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Lecture #06

ETABS - 2nd TUTORIAL Setting up the Model.

Starting ETABS.

You will be prompted with a dialog box asking whether you want to import existing definitions. This tutorial starts from scratch, so click the No button.

Define the Grid.

Next, you will be asked to define the grid layout and story information for your model. - Change the units to Kip-ft; - Select Uniform Grid Spacing - Type 9 for the number of lines in the x direction and 9 for the number of lines in the y direction. - Type 12.5 for the spacing in the x direction and 12.5 for the spacing in the y direction. - Select Simple Story Data - Type 8 for the Number of Stories. - Type 9.5 for the Typical Story Height. - Type 14 for the Bottom Story

Plan View / 3D View.

Your screen should show one window with a grid plan view of your model and one window with a grid 3D view of your model. Make sure the Kip-in is selected as your units in the lower right hand side of the window. Now is a good time to save your model, so click on the File/Save and find a suitable location for your file.

Define the Materials.

Next, we will define the materials used in the model. 4 ksi, 6 ksi, and 8 ksi concrete will be used. The three materials will be defined in successive steps. Click Material Properties from the Define pull down menu. Click Add New Material

Define the 4 ksi concrete.

Type CONC4 for the Material Name. Select Isotropic for the Type of Material. Type 2.246E-7 for the Mass per unit Volume. Type 8.680E-5 for the Weight per unit Volume. Type 3640 for the Modulus of Elasticity. Type 0.2 for Poissons Ratio. Type 5.5E-6 for the Coeff of Thermal Expansion. Select Concrete for the Type of Design. Type 4 for fc. Type 60 for fy Type 60 for fys. Click OK

Define the 6 ksi concrete.

Click Add New Material Type CONC6 for the Material Name. Select Isotropic for the Type of Material. Type 2.246E-7 for the Mass per unit Volume. Type 8.680E-7 for the Weight per unit Volume. Type 4226 for the Modulus of Elasticity. Type 0.2 for Poissons Ratio.

Type 5.5E-6 for the Coeff of Thermal Expansion. Select Concrete for the Type of Design. Type 6 for fc. Type 60 for fy Type 60 for fys.

Define the 8 ksi concrete.

Type CONC8 for the Material Name. Select Isotropic for the Type of Material. Type 2.246E-7 for the Mass per unit Volume. Type 8.680E-5 for the Weight per unit Volume. Type 4720 for the Modulus of Elasticity. Type 0.2 for Poissons Ratio. Type 5.5E-6 for the Coeff of Thermal Expansion. Select Concrete for the Type of Design. Type 8 for fc. Type 60 for fy Type 60 for fys.

Define the columns.

Next, we will define the concrete columns used in the model. 14x22 4 ksi, 18x22 6 ksi, and 18x32 8 ksi columns will be used. The three concrete materials defined in the previous step will be used to define the columns.

Click Define/Frame Sections from the pull down menu.

Select A-GravCol from the Properties.

Select Add Rectangular.

Define the 14x22 4 ksi column.

Type 14x22C4 as the Section Name. Select CONC4 as the Material. Type 14 for the Depth. Type 22 for Width. Let ETABS select the type of reinforcement for this model. Click OK.

Define the 18x22 6 ksi column.

The Define Frame Properties should still be visible. If it is not visible, simply click Frame Sections from the Define pull down menu. Select A-GravCol from the Properties. Select Add Rectangular.

Continue defining the 18x22 6 ksi column.

Type 18x22C6 as the Section Name. Select CONC6 as the Material. Type 18 for the Depth. Type 22 for Width. Let ETABS select the type of reinforcement for this model. Click OK

Define the 18x32 8 ksi column.

The Define Frame Properties should still be visible. If it is not visible, simply click Frame Sections from the Define pull down menu. Select A-GravCol from the Properties. Select Add Rectangular.

Continue defining the 18x32 8 ksi column.

Type 18x32C8 as the Section Name. Select CONC8 as the Material. Type 18 for the Depth. Type 32 for Width. Let ETABS select the type of reinforcement for this model. Click OK

Define the Shearwalls.

Next, define the concrete shearwalls used in the model. 4ksi, 6ksi, 8ksi shearwalls will be used. The three concrete materials defined earlier in the tutorial will be used to define the shearwalls. Click Wall/Slab/Deck Sections from the Define pull down menu. Select Add New Wall from the Click to: menu.

Define the 4 ksi shearwall.

Type WallC4 as the Section Name. Select CONC4 as the Material. Type 12 for the Membrane Thickness. Type 12 for the Bending Thickness. Select Shell as the Type. Click OK.

Define the 6 ksi shearwall.

The Define Frame Properties should still be visible. If it is not visible, simply click Wall/Slab/Deck Sections from the Define pull down menu. Select Add New Wall from the Click to: menu.

Continue to define the 6 ksi shearwall.

Type WallC6 as the Section Name. Select CONC6 as the Material. Type 12 for the Membrane Thickness. Type 12 for the Bending Thickness. Select Shell as the Type. Click OK.

Define the 8 ksi shearwall.

The Define Frame Properties should still be visible. If it is not visible, simply click Wall/Slab/Deck Sections from the Define pull down menu. Select Add New Wall from the Click to: menu.

Continue to define the 8 ksi shearwall.

Type WallC8 as the Section Name. Select CONC8 as the Material. Type 12 for the Membrane Thickness. Type 12 for the Bending Thickness. Select Shell as the Type. Click OK.

Edit the story data and relationships.

Now, set up the story relationship to aid us in the development of the model.

Relationships between stories are used to efficiently draw elements on similar stories.
Select Edit Story Data from the Edit pull down menu.

Continue to edit the story data and relationships.

Set STORY8, STORY6, and STORY3 as a Master Story by selection Yes from the Master Story Column.
Set STORY7 as similar to STORY8. Set STORY5 and STORY4 as Similar to STORY6. Set STORY2 and STORY1 as Similar to STORY3. Click OK

Adjust the grid.

Now adjust the grid lines to remove the letter I to avoid confusing it with the number 1 and set additional gridlines. Select Edit Grid from the Edit pull down menu. Click the Modify/Show System button on the Coordinate Systems dialog box.

Adjust the X-grid.

Select X Grid from the Display menu.
Select Kip-ft from the Units menu.

Replace the letter I with the letter J.

Add a new gridline in the X Grid by typing A.1 as the Grid ID and 6.5 as the Coordinate.

Adjust the YGrid.

Select Y Grid from the Display menu. Select Kip-ft from the Units menu.

Add a new gridline in the Y Grid by typing 1.1 as the Grid ID and 6.5 as the Coordinate.
Click OK. Now is a good time to save your model, so click on the File/Save.

Activate the Similar Stories Command.

Now activate the Similar Stories Command so that elements drawn on the master stories will be automatically drawn on similar stories . Select Similar Stories from the pull down menu located near the bottom right hand corner of the ETABS screen.

Master the 3rd Story Plan View.

Click the Plan View button.

Select Story 3 . Remember that we will place our elements on the master stories and ETABS will automatically replicate the elements on the similar stories. Click OK.

Select the 18x32C8 columns.

Click the Create Column button .

Select 18x32C8 from the Properties of Object dialog box.

Place the 18x32C8 columns.

Place the columns as shown in the Plan View Window grid by left clicking the mouse. Notice that columns are automatically drawn on stories 1 and 2 as shown by the 3D View Window.

Master the 6th story Plan View.

Click the Plan View button.

Select Story 6 . Remember that we will place our elements on the master stories and ETABS will automatically replicate the elements on the similar stories. Click OK

Select the 18x22C6 columns.

Click the Create Column button .

Select 18x22C6 from the Properties of Object dialog box.

Place the 18x22C6 columns.

Place the columns as shown in the Plan View Window grid by left clicking the mouse. Notice that columns are automatically drawn on stories 4 and 5 as shown by the 3D View Window.

Master the 8th story Plan View.

Click the Plan View button.

Select Story 8 . Remember that we will place our elements on the master stories and ETABS will automatically replicate the elements on the similar stories.
Click OK.

Select the 14x22C4 columns.

Click the Create Column button.

Select the 14x22C4 from the Properties of Object dialog box.

Place the 14x22C4 columns.

Place the columns as shown in the Plan View Window grid by left clicking the mouse. Notice that columns are automatically drawn on story 7 as shown by the 3D View Window.

Master the 3rd story Plan View.

We will now place the shearwalls for our model by using a procedure similar to the procedure used to place the columns. Click the Plan View button.

Select Story 3 . Remember that we will place our elements on the master stories and ETABS will automatically replicate the elements on the similar stories. Click OK

Select the WALLC8 shearwall.

Click the Create Walls in Region button . Select WALLC8 from the Properties of Object dialog box.

Click the Snap to Node button to turn of the snap feature. This is done to allow you to click between nodes.

Place the 8 ksi shearwalls.

Place the shearwalls as shown in the Plan View Window grid by left clicking the mouse between intersecting points. For example, click the point that is along line 6 between line A.1 and B to draw one portion of the wall. Use this procedure to draw all portions of the shearwalls. Notice that shearwalls are automatically drawn on stories 1 and 2 as shown by the 3D View Window.

Master the 6th story Plan View.

Click the Plan View button. Select Story 6 . Remember that we will place our elements on the master stories and ETABS will automatically replicate the elements on the similar stories. Click OK

Select the WALLC6 shearwall.

Click the Create Walls in Region button . Select WALLC6 from the Properties of Object dialog box.

Place the 6 ksi shearwalls.

Place the shearwalls as shown in the Plan View Window grid by left clicking the mouse between intersecting points. For example, click the point that is along line 6 between line A.1 and B to draw one portion of the wall. Use this procedure to draw all portions of the shearwalls. Notice that shearwalls are automatically drawn on stories 4 and 5 as shown by the 3D View Window.

Master the 8th story Plan View.

Click the Plan View button.

Select Story 8 . Remember that we will place our elements on the master stories and ETABS will automatically replicate the elements on the similar stories. Click OK.

Select the WALLC4 shearwall.

Click the Create Walls in Region button . Select WALLC6 from the Properties of Object dialog box.

Place the 4 ksi shearwalls.

Place the shearwalls as shown in the Plan View Window grid by left clicking the mouse between intersecting points. For example, click the point that is along line 6 between line A.1 and B to draw one portion of the wall. Use this procedure to draw all portions of the shearwalls. Notice that shearwalls are automatically drawn on story 7 as shown by the 3D View Window.

Set the Building View Options.

Now is a good time to save your model, so click on the File/Save. Now adjust the model to view options. Select the Set Building View Options from the View pull down menu. Click the Object Fill and Extrusion check boxes. Click OK.

3D Model View
The 3D view of your model should have extruded filled-in elements. Sometimes view changes are not updated automatically. You may have to save the file and exit ETABS. Then restart ETABS to get the updated view.
Now is a good time to save your model, so click on the File/Save.

Next, Tutorial 2 - Place floor slabs and apply Dead, Live, Wind and Seismic loads. Tutorial 3 - Analyze load results.

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