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Philosophical position adopted by naturalists,

approach philosophy from purely scientific point of view. Nature alone represents the entire reality. Nothing beyond/behind and other than nature.

It is a doctrine that seperates nature from

God, subordinates spirit to matter and sets up unchangeable laws as supreme James Ward This philosophy is exclusion of whatever is spiritual.

It is a doctrine that separates nature from

God, subordinates spirit to matter and setup unchangeable laws as supreme. Acc to it, human life is a part of nature,. Emphasising on matter and physical world Doesnot believe in spirituality and supernaturalism.

Forms of Naturalism
Three distinct forms: Physical Naturalism: Nature is reality, human

life is wholly controlled and influenced by the eternal laws of nature, and it governs the human life, since it is moulded by natural laws. Reality doesnot exist with in the individual, rather outside him, in natural universe. Human life is moulded and controlled by external nature.

Mechanical Naturalism
There is no spirit or soul, only matter is

everything. Man is a matter made up of atoms, empty space and motion. Regards man is merely a machine, goverened by mechanical laws. This form aims at training man as a gud machine and keeping it in good working condition.

Biological Naturalism
Mans natural emotional and temperament

are the real springs of his behavior. If behavior is according to our instincts, we feel happy, if not we feel unhappy and disappointed.

Naturalism and Education

Human nature develops according to the laws

obeyed by heavenly bodies, as they move in their orbits. Duty of education is to learn, what these laws are and how to use those laws. Educational materials should be the facts and phenomenon of nature. Education makes individual a natural man.

Naturalism gives maximum freedom and

central position to child. Words in Naturalism are: Back to nature, maximum happiness, utmost freedom to children. Instincts are basis of education and senses are the gate ways of knowledge. Naturalism believes that education should according to nature of child, it advocates creation of conditions in which the natural development of the child can take place in natural way.

Textbooks, timetable, syllabus and even

teachers are not so important as the child, who is to be taught. According to Rousseau, there are three sources of education i.e. Nature Man and Things

Naturalism and Educational Process

Education must confirm to the natural

process of growth and mental development. Pupil will be given freedom to determine the form of the learning process. Education should be a pleasurable activity for children. Acquisition of knowledge is an important aspect of education related to body and mind.

Punishment should be based on

consequenses of wrong deeds, but with sympathy its frequency will be reduced.

Naturalism and Aims of Education

Self realization Self expression Self preservation Habits formation related to action and

thought Cultivation of self restraint and sense of value Pleasure and pain are instincts of man are real guiding forces.

To make the child to adjust to environment Equip the individual to struggle for existence Evolution of better humanity through the

transmission of not only physical traits, but also for the cultural ones. Education of the man as the back of Gods creation. Education is universal spirit, according to nature of child.

Development of individuality Struggle for existence and survival of the

fittest Education should be acc to the nature of child

Naturalism and Curriculum

No fixed curriculum

Every child is given the right to develop his own curriculum

Child is expected to learn directly from nature

through personal experiences Naturalists give promonince to subjects like gardening, agriculture, botany etc The subjects should be correlated with the play activity of the child

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