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Materi kuliah GD4103 Fotogrametri II, Semester II-2012/2013

Chapter 2D_AT_Strip

Aero-Triangulation (AT)
Compiled & developed by Saptomo H Mertotaroeno, Ir., M.Sc.

KK Inderaja & Sains Informasi Geografis Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian Institut Teknologi Bandung

Strip Formation Strip Deformation after Strip Formation Process The Schuts Polynomial Adjustment Methods Performace of Polynomial Adjustment


7/22/2013 7:42 PM Aero-Triangulation (2A), SHM 2

Sequential Strip Formation in Analog Instrument (Multiplex)

7/22/2013 7:42 PM

Aero-Triangulation (2A), SHM

Sequential Construction of a Strip Model from Independent Models (Strip Formation)

(a).Three adjacent relatively oriented stereo-models. (b).Individual arbitrary (horizontal) coordinate systems of three adjacent stereo-models. (c).Continuous strip of stereo-models formed by numerically joining the individual arbitrary coordinate systems into one system.
The strip coordinate system (X1 , Y1) is coincide with coordinate system of model-1.
7/22/2013 7:42 PM Aero-Triangulation (2A), SHM 4

Sequential Construction of a Strip Model from Independent Models (Strip Formation)

(strip coord. system)

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Aero-Triangulation (2A), SHM

Strip Deformation after Strip Formation Process

During the process of tying each successive model in the strip to the one before it, systematic errors in the image coordinates accumulate to warp the strip. Those deformations are corrected by polynomial adjustment methods.

One set of equations is solved for the planimetric (X, Y) coordinates, while another models the Z transformation.
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The Schuts Polynomial Adjustment Methods (1)

Developed at the National Research Council of Canada, uses :
conformal polynomials for the planimetric adjustment, and a separate polynomial for the vertical adjustment.
x x a1 a3 x a4 y a5 ( x 2 y 2 ) 2a6 xy a7 ( x 3 3xy 2 ) a8 ( 3x 2 y y 3 ) ... y y a2 a4 x a3 y a6 ( x 2 y 2 ) 2a5 xy a7 ( 3x 2 y y 3 ) a8 ( x 3 3x 2 y ) ... z z b0 2b2 x 2b1 y c1 x 2 c2 x 3 c3 x 4 d1 xy d2 x 2 y d3 x 3 y d4 x 4 y e1 y 2 e2 xy 2

(8 parameters/strip for planimetric adjustment, and 12 parameters/strip for vertical adjustment)

The coefficients of the polynomials are computed after first scaling and translating (no rotation) the strip coordinates into the world coordinate system.
7/22/2013 7:42 PM Aero-Triangulation (2A), SHM 7

The Schuts Polynomial Adjustment Methods (2)

Strip 1

Strip 2


If a block adjustment is to be performed, each strip is adjusted sequentially, using adjusted tie points from the previous strip, until the adjustments between strips become negligible. Once the adjustment is completed, the adjusted world coordinates of the tie points are computed, and these point are used to set up stereomodels for map compilation.

Titik kontrol tanah Titik ikat (tie point)

Polynomial Adjustment

Strip 2

Strip 3

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Aero-Triangulation (2A), SHM

Performance of Polynomial Adjustment

Polynomial adjustment is computationally economical, since only the polynomial coefficients must be computed.
This method was therefore well suited to the limited computational power available in the early 1960s.

However, its accuracy is low since the image geometry is not directly modeled and only gross effects can be corrected. Polynomial adjustment is no longer used in practice, other than occasionally to generate tie point coordinate approximations for a bundle adjustment,
since the cost of the computational power required for a more accurate bundle adjustment is much less than that of the additional control points required to obtain satisfactory results with polynomial methods.
7/22/2013 7:42 PM Aero-Triangulation (2A), SHM 9

Materi kuliah GD4103 Fotogrametri II, Semester II-2012/2013

To be continued to
Chapter 2E_AT_IMT

Aero-Triangulation (AT)
Compiled & developed by Saptomo H Mertotaroeno, Ir., M.Sc.

KK Inderaja & Sains Informasi Geografis Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian Institut Teknologi Bandung

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