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Starbucks Coffee

STARBUCKS; the simple lifestyle

Presenter: Kuo Tai Wei

Company background
Operated by Berjaya Starbucks Coffee Company Sdn. Bhd Joint venture with Berjaya Group Berhad. 1st outlet opened on 17th December 1998 >140 outlets on January 2012.

Company background
An international brand, company name and quality can be believed. Receive friendly, attentive service and quality coffee recommendations

Company background
Hot and cold beverages Packaged food items, hot and cold sandwiches WIFI

Situation Analysis
A kind of drinks that can fresh you when tired. A well known coffee shop among teenagers and working adults. A branded coffee and provide the better quality of drinks. Teenagers and the working adults like to go Starbucks because of the environment.

SWOT Analysis
Brand establishment, high-end atmosphere with an affluent customer base Strong loyalty customer Provides quick services

SWOT Analysis
pricing/utility Negative publicity Coffee beans price is the major influence over firms profits

SWOT Analysis
Hard working lifestyle is a factor that drive people drink more coffee To extend supplier network. Increase product offerings

SWOT Analysis
Rising prices of coffee beans and dairy products Trademark infringements Healthy food and organic trend Recession

Product Concept

Product Concept
Product Position Represent to coffee. The symbol of coffee in peoples mind. Starbucks build the reputation in peoples mind with the high quality coffee and the clearly explanation of the bean of coffee.

Product Differentiation Main competitor Coffee Bean Same selling point. The choices of products. Both of the products are import from foreign country. High quality coffee bean.

Classification Branded in society. Higher cost. Better quality.

Packaging Original color Green and White Green represent to Natural and Peaceful. Natural color can make consumers feel comfortable. Launch more design of mugs. Can bring along their drinks into some places that not allow any outside foods and beverages.

Save cost. Save environment.

Branding A brand that represent to social communication. Enjoy the chatting with friends in a nice environment while having a STABUCKS. Relate to friendship. We will interactive with our friends and also meet some new friends.

Target Audience

Relationship of target audience and target market 40% from young adult 49% from adult 2% from kids and teenagers

Prospective buying influence Taste good Environments and services Reputation

Civilian Drive-thru available Affordable price

Demographic Segmentation College students from age 18 to 24 Adults from age 25 to 40

Psychographics (lifestyle) Refresh working people during a busy day Relaxation for teenagers

Behavioural Segmentation Does not affect Starbucks much. People are still willing to pay to enjoy a good quality of coffee.

Prioritization of target audience Primary Adults age from 25 to 40. Deal business with client or partner.

Prioritization of target audience Secondary Young adults age from 18 to 24. Provide network and nice environment.

Prioritization of target audience Supplementary Kids and teenagers age from 13 to 17. Steamed milk for kids, hang out place for teenagers.

Communication Media

Communication Media
Traditional Media Television Other Media Interactive Direct Response Supplemental Media Sales promotion device

Advertising Message

Advertising Message
Copy elements (Verbal) Advertising Appeals
Starbucks Coffee has many advertisements to increase the Starbucks Coffee company reputation and promote the products. Starbucks Coffee is used the graphics, animate and music to influence consumers personal feeling, to make consumers have the same feeling.

Advertising Message
Copy Platform
STARBUCKS; the simple of lifestyle enjoy our life while enjoy Starbucks Coffee enjoy our concept store
concise concept to produce the advertisement competitors range from other coffee brand such as Coffee Bean

Advertising Message
Art Elements (Nonverbal) Visual Appeals 1. In advertisements & commercials
Starbucks Coffee is rank of advertisements According to the target consumers of the media advertising purpose is to create a casual Starbucks appear beside you feeling

Advertising Message
2. In Packaging
auditory and visual effect storyline also key point create a casual Starbucks appear beside you feeling

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