of nitrogen found in 3.57grams (NH2)2S

Calculate the mass of nitrogen in 3.76 x 1024 formula units of (NH2)2S

What is the Mole?

Determining the Percent Composition of Compounds
Given the compound: Al(HPO3)3 What are the percent compositions of each of the atoms from which the above compound is constructed?
Mass of Aluminum= 1 mol Al 26.9 grams mole of Al Mass of hydrogen = 3 mols H 1.01 gram = 26.9g Al

mole of H
Mass of Phosphorus = 3 mols P 30.9 gram mole of P Mass of oxygen = 9 mols O

= 3.03 H 266 g Al(HPO3)3 = 92.7 g P

16.0 gram
mole of P

= 144 g O

What is the Mole?

Determining the Percent Composition of Compounds
Given the compound: Al(HPO3)3 What are the percent compositions of each of the atoms from which the above compound is constructed? mass of Al 26.9 g Mass percent of Al: x 100 = = 10.1% 266 g mass of Al(HPO3)3 Mass percent of H: Mass percent of P:

mass of H
mass of P

x 100 = x 100 =

3.03 g 266 g 92.7 g 266 g 144 g 266 g

mass of Al(HPO3)3 mass of Al(HPO3)3 Mass percent of O: mass of O x 100 =

= 1.13% = 34.8%

mass of Al(HPO3)3

= 54.1%

What is the Mole?

Determining the Empirical Formula of a Compound Using Combustion Analysis
Combustion Analysis

0.255 g isopropyl alcohol is combusted

mass difference of H2O absorber = 0.306 g mass difference of CO2 absorber = 0.561 g

What is the Mole?

Determining the Empirical Formula of a Compound
Assume that the empirical formula for the compound is CxHyOz mass difference of H2O absorber = 0.306 g mass difference of CO2 absorber = 0.561 g grams of C: 0.561 g CO2 1 mole CO2 44 g CO2
grams of H: 0.306 g H2O 1 mole H2O 18 g H2O 12 g C 1 mole CO2 2.02 g H 1 mole H2O = 0.153g C = 0.0343 g H

grams of O: 0.255 g - 0.153 g - 0.0343 g H = 0.0677 g

What is the Mole?

Determining the Empirical Formula of a Compound
1 mol C
12 g C H: 0.0343 g H

C: 0.153 g C

= 0.0128 mol C = 0.0340 mol C

1 0.0043 1 0.0043

= 2.97 = 7.91

1 mol H
1.01 g H

O: 0.0677 g O

1 mol O 16 g O

= 0.0043 mol O

1 0.0043

= 1.00

Assume that the empirical formula for the compound is C3H8O

What is the Mole?

Determining the Empirical/Molecular Formula of a Compound
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) contains 40.92 percent C, 4.58 percent H, and 54.50 percent O by mass. What is the empirical formula of ascorbic acid?

Ethylene glycol, the substance used in automobile antifreeze, is composed of 48.7 % C, 9.7 percent H, and 51.6 percent O by mass. Its molar mass is 62.1 g/mol. (a) What is the empirical formula of ethylene glycol? (b) What is the molecular formula

What is the Mole?

Determining the Empirical/Molecular Formula of a Compound

What is the Mole?

So What is Stoichiometry?

Using Stoichiometry in the Laboratory

Suppose you are instructed by your teacher to carry out the following reaction using the indicated volumes and concentrations

Na2SO3(aq) + 2AgNO3(aq) Ag2SO3(s) + 2NaNO3(aq)

20 ml 0.12 M 20 ml 0.35 M

SO32-(aq) + 2Ag+(aq) Ag2SO3(s)

Using Conducting Stoichiometry Gravimetric in the Laboratory Analysis

20 ml 0.35 M

1.034 grams

Na2SO3(aq) + 2AgNO3(aq) Ag2SO3(s) + 2NaNO3(aq)

How many grams of silver sulfite will be produced if 20 ml of 0.35 M solution of silver nitrate is reacted with sodium sulfite
20 ml AgNO3 1.0 L 1000 ml 0.35 mol AgNO3 1 mol Ag2SO3 295.6 g Ag2SO3 1.0 L AgNO3 2 mol AgNO3 1 mol Ag2SO3

Convert from volume to moles

Pivot using mol ratio

Convert to grams

Using Conducting Stoichiometry Gravimetric in the Laboratory Analysis

20 ml 0.12 M

0.701 grams

Na2SO3(aq) + 2AgNO3(aq) Ag2SO3(s) + 2NaNO3(aq)

How many grams of silver sulfite will be produced if 20 ml of 0.12 M solution of sodium sulfite is reacted with silver nitrate
20 ml Na2SO3 1.0 L 1000 ml 0.12 mol Na2SO3 1 mol Ag2SO3 295.6 g Ag2SO3 1.0 L Na2SO3 1 mol Na2SO3 1 mol Ag2SO3

Convert from volume to moles

Pivot using mol ratio

Convert to grams

Using Conducting Stoichiometry Gravimetric in the Laboratory Analysis

1.034 grams 0.701 grams Na2SO3(aq) + 2AgNO3(aq) Ag2SO3(s) + 2NaNO3(aq)

The compound Na2SO3 is the limiting reagent in this reaction. The AgNO3 is the excess reagent. The 0.701 grams of Ag2SO3 is the theoretical yield; that is, its the mass of Ag2SO3 that ought to be produced in the laboratory if all goes well.

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