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Contact: Bill Chamberlin, HorizonWatching Community Leader January 17, 2013

Big Data
A 2013 HorizonWatching Trend Report

HorizonWatching Community

About This Trend Report

Purpose: The slides provide an overview on the Analytics trend for HorizonWatching Community members
Content: Summary information about the Analytics trend is provided along with many links to additional resources. The slides are meant to be read/studied and the links are there for you to continue your learning. You may want to view the slides in slideshow mode so you can easily follow the links Other HorizonWatching Trend Reports: Are announced/discussed on the HorizonWatching blog and slide decks are posted on the Horizonwatching channel on Slideshare HorizonWatching Community: For more on the HorizonWatching community please see the appendix

Note: This presentation represents my thoughts and ideas.not those of my employer. Chamberlin,

- Bill

January 17, 2013

Big Data: A 2013 HorizonWatching Trend Report

2013 HorizonWatching Creative Commons Attribution License

HorizonWatching Community

Big Data refers to how to collect, store, and manage information that comes into an enterprise so that it can be harvested for decision making
Big data is a collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications. The challenges include capture, curation, storage, search, sharing, analysis, and visualization. Wikipedia (Big Data)

Every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data so much that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. This data comes from everywhere: sensors used to gather climate information, posts to social media sites, digital pictures and videos, purchase transaction records, and cell phone GPS signals to name a few. This data is big data. IBM (Big Data)
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Trends in Big Data for 2013

1. Definition Does Not Matter: The focus turns towards implementation and value 2. Cost as a Big Data Benefit: Case studies demonstrate ROI of Big Data. It is leaner, significantly
reduces data integration costs, and opens the door for data exploration

3. Analytics and Visualizaton: For those implementing Big Data, there will be an increased interest
in Analytics and Visualization capablities.

4. Data Scientists: There will be a rush to hire skilled Big Data Scientists, often via services like
Kaggle, who are specialist in designing how a firm collects, stores, and manages big data.

5. Increased Competition: IBM, EMC, SAP, SAS, and Oracle all increase competitive efforts, leading
to better solutions and services

6. Big Data as a Service: Service Providers emerge to handle the whole stack.
7. Data Protection: CIOs implement automated systems to handle all replication, deduplication,
backup, and restoration.

8. Followers Left in Dust: Organizations that do not implement Big Data solutions risk loosing their
competitive edge.

9. CMOs overwhelmed: CMOs are not prepared to handle all the big data. In 2013 marketing needs
to learn to work better with IT

10. Education and Training: Big Data Services firms will offer extensive training and certification
programs to try to help fill the shortages of skilled Data Scientists.

January 17, 2013

Big Data: A 2013 HorizonWatching Trend Report

2013 HorizonWatching Creative Commons Attribution License

HorizonWatching Community

Like the Cloud term in 2008-9, everyone is trying to define exactly what Big Data is.
IDC defines Big Data technologies as a new generation of technologies and architectures designed to extract value economically from very large volumes of a wide variety of data by enabling high-velocity capture, discovery, and/or analysis. IDC (Big Data)

Big data in general is defined as high volume, velocity and variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making. Gartner (link)

What is Big Data? Part 1 IBM Video

Big data is the frontier of a firms ability to store, process, and access (SPA) all of the data it needs to operate effectively, make decisions, reduce risks, and create better customer experiences. Forrester Research (link)

January 17, 2013

Big Data: A 2013 HorizonWatching Trend Report

2013 HorizonWatching Creative Commons Attribution License

HorizonWatching Community

Big Data Trend Drivers, Challenges, and Implications

Volume, variety, velocity, and complexity of incoming data streams Growth of Internet of Things results in explosion of new data Low cost Storage .so why not store it? Non-traditional and unstructured data Desire to integrate all the data into a single source

Different sources of data (enterprise apps, web, search, video, mobile, social conversations and sensors) Traditional relational databases / data warehouses not designed for new types of data Unstructured or semi-structured text is difficult to query. Culture, skills, and business processes

Most organizations are ill prepared to address both the technical and management challenges posed by big data; as a direct result, few will be able to effectively exploit this trend for competitive advantage. Gartner

Emerging capabilities to store and process vast quantities of structured and unstructured data are bringing about changes in technology and business landscapes Big data is driving need for advanced analytics and visualization capabilities to help organizations glean the insights and make decisions
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Theres a lot of growth associated with the Big Data Trend

Growth in Data The "digital universe" will grow to 2.7ZB in 2012, up 48% from 2011 and rocketing toward nearly 8ZB by 2015. IDC (link) Worldwide information volume is growing annually at a minimum rate of 59 percent annually. Gartner (link) Growth in Spending "IDC expects the Big Data technology and services market to grow at a 39.4% compound annual growth rate through 2015. IDC (link) "IDC expects the Big Data technology and services market to grow from $3.2 billion in 2010 to $16.9 billion in 2015. IDC (link)
Peter Sondergaard, Gartner, Says Big Data Creates Big Jobs A Gartner Video

Growth in Jobs "By 2015, 4.4 million IT jobs globally will be created to support big data. Gartner (link)
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The Big Data trend presents a huge challenge (and opportunity) for Information Management professionals
A New Era of Information Management Clearly, the big data revolution is fostering a powerful new type of data science. Having more comprehensive data sets at our disposal will enable more fine-grained long-tail analysis, microsegmentation, next best action, customer experience optimization, and digital marketing applications
Forrester (link)

Getting Value from Big Data Gartner Webinar (registration required)

The volume, velocity and variety of data that is relevant to mainstream enterprise IT has grown to the point that it has pushed many applications to the limits of their capacity. Old application architecture principles can no longer satisfy the new business requirements.
Gartner (link)

January 17, 2013

Big Data: A 2013 HorizonWatching Trend Report

2013 HorizonWatching Creative Commons Attribution License

HorizonWatching Community

Big Data Selected Analyst Websites and Resources

Forrester: Big Data and Big Data Blog Posts Frost & Sullivan: Search for Big Data

Gartner: Big Data Research and Big Data Blog Posts

IDC: Big Data Research and Big Data Blog Posts
Excerpt: Worldwide Big Data Technology and Services 20122015 Forecast IDC (link)

January 17, 2013

Big Data: A 2013 HorizonWatching Trend Report

2013 HorizonWatching Creative Commons Attribution License

HorizonWatching Community

Big Data Selected Media Websites and Resources

Businessweek: Search for Big Data, Big Data Search for Big Data ComputerWorld: Big Data Economist: Search for Big Data
2012 Big Data Research Report, by IDG Enterprise

eWeek: Search for Big Data

Forbes: Data Driven Harvard Business Review: Big Data InformationWeek: Big Data InfoWorld: Big Data Channel and Big Data Blog posts MIT Sloan Management Review: Data & Analytics
32 Big Data Trends and Predictions Lists for 2013 - HorizonWatching

NY Times: Big Data


January 17, 2013

Big Data: A 2013 HorizonWatching Trend Report

2013 HorizonWatching Creative Commons Attribution License

HorizonWatching Community

Big Data Selected IT Vendor / Consultant Websites and Resources

Accenture: Big Data and Technology & Information Management Booz Allen: Big Data Deloitte: Analytics EMC: Big Data, Big Data 2020 HP: Information Optimization Solutions

IBM: Big Data Resource List

Infosys: Search for Big Data Intel: Big Data Microsoft: Big Data NewVantage Partners: Big Data Survey Oracle: Big Data SAP: Enterprise Information Management SAS: Information Management Tata Consultancy Services: Big Data

Wipro: Information Management

IBM Big Data Portal


January 17, 2013

Big Data: A 2013 HorizonWatching Trend Report

2013 HorizonWatching Creative Commons Attribution License

HorizonWatching Community

Big Data Selected Social Media Sites and Searches

Google Blog Search: Big Data Technorati Blog Search: Big Data Facebook Search: Big Data Google+ Communities Search: Big Data LinkedIn Group Search: Big Data Pinterest Search: Big Data Slideshare search: Big Data Twitter hashtag searches: #bigdata Tumblr Search: Big Data YouTube: Big Data Playlists and Big Data Channels Wikipedia: Big Data
Pinterest Search: Big Data


January 17, 2013

Big Data: A 2013 HorizonWatching Trend Report

2013 HorizonWatching Creative Commons Attribution License

HorizonWatching Community

Big Data Selected IBM Resources and Links links
Big Data Hub: The Big Data Hub Big Data Portal: Bringing Big Data To The Enterprise IBM Software: Data Management, Data Warehousing, Enterprise Content Management, DeveloperWorks: Big Data Portal IBM Systems: Big Data IBM Education: Big Data Education Events: Big Data, Integration & Governance

IBM: The Big Data Hub

Social Media
Blog: Big Data Hub Blog Twitter: @IBMbigdata and Twitter Hashtag: #bigdata Facebook: IBM-Big-Data LinkedIn: IBM big data YouTube: IBM Big Data Google+: IBM big data DeveloperWorks: Information Management Community
13 January 17, 2013 Big Data: A 2013 HorizonWatching Trend Report

IBM Big Data Resources

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Big Data Selected Other Selected Reports and Resources

7 Things You Need to Do About Big Data in 2013, by Brett Sheppard, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Tableau Software, published December 2012, 6 pages
Big Data Survey, A research report by GigaSpaces, published December 2012, 5 pages Big Data Executive Survey Themes & Trends, a research report by New Vantage Partners, published December 2012, 12 pages The insight economy: Big data matters except when it doesnt, a white paper report by Deloitte Consulting, published October 2012, 24 pages What is Big Data? Part 1 and What is Big Data? Part 2 videos featuring Paul Zikopoulos of IBM, posted on IBMs Big Data channel on YouTube, posted March 2012 Strategic Implications of the Big Data Era, an MIT / Sloan Management Review Webcast featuring Andrew McAfee, posted May 2012 (note: video loads slowly) Living with Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities, a presentation deck by Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat of Google, published September 2012, 132 slides Big Data is the Future of Healthcare, a white paper report by Cognizant, published September 2012, 7 pages Big Data for Education: Data Mining, Data Analytics, and Web Dashboards, by Darrell West director of the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings. published August 2012, 11 pages The 3 I's Of Big Data, an article appearing in Forbes, written by Dave Feinleib, posted on July 9, 2012
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Appendix: About The HorizonWatching Community

Launched 2006: About HorizonWatching

Blog: Horizonwatching Thought Leadership Blog Tumblr Quote Blog = HorizonWatching Twitter = HorizonWatching Slideshare = HorizonWatching (an external version

of this deck will be posted here)

Facebook = HorizonWatching
LinkedIn Community = HorizonWatching


January 17, 2013

Big Data: A 2013 HorizonWatching Trend Report

2013 HorizonWatching Creative Commons Attribution License

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