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The ongoing process of systematic planning to achieve

optimum use of an organization's most valuable asset its human resources. The objective of human resource (HR) planning is to ensure the best fit between employees and jobs, while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses.

Economic and Governmental Factors Competitive Evaluations

Changing workforce considerations

Current and Future jobs audit
Employee and Organizational Capabilities Inventory

HR Forecasting
Forecasting uses information from the past and present to identify expected future conditions. Forcasting Periods: 1. short range 2. intermediate 3. long range

Forecasting the Need for Human Resources (Demand) The demand for employees can be calculated on an organization-wide basis and/or calculated based on the needs of individual units in the organization

Forecasting Availability of Human Resources (Supply)

Forecasting the availability of human resources considers both external and internal supplies. 1. External: The external supply of potential employees available to the organization needs to be estimated on the basis of extensive use of government labor force population estimates, trends in the industry etc. 2. Internal: It considers that employees move from their current jobs into other jobs through promotions, lateral moves, and terminations. Also, it considers that the internal supply is influenced by training and development programs, transfer and promotion policies, and retirement policies, among other factors

There are number of techniques of estimating/ forecasting human resources demand: (a)Managerial Judgement (b)Work Study Technique (c)Ratio-trend Analysis (d)Econometric Models (e)Delphi Model (f) Other Techniques

Employee Retention

a business to maintain a working environment which supports current staff in remaining with the company.
Policies are aimed at addressing the

various needs of employees to enhance their job satisfaction and reduce the substantial costs involved in hiring and training new staff.

Employee Retention Model

Stimulating Work Variety of assignments Autonomy to make decisions

Leadership Develop the capabilities of others Motivate and recognize contributions

Recognition & Reward Say "Thank you" for a job well done Create an emphasis and focus on recognition

Employee Turnover
In human resource context, turnover or staff

turnover is the rate at which an employer gains and loses employees.

Simple ways to describe it are "how long employees

tend to stay" or "the rate of traffic through the revolving door".

Employee Turnover Calculation

Employee turnover is equal to the number of

employees leaving, divided by the average total number of employees, multiplied by 100 (in order to give a percentage value). The number of employees leaving and the total number of employees are measured over one calendar year.

Every companies HR planning is different as in

according to the need and requirement of an organization. HR planning at TCS comprises of various procedures, to select the most appropriate candidate for their job. We met one of the HR of TCS Mrs. Ariella , she heads the recruitment team. We asked her the following questions for our research work :-

What is HR planning according to you? How do you plan the whole thing?

Benefits of HR planning.
Job Description, Job analysis and Job enrichment You have to select according to the job profile given to

you, so how do you select the appropriate candidate? If the appropriate candidate is hard to find , in that case what is the procedure?

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