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Sustainable Buildings:

Planning and performance of the built environment

Process of Building Design

Structure Materials

Building Environment Studies





Healthy buildings
Conservation Ecocycles Place
Materials Construction methods Systems Implementation Heating and cooling Lightning efficiency Clean water Waste Renewable heat Renewable eletricity Sewage Vegetation and cultivation Adaptation to natural surroundings Sociality Existing buildings People

Softwares Physical and digital Prototypes Experiments

Autodesk Ecotec Analysis Program used to analyse studies of comfort, efficiency energy, and ecosolutions

Physical and Digital prototypes simulating eco building systems.

Testing chamber acoustics Laboratory of Environmental Comfort and Sustainability of buildings: study materials for correct application works


Heating and cooling Comfort Building Efficiency

Energy is lost from a house through the roof, walls, floors, windows, doors and from exhaust air and waste water. In addition, energy is needed to heat the cold water and fresh air taken into the house.

A house is heated by several different heat sources: body warmth, solar heat coming in through windows, and utilization of waste heat from electricity and hot water use. The rest of the heating requirements are supplied by the buildings heating system.

Architectural planning, Sun orientation chart and engine investigations, measurements in situ, are some provisions to comfort studies to EcoBuildings.

Architectural solutions such as Brise Soleils are used in bulding to improve the efficiency

In Harare, Zimbabwe's capital, there is a green building that has its high point in a sustainable somewhat normal inspiration: termites. In fact, the Eastgate Centre - a leisure center and offices - uses the principles of biomimetics to achieve energy savings.

Assembleia Paraense Project by the architect Milton Monte who was an reference in architecture regional for environment


BOKALDERS, Varis; BLOCK, Maria. The Whole Building HandBook: How to Design Healthy, Efficient and Sustainable Buildings. London; Sterling, VA: Earthscan, 2010. CORBELLA, Oscar; YANNAS, Simos. Em busca de uma arquitetura sustentvel para os trpicos: conforto ambiental. Rio de Janeiro: Revan, 2003.

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