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Present Continuous Tense

th 4 Group

Aisyah Annisaulfalah Aulia Azizah Amini Hj. Mina Hayati Siti Fatimah Sitti Chairun Nissa

Present Continuous Tense

Adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang sedang dilakukan Ex: She is reading a magazin now

Present Continuous Tense

To be Subject


Are KEYWORDS : Form Example

I He She It You We They

: : VERB + Ing reading, waiting for, swimming, etc

How to make the Sentence of Present Continuous ?

Positive :

Contoh : I am writing a letter for my grandmother. You are reading a newspaper. He is waiting for you. Negative :
S + to be + Not + V-ing

S + to be + V-ing

Contoh : I am not writing a letter for my grandmother. You are not reading a newspaper. He is not waiting for you. Introgative : To be + S + V-ing ?

Contoh : Am I writing a letter for my grandmother? Are you reading a newspaper? Is he waiting for you?

In active voice + ) S + is / are /am + V-ing + O example : She is eating a fried chicken. - ) S + is / are / am + not + V-ing + O example : She is not eating a fried chicken ? ) Is / are / am + S + V-ing + O ? example : Is she eating a fried chicken ?

In Passive Voice
+) S + is/are/am + being + past pasticiple form of the verb + by + O example : The fried chicken is being eaten by her. S + is/are/am + not + being + past pasticiple form of the verb + by + O example : The fried chicken is not being eaten by her. is/are/am + S + being + past pasticiple form of the verb + by + O ? example : Is the fried chicken being eaten by her ?



B.Usage 1. Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung pada saat berbicara. Contoh : Look ! They are still playing football in the field. (= Lihat ! Mereka masih bermain sepak bola di lapangan) I am waiting for the train. (= Saya sedang menunggu kereta api )

2. Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang masih aktif dikerjakan di masa sekarang. Contoh : Right now my uncle is working at a hospital. (= Sekarang ini paman ku berkerja di Rumah Sakit)
3. Digunakan untuk persiapan tertentu yang akan segera dilaksanakan dimasa yang akan datang. Contoh : She is leaving this village tonight. (= Dia (pr) akan segera meninggalkan desa malam ini juga)

C. Time Signal
Now Today This morning Still Right now At present At this moment = = = = = = = sekarang hari ini pagi ini masih sekarang ini (spoken English) sekarang ini (written English) pada saat ini

D.Note Tidak semua kalimat dalam Present Continous Tense menggunakan kata tambah ing. Berikut ini terdapat beberapa kata kerja dalam kalimat yang menyatakan Present Continous Tense (sedang berlangsung). a) To Be I am hungry. He is at home. You are so beautiful. b) Senses (berhubungan dengan panca indera) Hear = I hear a noise in this class. Taste = This meal tastes spicy. Smell = This flower smells good. See = I see some children in the park. (Kecuali : look, kiss, watch )

5) Attitude (sikap)
Want Like Prefer Need Dislike Love Hate Appreciate Look Seem Appear = = = = = = = = = = = I want this food. Do you like to go now ? We prefer to sing an English song. We need some books. I dislike a lizard. I love my parents. She hates a papaya. I appreciate their helps. Robert looks angry. My father seem to be a nice person. She appears very beautiful.

**Do you understand ? ( bukan : Are you understanding ?) I have a camera. ( bukan : I am having a camera)

Billahi fii sabilil haq fastabiqul khairat Wassalamualaikum ..

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