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Enron Corporate Control

Managerial Economics Professor Howard DAVIES

D1: What has the Enron case showed about the problems of corporate control?
Presenters: Cary Cheung Christie Cheung Rita Chung Ryan Chan

Date: Sept 30, 2002

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control


Introduction to Corporate Control Background of Enron Corporation The Story of Bankruptcy Reasons for Bankruptcy Problems of Corporate Control Reforms Conclusion

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Nominal Corporate Structure

Shareholders Audit Committee Auditor

Board of Director

Senior Manager

Executive Non-Executive Directors Directors

Company Staff
Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Ownership VS Control?


Senior Manager

Senior managers seek for max profit? Looking for significant discretion? Is there any Control mechanism?
Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Importance of Corporate Control

Market Corporate Control is the market for voting shares, which give ultimate control value of a firms stock = value of the stream of future profits

Market Corporate Control should prevent managers from being lazy or pursuing objectives other than maximizing the organizations profit

Important and powerful mechanisms

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Rise and Fall of an Energy Giant

Lets see Enron case

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Shareholders Structure Types

Family-Controlled Single Shareholder hold >20% e.g Cheung Kong Holding Ltd. managed by major shareholders

Other shareholders:
Institutions Corporations Pension funds Charities foundations Small individual investors

Management-Controlled No Single shareholder hold >20% e.g. Enron managed by professional managers

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Background of Enron Corporation (1)

Houston-based energy trading and distribution company Famous for advocacy of energy deregulation In just 15 years, climb to be 7th largest company in US (Fortune 500, 2000), with 21,000 staff 16th largest in the world In 2000, stock has crested at $90 a share Market capitalization: $80 billion Revenue $139 billion

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Background of Enron Corporation (2)

Arthur Andersen acts as accountant and consultant Board of director

14 members, only 2 insiders Most of the directors owned stock

Employee stock ownership and retirement planning

Incentive purpose Enhance company profit

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control < Year 2001

Enrons Bankruptcy (1)

Prosperous business performance..

Jul Enron announced a large loss in its quarter statement


3rd qtr loss of >$600 million (surprised Wall Street)

Stock price fall from the mid-$30s to the low-

$20s (triggered a crisis of confidence in the company) Nov Dec Overstated its profits by ~16%

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Enrons Bankruptcy (2)

Major reason of bankruptcy?

A substantial fraction of Enrons reported profits over a 4 year period (1996-2000) had been the result of accounting manipulations

--- investigation by special committee of the Enron board

Reported profit Actual profit

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Reason For Bankruptcy (1)

Accounting gimmickry: Unable to spot bad accounting practices and companys overstatement of profits Conflict of auditor: The multiple conflicting roles of auditor Automatic renewal of auditing contracts Affecting the independence of auditor Accounting and staff policy failure Although a professor of accounting and a dean for monitoring the company, but they all fail in their profession Disastrous loss in employees retirement fund, but the ex-CEO has cashed his own stock much earlier?
Source: Enron Posts Surprise 3rd Quarter Loss After Investment, Asset Write-Downs, Wall St. J, Oct 17, 2001

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Reason For Bankruptcy (2)

Political confusion:
Ironical relationship between governmental monitoring parties and political parties

Source: /

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Reason For Bankruptcy (3)

Managers tend to build up their own empires and scarify the profits/benefits of the organization

Conflict of the board

Enrons board of directors fail to control and oversee the management The board had been benefited in various relationship with the company Lack of independence of the board

Source: Professor of international business and strategic management at Suffolk University, Boston, US

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Whats Wrong with it?

How can they be fixed?

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Problems of Corporate Control (1)

Stock Option Scheme
CEOs, Managers and employees are given STOCK OPTIONS as their compensation package
Their aim is to get a maximum reporting profit so as to boost the stock price of the company

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Problems of Corporate Control (2)

Control and Management Overlapping
Board members and corporate partnerships were not independent Allowing private partnerships (set up by employee) to be valid Enron investment Board members could be benefited in various relationship

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Problems of Corporate Control (3)

Failure in Financial management

CFO badly perform his role

The financial report was very complicated to be understood A special team of reviewing the reports fails to perform their role

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Problems of Corporate Control (4)

Employee Retirement Schemes
Over 50% of Enrons employee retirement

schemes asset are invested in Enrons share All employee have a common goal to boost the stock price of the company

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Reform (1)
The selection of Qualified CEO to monitor the work of senior staff An independent committee of external board of directors to work with the companys auditors Auditors should not be allowed to perform other services that may compromise their independence Managements compensation should be a flat rate
Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Reform (2)
Corporate governance regulation
Government and Stock Exchanges should tighten regulations and rules to avoid any insidertrading
Limitation of percentage of assets of retirement funds which can be invested in their own company.

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

Reform (3)
A good Financial reporting system
The financial report should not be too complicated (like Enron)
It is dangerous that the report was only understood by only one or two people Reports should be made to a easy-toread and easy to be understood by shareholders
Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control


Enron challenges some of the core beliefs and practices that have underpinned the academic analysis of corporate law and governance we rely on assumptions of the efficacy of corporate governance/control in monitoring managerial performance

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

END of D1 Groups Presentation


Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

1. Execution of nominal corporate control 2. Enrons Governance Structure

Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enron Corporate Control

How is the Corporate control executed?

Non-Executive directors
independent view to strategy performance, resources and standards of conduct

Executive directors
business decision makers

voting rights layoff/appoint any Board of Director who is beneficial to the company such that the future profit will reflect on stock price

Audit Committee
consists of non-ex director and Financial Director (without voting rights) assurance of independence between Director and Auditors
Presented by: Cary Cheung, Christie Cheung, Rita Chung, Ryan Chan

Enrons Governance Structure

L. Brooks

Outside Law Firm



Board Ken Lay: Chair; Co-chair ZZZ Audit, Compensation Cees.


Missing Suspended

Management Lay, Skilling: CEO Fastow, CFO; Koppers Causey, CAO; Buy, CRO Watkins; Kaminsky; McMahon

Company Policies Code of Conduct Internal Audit ? Whistleblowers ?

Consultant: Arthur Andersen

Auditor Arthur Andersen

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