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4002-208 Prog.

with Classes [in C++] Week 10 Day 1 C++ string class

Student should be able to use methods in the string class to: Find characters in a string. Break apart a string into smaller strings. Create large strings from smaller strings.


The pre-defined class string has attributes and methods. Main attribute is the characters of the string which are numbered starting with 0. Programs must include header file <string> Can be treated as almost a primitive type such as int, double, etc.
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length Method
Purpose: method length gives the number of characters. Method size does the same. Parameters: none Returns: length as integer Notes
An empty string has length of 0. A string with length n has characters in positions 0..n-1.
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Adding together or concatenating strings Form: lhs + rhs Returns a string object whose contents are the combination of the content of lhs followed by those of rhs. Program: concat.cpp


at Method
Purpose: method at extracts one character from a string at the specified position between 0 and length( )1 Parameter:
Position in string to be extracted.

Returns: one character at specified position. Program: print_at.cpp

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find Method
Purpose: method find finds first occurrence of a single character in a string Parameter: 1 parameter of type char
Character to be found in string

Returns: position of character in the string or -1 if not found Note: search begins at start of string Program: find.cpp
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find Method
Purpose: method find finds first occurrence of a string in another string Two formats based on parameter type Parameters: 1 parameter of type string
String to be found in string

Returns: position of first character in the string or -1 if not found Note: search begins at start of string
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substr Method
Purpose: method substr returns a new string object created by copying parts of an existing string object. Two formats 1 or 2 parameters Parameters: (2 parameter format)
Starting position Number of characters

Returns: new string with specified sub-string

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substr Method (cont.)

Second format: Parameters: (1 parameter format)
Starting position

Returns: a new string with specified sub-string from starting position to the end of the string.



Relational Operators
The standard relational operators can be used to compare two strings: <, <= >, >= ==, !=



Sample Problem
Read a name with a space between first and last name. Find first space on a line Print first name Print last name Print name in form last,^first where ^ indicates one space.
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