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Prof Dr Monica Pop, Dr Bianca Domokos

Pletismograful: camera de dimensiunile unei cabine telefonice pacientul este in pozitie sezanda si va respira prin intermediul unui pneumatograph este utilizat pentru a determina modificarile volumului tooracic


ce pacientul a intrat in cabina usa va fi inchisa etans Sunt necesare aprox 2 minute pentru ca presiunea atmosferica din cabina sa se echilibreze pe masura ce aerul se incalzeste si umezeste datorita respiratiei pacientului Dupa acesta perioada initiala aerul din cabina este degajat in exterior prin intermediul unei valve


este rugat sa-si respire prin intermediul spirometrului Este aezat in pozitie sezandaa, cu capul si gatul in pozitie neutra A masuratore completa are 3 etape: initial se determina rezistenta cailor aeriene(sRaw) se determina volumul toracic(TGV) spirometrie normala

Indications for Whole-body Plethysmography (Adapted from Respir Care.2) Diagnosis of restrictive lung disease Measurement of lung volumes to distinguish between restrictive and obstructive processes Evaluation of obstructive lung diseases, such as bullous emphysema and cystic fibrosis, that may produce artifactually low results if measured using other methods Measurement of lung volumes when multiple repeated trials are required or when the subject is unable to perform multibreath tests Evaluation of resistance to airflow Determination of the response to bronchodilators, as reflected in changes in airway resistance, airway conductance, and thoracic gas volume Determination of bronchial hyperreactivity in response to methacholine, histamine, or isocapnic hyperventilation, as reflected in changes in thoracic gas volume, airway resistance, and airway conductance Follow-up assessment of the course of disease and response to treatment


cu dementa, stare confuzionala, Alterarea coordonarii Afectiuni ce impiedica pacientul sa intre in cabina pletismografului Pacientii ce necesita oxigenoterapie continua Claustrofobie

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