Structured Essay Questions

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Structured Essay Questions

What is it?
A structured essay question seeks for a structured answer from students regarding the topic that they have been taught. It is called structured because students are expected to structure arguments to answer questions with the information that they have learnt. This means that SEQ does not merely test on your memory but your ability to formulate arguments based on what you know.

Structured Essay Questions Breakdown

(a) Why did... (4m) (b) How did...(4m) (c) Do you agree... (7m) (2 sets of each. You should not spend more than half an hour for each set.)

SEQ Answering Format

For the Why did and How did type of questions, you can use the following format P Point E Evidence (Historical evidence to support your argument) E Elaboration (Show how is the evidence related to the point) P/L Point/ Link (Show how point answers the topic in question)

1. How did Parameswara establish the foundation for Malacca to become a great trading port? [4m]

Point Parameswara was able to take steps to make Malacca an attractive port for traders. Evidence and Elaboration Parameswara formed a friendship with China in order to protect Malacca from its enemies and thus made Malacca a safe port. In addition, he also appointed syahbandars to look after the needs of the foreign traders who stopped in Malacca. Later, he married a Muslim princess from Pasai in Northern Sumatra and converted to Islam, this attracted many Indian-Muslim and Arab traders to set up their trading headquarters in Malacca.

Link Thus by taking these steps, Parameswara was able to lay the foundations for Malacca to become a great trading port.

SEQ Answering Format

PEEP or PEEL twice to get the highest marks (4m). Start a new paragraph when you PEEP/ PEEL the second time.

Do you agree Answering Format If you agree...

If you disagree...
1. I agree with the statement that ...... 2. PEEL (Given factor/ reason in the question) 3. PEEL (A different factor/reason) 4. Conclusion Reiterate your stand and explain why. 1. I disagree with the statement that ...... 2. PEEL (Given factor/ reason in the question) 3. PEEL (A different factor/ Reason) 4. Conclusion Reiterate your stand and explain why.

Question: Do you agree that Ancient Indians contribution to the world was only in the area of scientific inventions?

Format of answering Do you agree questions

Stating your stand: Agree or disagree First PEEL (Given factor or reason in the question) Second PEEL(A different factor or reason)


Stating your stand

I disagree that ancient Indians contribution to the world was only in the area of scientific inventions.

First PEEL (about the given factor/reason in the question)

Your first PEEL should be about the factor or reason given in the question. The question is Do you agree that Ancient Indians contribution to the world was only in the area of scientific inventions?
So, you need to talk about Ancient Indians contribution to the world in the area of scientific inventions in your first PEEL.

First PEEL
Point: The Indians made contributions to the world in the area of scientific inventions. Evidence and Elaboration: They contributed to the world by inventing the concepts of pi, zero and decimal system during the Gupta period. The mathematical inventions in turn led to discoveries in astronomy, which is the scientific study of stars and planets. In fact, during the Gupta period, astronomers had already asserted that the earth is round. Link: The scientific inventions of mathematical concept was a great contribution to the world as this system, which is still used today, allows faster calculation compared to the use of Roman numerals and the decimal system also allows more accurate calculation of sums and numbers.

Second PEEL (a different factor/reason)

After the first PEEL on the given factor/reason, you need to provide a second PEEL that is different from the first.
Since your first PEEL is on Ancient Indians contribution to the scientific area, your second PEEL should be on their contributions to the arts.

Second PEEL
Point: However, Indians also made contributions in the area of arts.
Evidence and Elaboration: They produced great literary works such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata. These works are considered as great contributions to the world as they are still told and enjoyed by many even till today. In fact, countries in SEA have also re-adapted the Ramayana and produced dances and dramas from it. Link: These works of art contributed to the worlds understanding of not just Indian art but to religions of the people as well.

I disagree that ancient Indians contribution to the world was only in the area of scientific inventions, their contributions in the area of art should never go unnoticed as well. However, Indians scientific inventions were more significant as it has benefited almost everyone in the world who studies Mathematics or in need of plastic surgery. As for art, it probably only interests the selected ones and even its literary works were only popular and adapted in India and SEA.

Another look at the structure

Stating your stand e.g. I disagree that ancient Indians contribution to the world was only in the area of scientific inventions. First PEEL: (Agree or disagree) e.g. The Indians made contributions to the world in the area of scientific inventions Second PEEL: (Agree or disagree) e.g. However, Indians also made contributions in the area of arts

Conclusion: I disagree that ancient Indians contribution to the world was only in the area of scientific inventions, their contributions in the area of art should never go unnoticed as well.

How do you craft your conclusion?

Shouldnt be just a repetition of I disagree with this statement or I agree with this statement.
Should encompass a coherent argument.

Question: Do you agree that Ancient Indians contribution to the world was only in the area of scientific inventions?
Conclusion: I disagree that ancient Indians contribution to the world was only in the area of scientific inventions, their contributions in the area of art should never go unnoticed as well. However, Indians scientific inventions were more significant as it has benefited almost everyone in the world who studies Mathematics or in need of plastic surgery. As for art, it probably only interests the selected ones and even its literary works were only popular and adapted in India and SEA.

You repeat your stand

I disagree that ancient Indians contribution to the world was only in the area of scientific inventions, their contributions in the area of art should never go unnoticed as well.
You bring in the other point you gave.

However, Indians scientific inventions were more significant as it has benefited almost everyone in the world who studies Mathematics
Despite disagreeing, you show that you recognise the importance of the given factor.

As for art, it probably only interests the selected ones and even its literary works were only popular and adapted in India and SEA.
And you mention how does the contribution you gave compare to the given contribution

How did coastal villages in Southeast Asia develop into port cities? (4m) Why did archaeologists believe that there was a system of government in ancient Mohenjo-daro and Harappa? (4m) Do you agree that Qin Shihuangs contribution to the Chinese civilization was only in the unification of China? (7m)

How did coastal villages in Southeast Asia develop into port cities? (4m)
Point: Coastal villages in Southeast Asia developed into port cities because of maritime trade Elaboration/Example: Coastal villages in Southeast Asia developed rapidly as maritime trade between India and China increased after 200 BCE. Traders sailing between India and China made the coastal villages their resting places and a healthy population of traders and locals began to develop. Link: The influx of traders from India and China helped the coastal villages in Southeast Asia develop into port cities. Point: Southeast Asian villages offered unique Southeast Asian products. Elaboration/Example: These included coral and dried fish which traders could bring back to China and India. Link: In this way, some of the coastal villages developed into port cities as trade flourished between the locals and foreign traders.

Why did archaeologists believe that there was a system of government in ancient Mohenjo-daro and Harappa? (4m)
Point: Archaeologists established that there was a system of government in ancient Mohenjo-daro and Harappa because of discovery of the ruins of the cities.
Elaboration/Example: The ruins of the cities indicated that these places were extremely well-planned. Streets were lined and orderly and there was proper drainage system. Link: To build a city of such scale, it required the efficiency of a government to plan and organize. Therefore, the archaeologists could establish that there was a system of government in ancient Mohenjo-daro and Harappa.

Point: Archaeologists also established that there was a system of government in ancient Mohenjo-daro and Harappa due to the presence of public works.
Elaboration/Example: Public works such as granary and citadel indicated that there was government in both cities. Link: Public works can only be undertaken by the government to provide for the people not just in times of peace but danger as well. It is thus apparent that there was a system of government in ancient Mohenjodaro and Harappa.

Do you agree that Qin Shihuangs contribution to the Chinese civilization was only in the unification of China? (7m)
Stand: I disagree with the statement that Qin Shihuangs contribution to the Chinese civilization was only the unification of China.
Point: Qin Shihuang contributed to the Chinese civilization by unifying China. Elaboration/Example: In 221 BCE, with his superior army and weapons, successfully defeated all the other six states and unified the entire China. This unification also marked an end to feudalism and introduced centralized rule under one emperor. Link: The unification of China under Qin Shihuang was a contribution to the Chinese civilization because he brought civil wars in China to an end and restored peace in the country. The current demarcation of China can also be attributed to Qin Shihuangs unification.

Do you agree that Qin Shihuangs contribution to the Chinese civilization was only in the unification of China? (7m)
Point: Qin Shihuang also contributed to the Chinese civilization by standardizing measures, currency and writing system.
Elaboration/Example: After unifying China, Qin Shihuang initiated a series of policies to help him run the country smoothly. Besides, law, standard measures and coins were also introduced throughout the whole empire. The different forms of writing that existed at that time were abolished and a single script was introduced.

Link: Standardization was a major contribution to the Chinese civilization. Firstly, the script is still used today. Secondly, before unification, the people had never seen themselves as belonging to a single Chinese empire. These measures helped to create a sense of unity amongst the people. Furthermore, his system of governance was also copied and used by subsequent dynasties which saw the beneficial side to it

Do you agree that Qin Shihuangs contribution to the Chinese civilization was only in the unification of China? (7m)
Conclusion: The unification of China was not the only contribution of Qin Shihuang. However, it was still one of the most important contribution especially to the people living in China then. Had he failed, China would still be war-torn, life would still be unstable and more people would suffer.

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