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Continuous and Discrete Time Signals


-10 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 t (ms)

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 n (samples)

Plot and step functions


plot (x,y)

stem (x,y)

Where: x - horizontal axis (vector) y vertical axis (vector) ***x and y must have the same length



>> t = 1:100; >> y = square(t,80); >> plot(t,y)

Fs = 20000; F = 1000; f = F/Fs; dc = 50; Amp = 1; t = 0:1/Fs:0.005; x = Amp*square(2*pi*F*t,dc) plot(t,x);

T = 1/1000

sawtooth(t) generates a sawtooth wave with period 2pi for the elements of time vector t.

t = -10:0.1:10; A = 1; y = A*sawtooth(t); plot(t,y);


sawtooth(t, width)
W=0 W = 0.5



t = -10:0.1:10; A = 1; w = xx ; y = A*sawtooth(t,w); plot(t,y);

If no w is included it will use a default w =1 2*pi

Fs = 20000; F = 1000; f = F/Fs; Amp = 1; t = 0:1/Fs:0.005; x = sawtooth(2*pi*F*t) plot(t,x);

T = 1/1000

t = -5:0.1:5; w = 4; y = tripuls(t,w); plot(t,y);

sinc(t) sinc(t) = sin(pi*t)/(pi*t)

t = -5:.01:5; plot(t,sinc(t))

The square wave contains a fundamental and a series of ODD HARMONICS that is harmonics which are odd number multiples of the fundamental (x3 x5 x7 etc.) These are called the 3rd harmonic, 5th harmonic etc.

The triangular wave also contains a fundamental and a series of ODD HARMONICS, but in this case, each successive harmonic component starts off in the opposite PHASE to the previous one. i.e. the 3rd harmonic starts by going positive the 5th harmonic begins by going negative, the 7thpositive and so on.

The sawtooth wave contains a fundamental and both ODD and EVEN HARMONICS.

Fs = 20000; F = 1000; f = F/Fs; t = 0:99; Amp = 5; x = Amp*sin(2*pi*f*t); stem(t,x);

Fs = 20000; F = 1000; f = F/Fs; n = 0:99; Amp =5; wnoise = 1.5 + sqrt(0.5)*randn(size(n)); x = Amp*sin(2*pi*f*n); y = wnoise+x; subplot(3,1,1);stem(n,x); subplot(3,1,2);stem(n,wnoise); subplot(3,1,3);stem(n,y);

Fs = 20000; F1 = 1000; F2 = 3000; F3 = 5000; n = 0:99; wnoise = sqrt(0.2)*randn(size(n)); x1 = sin(2*pi*n*F1/Fs); x2 = sin(2*pi*n*F2/Fs); x3 = sin(2*pi*n*F3/Fs); x4 = sin(2*pi*n*F3/Fs); s= x1 + x2 + x3 + wnoise; sf = fft(s,512); w = (0:255)/255*(Fs/2); plot(w,abs(sf(1:256)));

Fs = 20000; F1 = 1000; F2 = 3000; F3 = 5000; n = 0:99; wnoise = sqrt(0.2)*randn(size(n)); x1 = sin(2*pi*n*F1/Fs); x2 = sin(2*pi*n*F2/Fs); x3 = sin(2*pi*n*F3/Fs); x4 = sin(2*pi*n*F3/Fs); s= x1 + x2 + x3 + wnoise; sf = fft(s,512); w = (-255:255)/255*(Fs/2); plot(w,abs(sf(1:511)));

Fs = 20000; F = 1000; f = F/Fs; t = 0:1/Fs:0.005; Amp = 5; x = Amp*sin(2*pi*F*t); plot(t,x)

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