Wind Power

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By: Daniel Knop

Pros and Cons

Pros Renewable Not expensive to use Clean, alternative resource noisy Cons Hard to find an abundance of windy areas may hurt birds Wind can be inconsistent

Wind Power has been used since the ancient times as sails for boats Windmills used wind power to grind grain in the 18th and 19th century In the early 1900s, Danish scientists developed the first wind turbines that produced 5 kilowatts to 25 kilowatts. In 1978, the first turbine that produced multi- megawatt power was built by German specialists and amateurs. In the 21st century, fossil fuels are slowly running out, commercial wind power industries saw a 30% increase.

How it Works?
Wind passes through the turbines which makes it spin
Since wind is just kinetic energy, the turbines steal it

The spinning motion turns a gear which is part of a gearbox The gearbox is just set of gears to increase the speed. Then after the energy has gone through the gearbox, it is now much faster. The energy passes through a generator which creates electricity.

Generalities of wind power and turbines

Typical wind turbines is 85 meters (280 feet) off the ground the higher it is, the less buildings, trees, etc. can obstruct it Rotor blades of the turbine are generally 230 feet in diameter There are usually three blades per turbine so it can extract the most energy without losing any power. The blades need to be very large so that they can catch any speed wind and are able to multiply which will multiply the force applied. Even gentle wind could make the edges move which will push the rotor Each turbine makes around 1 megawatt It takes a thousand wind turbines to give as much power as one nuclear pant.

- Don't use different parts! 4 - 1x2x5cm ceramic magnet: Edu. Inv M-700 or R Shk #64-1877, or HFT, or CMS 1 - #30 Magnet wire 200ft, Rad. Shack 278-1345 $6.59 , or cheaper from other stores 1 - Miniature Lamp, 1.5V 25mA Rad. Sh. #272-1139 $1.29, or All. LP-3 or #48 lamp 1 - Cardboard strip, 8cm x 30.4cm 1 - Large nail, 8cm long or more Misc. - Knife or sandpaper to strip the wires Misc. - tape to hold wire down Optional: hand drill or electric drill to spin it (hand drill is best) Note: if you use different parts, then it won't work. Cheaper: 600ft wire from an open-frame solenoid from All Electronics, or Electr. Goldmine or valve from El. Goldmine, Surplus Shed (need vise-grips) Also: other sources of wire

Turns kinetic energy to electricity

How it works
Magnets create a magnetic field By moving a wire through the magnetic field, a electric current has been produced The field only stays when you move the wire pass the magnet or vice versa. To cr8eate a constant currant you need to move the wire or the magnet in a circular motion. An a/c (alternatating current) generator can use both directions for a current.

the Blade
The blade is shaped for aerodynamic reasons to get the maximum power The shape matters for how the wind can be captured Called an airfoil Most look like an uneven tear drop The more curved side generates low air pressures while high pressure air pushes on the other side of the rotor This creates lift force which is the force that turns the rotors the angle of the rotor affects how much lift force can be attained and how much drag (air resistance) there is. The angle varies depending on lift force and drag. The angle varies from the tip to root to be in the optimal position of apparent wind real wind combined with headwind(wind that blows against travel. The angle of the blade relative to the apparent wind is called the angle of attack. The angle of attack is usually 10-15 degrees The angle can be twisted to compromise for the lift involved in from root to tip to make it even. The tip can travel faster through air, so its angle can be as little as 0 degrees

Location of Wind Farms

Wind farms are generally in high, flat areas where a lot of wind comes. Can be placed onshore or offshore Iowa and Minnesota have the highest wind power percentage- over 10 percent Texas produces the most wind power China produces the most wind, followed by U.S.A. and Germany. Portugal and Denmark gets 15-20 % of all energy from wind power

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