Research Reports

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Reporting Research Results

The Culmination of the Research Process

The purpose of the research report is to communicate two things to the client

Research results Recommendations

Often, the research report is the clients only record of the research project

Communications in a Research Report

Objective: To be informative or persuasive Interchange of verbal and graphic information Seeks an understanding and agreement regarding the results This is two-way communications process and there is a need for feedback

The Report Writing Process

Analysis of the data The actual writing of the report

Exploring the contents of a data set. Finding structure in data. Checking assumptions in statistical models. Communicating the results of an analysis.

The Qualities of a good Report

Complete: Include all aspects of the study and present at the readers level Correct: Accurate on representing the research results Concise: Be selective Clear: Clear and logical organization

Organization is Key
Decide before the report is written the

Information to be included Level of detail Tone Logical arrangement of information

Use the skills you learn in technical writing and communications classes

Structural Patterns of Presentation Order

1. Time Order. Chronological time, either forward or backward. 2. Space Order. The relationship among places and locations. 3. Cause-Effect. Cause may precede effect or the opposite may hold. A report may stress one or the other. 4. Increasing Difficulty. Such a structure involves going from the simple to the complex or from the familiar to the unfamiliar. Useful when audience lacks expertise in the topic. 5. Established Category. Useful when a basic framework is understood. In market segmentation report using accepted categories for any of the demographic bases is useful. 6. Comparison or Contrast. Helps readers grasp differences or similarities more easily. 7. Pro and Con Order. Presenting arguments for and against something, usually without favoring one or the other.

Components of a Research Report

PREFATORY PAGES: I. Title Page (a) title (b) author's name (c) documentation numbers and project identification numbers (d) classification (e) circulation test (f) issue date and destroy date II. Table of Contents (a) section subtitles and pages (b) illustration titles and pages (c) graph titles and pages (d) figure and titles and pages III. Letter of Transmittal and Letter of Authorization IV. Summary of Report (a) problem definition and date (b) what was researched (c) when (d) where (e) how and with what techniques (f) major findings (g) recommendations REPORT BODY: V. Introduction (a) what prompted the undertaking of the project (b) who prompted the project (c) how the problem was defined VI. Statement of Objectives (a) how the problem definition was resolved (b) what was the research objective VII. Research Methods (a) research design (b) data instruments (questionnaire, customer records, etc.) (c) data collection methods (d) sampling technique (e) field work VIII. Methodological Limitations (a) weaknesses in research design (b) exogenous events that may have influenced findings (c) errors in research methods (d) alternative causes for findings IX. Analysis of Findings (a) discussion of items of significance (b) discussion of items of insignificance (c) interpretations of findings X. Conclusions and Recommendations (a) what research findings show (b) what actions should be taken (or not taken)

Types of Errors Affecting Research Designs

APPENDED PARTS: XI. Technical Appendix (a) informational tables, graphs, illustrations (b) technical discussion of research methodology and sample (c) sample validation if relevant XII. General Appendix (a) selected portions of preliminary interviews (b) project diary: dates, places, names, events, etc. (c) copies of forms, questionnaires, records, and data instruments XIII. Acknowledgements (a) names, titles, and affiliations of contributors (b) contribution of each contributor XIV. References and Bibliography (a) names, titles, and source related research

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