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Meaning of 2 Dimensional (2D) Materials

2D materials refer to materials with 2D such as width and

length. This material is flat and is not designed to provide depth. many teachers and educators about giving value to teaching 2D sometimes free and some are cheap. Example: 1. Printed materials 2. Chart 3. Graph 4. Poster 5. Pictures and Maps that has only two characteristics, namely the width and length.

1. Printed Materials
Learning in the classroom was started with the use of

printed materials as teaching material. Since time is a basic text book in classroom instruction which includes textbooks, reference books, teacher guides and student worksheets and printed materials provided by the teacher. When the use of newspapers in education implemented, newspapers and magazines are now being used as a support to the teacher in the classroom.

2. Textbook
Textbooks play an important role in the proper

maintain quality and effectiveness. Textbooks and reading materials is a component vital in providing content. Textbooks is written based on the subject content and learning outcomes of the national curriculum. Using textbook is a way to increase the information and knowledge.

3. Free Reading Materials

Materials may be obtained for free and cheap is useful

to explain information in most subjects. Among these materials, including posters, brochures, flyers reports, charts and so on. Free reading material provides current information that can not be obtained from textbooks. Students can explore the things that they might like and use them for self-study.

4. Poster
Poster is a painting or print that incorporates the use

of lines ,colourful in a visual presentation that displays one or more specific messages.
Posters can be used effectively in the classroom

because of the poster has a dynamic design and embroidered to attract attention and can deliver messages

5. Advantage Poster
Posters can be used well for a number of teaching and

learning situations: 1. As a stimuli to attract students to a new topic or a new class or a particular school events. 2. As motivation encourage students to attend school activities like GERKO meeting, activities School Resource Center, Reading Campaign Movement, and others. 3. As a reminder of safety in the laboratory or workshop or specific situations. 4. As a promotion to provide training or to form good health practices or moral attitude.

Advantages of Printed Materials

1. Print materials are very easily available in a variety of topics and forms. 2. Most materials can be used easily and do not need much explanation. 3. This material can be moved from one place to another. 4. In contrast, printed materials are cheaper in terms of production or purchase. Some are available for free.
Printed Material Weakness 1. Printed material written by target specific readers. But sometimes

students can not understand the content because it is too difficult for them. 2. Some teachers ask students to remember facts and definitions. Then, practice the use of printed materials have been considered as a rote.

6. Chart
Charts are generally the group diagram showing a

concept or complex ideas orally and in writing. Charts usually have a main character, which includes a description of a process or flow changes. According to Smaldino et al. (2005), the chart is always displayed in the textbook in the form of flow charts and tables. The type of organization charts, including charts, classification chart, timeline charts, tables, flowcharts.

7. Graph
The graph is a visual representation of a set of data The graph is a visual presentation of interesting and

useful in teaching and learning. The use of graphs to be very effective, teachers should be chosen to suit the needs of different types of factors above. Graph Types i. Bar graphs or stem, ii. Pictures or Pictograf graph, iii. Round or Pie Graph, iv. The line graph.

8. Pictures and Maps

Picture: Image is a 2D visual materials most

frequently used other printed materials. Picture is a visual representation of people, places or things. Pictures can be obtained from magazines, newspapers, posters, postcards and calendars. Pictures help the teacher explain something that may be difficult to be described by words

Photo Guide
For teaching aids, use a large image that can be seen

clearly by all students in the class. Put the picture on a base or holder or stand or placed on the chalk board, so that the picture standing still. Limit the number of images to be used at any one time. Use one photo at a time so that not distracted students attention because too many visuals. Try to pull the attention of students to give the questions related to what is shown.

Map refers to an abstract representation of a

real place where people live. Map consists of visual symbols, lines, and colors that may have no connection or resemblance to actual materials represented. the various comparison and classification. For example, a different color for the high ground in the lowlands, a variety of plants, and the land to the sea.

The use of color in the map also shows clearly

3D material refers to a material that has length, width and height. 3D material describing an image as having depth perception. 3D object made up of various shapes such as cuboid, cone, cube, sphere, models, dioramas, and realia.

a. Realia
Realia materials are real materials. Realia widely used in the classroom

and of great value in stimulating active learning and teaching environment.

Realia is the actual materials and it can be divided into several

categories as follows: (A) Natural Realia: This is the real stuff of life, and still live like earthworms, grasshoppers, and so on
(B) Sustainable Realia : Living materials that have been preserved and stored in chemical fluid. For example, fish and insects. (C) Specimens : Specimens usually found in the form of preservatives. For example Lice leaves and shrimp.

b. Model
Model is built appearance of the original material or substance that may be made of a hard material such as clay, plasticine and rubber. Some fraction of models: (A) Scale Models Scale model is model material made in sizes as large as the original article or in a smaller size to expansion or downsizing certain scale. Each part made to resemble actual things. Eg: trains and planes. (B) Mock Model Usually this mock model is made larger than the original condition regardless of specific magnification scale but still able to show that in fact the original condition. Example: model train engines and balance. (C) Cross Section Model Large model showing the cross section at a specific section on a thing, to show the shape of the object. Cutting is often used more broadly in the subjects of Science, Example cross section of a leaf or human porters.

c. Diorama
Means display a three-dimensional diorama that shows a view of

the origin of the place.

Diorama is a fair presentation of the models are structured so as

to reflect the circumstances or the appearance of an original view of the situation. Most of the diorama can be seen in museum exhibits or sights during the past situation. classroom as Local Studies, Science and so on.

Teachers can use a diorama for teaching certain subjects in the

Diorama can be produced easily, pupils can be encouraged to

make the project using materials such as clay, plasticine, polystyrene sheets and other waste materials.

d. Aquarium and Terrarium

Aquarium Aquarium is the place for aquaculture

Aquarium can be prepared by using glass containers or

plastic container. Tropical fish can be kept in the aquarium.


Terrarium is little place for the conservation of life on land.

Terrarium can be used to keep small animals such as

lizards, small tortoise, frogs and small reptile harmless. Small lidded boxes can be used as a terrarium.

E .Puppet or doll
Puppets can be used as an effective teaching aid, especially for language education or moral education. Some types of dolls (A) Hand Puppets gloves
(B) Dolls Stick / Puppet Stick (C) Wayang Kulit

(D) stringed puppets

(E) the mask (F) Glove puppet

f. Mask
Masks can be made from paper or other things Mask is suitable for role-play situations or subjects

acting in English or Moral Education.

Rujukan: 1. Chin Yoon Poh (2009). Teknologi dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran untuk Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan. Shah Alam: Kumpulan Budiman Sdn Bhd
2. Noriati A. Rashid, Boon Pong Ying, Sharifah Fakhriah Syed Ahmad, Wan Kamaruddin Wan Hasan (2009). Teknologi dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran. Shah Alam: Penerbit Oxford Fajar 3. Razali Nor (1994). Teknologi Pendidikan 1: Media Bukan Unjuran. Shah Alam: Kumpulan Budiman Sdn Bhd



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