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PSY 355

Description Mid Term EXAMINATION 20% Final Exam 20% Attendance and Participation 10 % Assignment 50 %


PERSONAL Counseling Philosophy 1500 words.

A counselling philosophy is a self-reflective essay of your beliefs about counselling and learning. In addition to general thoughts, a counselling philosophy should discuss how you put your beliefs into practice while anticipating a counselling session.

Personal beliefs about humanity. General perception towards life. Spiritual growth and fulfillment Life goals and purposes Problem areas and self development Most suitable counseling theory or approach and explanation as to the reasons of this choice.

30 % GROUP.
Students will work in teams of 5. Teams will select a counseling technique of their choice on which to research, to demonstrate to the class, and to write a report. The topic should address a counseling technique. The presentation will be approximately 35-45 minutes in length. (20 %)

A 5 page paper, typed and double spaced, should accompany the presentation. The report is due at the beginning of the presentation

Report Criteria 10%

Content Overview of the technique (What and how it is done) Intended Audience (Who this technique is for and under what circumstances) What the technique is designed to accomplish (why do it) Who are the major advocates (Who popularized/developed the technique)

Guided imagery exercise Assertiveness role-play Interview coaching Exposure therapy and ritual prevention for OCD Relapse prevention planning imaginary exercise Solution-focused techniques Two-chair technique Prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD Techniques to defuse anger and criticism

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