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Book Introduction Nafahatul Azhaar fi Khulaste Abaqatul Anwaar

Dedication to..
Aga Milani dedicates his great efforts )to Imam Zaman (ATFS

About the Book

Name of the Book Author Description Nafahatul Azhar fi Khulase Abaqatul Anwaar Sayed Ali Husaini Milani This is an Arabic translation of the book Abaqatul Anwaar. Abaqatul Anwaar was written in Persian. Sayed Ali Husaini Milani translated Abaqatul Anwaar into Arabic and named it Nafahatul Azhar fi Khulase Abaqatul Anwaar Abaqatul Anwaar Sayed Hamid Husain Musavi Kintoori Lucknowi Hindi

Printed in the Year Persian Book Author Printed in the Year

Brief Background
During the mid 1750s and early 1800s (late 18th century) Shiaism was flourishing and spreading in India due to the patronage of the Shia kingdom of Awadh and under the religious leadership of the great scholar and the first Mujhtahid from India Ayatullah al uzma Sayed Dildar Ali Naqvi Naseerabadi also known as Gufraan-Maab Naseerabadi (the one lives in heaven). Greatly disturbed by this increasing influence of Shiasim, Shah Abdul al Aziz Dehalvi wrote a book in a dire effort to curb or check the influence of Shiaism. He titled the book Tohfaye Ithna Ashariya in which he severely criticized the Shia faith, belief and practices. This book was a direct attack on the belief of Imamat. This attack and false accusations of Shah Abdul Aziz drew a massive response from Shia scholars all over, who wrote books after books refuting the arguments and false logic presented by Shah Abdul Aziz. In some cases our scholars wrote complete books in response to one chapter of Tohfaye Ithna Ashariya. More than 50 scholars replied to Shah Abdul Aziz Dehalvis false propaganda. One of the most comprehensive and exhaustive book written in reply to Tohfa Ithna Ashariya was Abaqatul Anwaar fi Imamate Aimmat al Athaar by Sayed Hamid Husain Lucknowi.

About Tohfa Ithna Ashariya

Shah Abdul Aziz exclaimed in his book that the doctrine of Shia faith is based on only six verses from the Holy Quran and twelve traditions of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). He discussed these verses and traditions in the book and either classified the traditions on Wilayat of Ameerul Momineen (as) as weak or brought other arguments or logic to change the context of these traditions from mastership of Ahle Bait (as) to something else. This book was written in Persian

About Abaqatul Anwaar

Sayed Hamid Husain Lucknowi wrote his reply Abaqatul Anwaar in two sections. In the first section he discussed the verses of Holy Quran regarding the belief of Imamat and Wilayat of Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) and Ahle Bait (as). (This section did not get published) In the second section he discussed the belief of Imamat in the light of traditions of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). The second section consists of 12 parts. For each of the 12 traditions which Shah Abdul Aziz refuted. Sayed Hamid Husain discussed every traditions from two aspects Chain of Narrators (Sanad): His approach in each of these parts is to show that the hadith is a mutawatir one, having been narrated by Sunni traditionists of every generation from the time of the Companions to the scholars of his own era. He devotes a section to each of the narrators, quotes the tradition as narrated by him, and cites the opinions of biographers and Sunni authorities of `ilm alrijal regarding his reliability, trustworthiness and his scholarly station. Meaning (Dalalah): His approach here is to prove that these traditions indicate and prove the Wilayat of Ameerul Momineen (as) or of the Ahle Bait (as)

Abaqatul Anwaar today is one of the greatest work on the subject of Imamat and a true masterpiece. Since Tohfa Ithna Ashariya was written in Persian, the reply Abaqatul Anwaar was also written in Persian.

About the book

Nafahatul Azhaar fi Khulasate AbaqatulAnwaar

Sayed Ali Husaini Milani translated Abaqatul Anwaar from Persian to Arabic and named it Nafahatul Azhaar fi Khulasate Abaqatul Anwaar . Nafahatul Azhaar is in 20 volumes. Topics discussed are as below.
Volumes 13 4 5 69 10 12 Topic Hadith Saqlain Hadith Safina Hadith Noor Hadith e Ghadeer Hadith e Madinatul Ilm Hadith e Tayr Hadith e Wilayat Hadith e Manzila Hadith Tashbeeh Ayat e Wilayat Ayat e Tatheer Ayat e Mawaddath Ayat e Mubahelah

13 14
15 16 17 18 19


First Hadith
Hadith e Saqlain

Words of Abdul Aziz regarding Hadith e Saqlain

: : : . This tradition has no relation with the subject matter (Imamat and Khilafat) in reality. Rather the tradition which emphasises on submitting to the issue of leadership are the words of Holy Prophet (sawa) wherein he says ... (It is necessary) upon you to follow my sunnat and sunnat of the rightly guided caliphs after me and to cling onto them firmly Also Itrati as per Arabic language is in the meaning of proximate ones. If it indicates that one needs to be attached to Imamat then it also necessiates to be attached to other close ones of the Holy Prophet (sawa) and their obedience is also obligatory such as as Abdullah ibn Abbas, Mohammed bin Hanafiya, Zaid ibn Ali, Al Hasan al Musna, Ishaq bin Jafar and others like that from his family. Also it has come in a sahih tradition that Holy Prophet (sawa) said - - Take your religion from Humaira. He was referring to Ayesha.

Rejection by Sayed Hamid Husain Hindi (r.a)

Hadith e Saqlain
Analysis of the tradition from two aspects.
Chain of Narrators Meaning or Context of Tradition

Chain of Narrators


No. Of Narrators 16 34 21 13 13


No. Of Narrators 5 18 10 13 11 187

2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

9th 10th 11th 12th 13th Total



Detailed analysis of each these 187 narrators. Proving that they are amongst the most trusted narrators of traditions for Ahle Sunnat. Proving without doubt that Hadith e Saqlain is Mutawatir and the Sanad of Hadith e Saqlain is not questionable even from Sunni narrators!!!!

Rejection by Sayed Hamid Husain Hindi (r.a)

Hadith e Saqlain
Second part of his reply is from the point of view of the meaning and context of the tradition. The respected author brings 26 logical arguments and proofs to establish that Hadith e Saqlain without any doubt proves the Wilayat of Ameerul Momineen (as) and Ahle Bait (as). Some of the arguments which he has brought are: The tradition is with the meaning of Obedience Following Ahle Bait (as) is like following Holy Prophet (sawa) Following Ahle Bait is a obligation upon the Ummat The word Saqlain indicates Necessity in Following Reference of this Hadith from few Quranic verses Indication of Infallibility of Ahle Bait (as) from this tradition Indication of Ahle Bait (as) being most knowledgeable from this tradition The superiority of Ahle Bait (as) from this tradition

Argument of Shah Abdul Aziz

Holy Prophet (sawa) wherein he says ... (It is necessary) upon you to follow my sunnat and sunnat of the rightly guided caliphs after me and to cling onto them firmly Sayed Hamid Husain Hindi (r.a.) refutes this tradition by questioning the very reliability of this tradition from the aspect of sanad and authenticity of the narrators. Apart from that the respected author brings another 7 arguments to dismiss this illogical argument put forth by the prejudiced Abdul Aziz. (Vol. 2, Pg 307 to 334) Similarly he rejects the tradition of seeking knowledge from Ayesha (l.a.) on the basis of weak narration and logical arguments and citations.

Second Tradition
Hadith e Safeenah

Hadith e Safeenah
The author of Nafahatul Azhaar discusses Hadith e Safeenah in the 4th volume of the book. First he discusses the tradition from the aspect of Chain of Narrators
Century 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th No. Of Narrators 3 9 15 6 10 3 1 8 8 Century 9th 10th 11th 13th 14th Total No. Of Narrators 2 2 1 2 7 60

Narrated from Sahabas Narrated from Tabeyeen Senior Scholars of Ahle Sunnat who have quoted this tradition


Hadith e Safeenah
After establishing the goodness of the Sanad the author proves that this tradition indicates towards Wilayat of Ahle Bait (as) obedience to whom is compulsory with the help of 20 arguments in the light of Quranic verses and traditions. Few arguments which he discussed are: Proof of necessity of loving them One who turns their back on them will be deviated They are the standards to differentiate between Momin and Kaafir It is necessary that there should be a Imam in every age

Few more traditions which Author has brought sources of Ahle Sunnat
My Ahle Bait (as) are like stars you follow them you will be guided. The stars are safety for the inhabitants of the heavens and my Ahle Bait (as) are cause of safety for the inhabitants of the earth The stars are cause of safety for inhabitants of heaven and my Ahle Bait (as) are cause of safety for my nation I am the Sun, Ali (as) is the Moon, Fatima (sa) is Venus and Al Hasan and Al Husain are the bright stars The stars are safety for the people of earth from perishing and my Ahle Bait (as) are cause of safety for my nation from dispute. Then when any tribe from the Arab opposes, that group will be of the group of Iblees

Third Tradition
Hadith e Noor

Hadees e Noor
. The author says: 1) There was no difference between Ali (a.s) and Prophet (sawa) before this aalam & even after this aalam 2) The two are creatures from the same noor 3) This noor was obidient to its Lord, prostarting & doing Ruku, doing tasbeeh & taqdees. The angels did tasbeeh due to its tasbeeh 4) This noor was there thousands of year before the creation of Adam (a.s), Then He transferred it in the sulb of Adam (a.s) & due to this He ordered the Angels to prodtrate Adam

No Seperation between Prophet (sawa) & Ali (a.s) name

Thus there was no separation in that aalam between the prophets name and his name
On the Arsh is inscribed

On the Door of Jannat

And everyone knows in this world Ali (a.s) was always with the Prophet

Hadees e Noor Proof of Imamat

This hadees proves Imamat of Amir ul momeneen (a.s) from 2 aspects 1)
From some sources the words of this tradition clearly indicate to this fact

Hadees e Noor Proof of Imamat

2) Inherently
A proof of the of Ali (a.s), as the angels have learnt tasbeeh, taqdees etc from the two noor as per words of this tradition through certain chains. Superiority of Imam to all the Prophets (a.s) except Holy Prophet (sawa). As for the noor that is the goal for the Prophets, or they are created from it, or which is a source for their knowledge, is definitely superior to them Proves the infallibility of Ali (a.s)

Has been narrated from the companions of the likes of himself the magnificent Ali (a.s) Scholars like Abdul Razzak Sanani, Ahmad ibne Hanbal, Abu Hatim Razi, ibne Mardaway, Abu Naiem, Khateeb Baghdadi, ibne Asakir, Ibne Hajar askalani Aga Milani brings the riwayat from 41 different sunni traditionalists books

Complementing Traditions
. 20 tradiontalists

Complementing Traditions
In other words
From 8 scholars

Complementing Traditions
Other Tradition

Shia Version of Hadees e Noor

: : Narrates from 14 different traditionalist many versions

Dehelvis claim

This tradition is ( fabricated)

he was a liar was a & used to

Dehelvis claim
A more appropriate tradition is with respect to chain of narrators:

One whole volume 5 Summary
A scrutiny of all the narrators who have brought this hadees and their chain, in sources of both the sects WRT the narration of Shafeii, then it indicates to a wrong conclusion How is it possible that some one who spent is whole or most or Half is life in Kufr be in aalam e noor? Or be from the noor of which the pure prophet is created?? No doubt that this conclusion can be made by someone whose heart has a disease or who is blind of eyes

"How can they deem you equal to the one who is your enemy? And are they (your enemy) equal to the sandals of Qanbar?"

Fourth Tradition Hadith e Madinatul Ilm

Hadith e Madinatul Ilm

The author starts with a couple of verses on knowledge from Quran the most obvious being He then narrates traditions of RasoolAllah (s) in excellence of Imam Ali (A) with regards to knowledge. Some of them are as follows

Hadith e Madinatul Ilm

: : : All the above traditions are from Sunni references like Kanzul Ummal, Taarikh Bagdad and Fathul Baari However, the greatest Fazeelat of Ameerul Momineen with regards to knowledge is the Madinatul Ilm Hadees

What does Shaikh Dehelvi says about this tradition

Author Bukhari Remarks Is rejected and not Saheeh

Yahya bin Muyin

Tirmizi Shaikh Taqi ud deen Shaikh Mohiddin Navavi, Hafiz Shamsuddin Zahbi and Shaikh Shamsuddin Jarzi

Not Original
Rejected Not proved Have objected

Reply of Sayyed (r.a.)

Names of Companions of Holy Prophet (s) who have brought narrated this tradition Names of Tabeeen who have brought narrated this tradition Names of Haafizeen and Mohaddis have brought narrated this tradition (as per century) Its mention in the writings (Nass) of Big scholars of Ahle Sunnat

Reply of Sayyed (r.a.)

The authenticity of this Hadees being Mutavatir Sanad of the tradition including tradition of Imam Reza (a) and proving this tradition as right Poets who have used this tradition in their poems The author has also brought references in which this tradition is present and has given references of life history of the chain of narrators

E.g. tradition of IBN ASAAKIR

Abul Qasim Ali ibn Hasan famous as Ibn Asaakir Damishqi narrates the tradition of CITY OF KNOWLEDGE in many ways

[] : :

- :- :

Biography of Ibn Asaakir can be found in

). ( 1- 13/73 ). ( 2- ). ( 3- 1/335 ). ( - 4- 571 : ). ( - 5- 571 : ). ( )4/1328 ( )4/212 ( 6- 571 ). ( 7- 3/393 ). ( 8- 7/215 ). ( 9- 2/216 ) ( 10- 1/345

Fifth Tradition Hadith e Tayr

Hadith e Tayr
This traditon has been narrated from 100s of sunni scholars across various centuries, 10s of Tabeeen and 12 companions of Holy Prophet (s). They are as follows Imam Ali (a) Saad bin Abi Waqqas Abu Saeed Khudri Abu Rafeh Abu Tufayl Jabir ibn Abdullah Habshi bin Junadah Yala bin Marrah Ibn Abbas A slave of Messenger of Allah Anas Bin Malik Amr ibn Aas Also Imam Baqir (a) and Imam Sadiq (a) have narrated this tradition

Hadith e Tayr
There have been some changes in the exact words of the traditions Courtesy: Bukhari and Anas bin Maalik Analysis of tradition. E.g.

Gate Crashers
Ayesha said: Bring my father Hafsa said: Bring my father Anas said: O Allah send Saad bin Obadah

The messenger dispelled all (Ref: Nisai)

What does Shaikh Dehelvi says about this tradition

Then he talks about different birds He gives reference about Shamsuddin Damishqi who is not in favor of this tradition

Reply of Sayyed (r.a.)

88 references from sunni books across various era 33 senior scholars like Abu Hanifa, Tirmidhi, Nisai and so on including father of Dehelvi 7 names of those who have compiled the tradition Views of various sunni scholars on the hadees and its chain

Sixth Tradition
Hadith e Wilayat

Hadith e Wilayat
12 narrators from the companions of the Holy Messenger Amr bin Aas Wahab bin Hamza

Imam Ali (a) Imam Hasan (a) Abu Zar Ghaffari (ra) Abdullah ibn Abbas Abu Saeed Khudri Al Baraa bin Aazib Imran bin Haseen Abu Layla Ansari Buraidah bin Haseeb Abdullah bin Amr

Hadith e Wilayat
There are a couple of other versions as well Analysis of the tradition This tradition indicates towards Wilayat & Imamat of Imam Ali (a) There have been some alterations to this tradition in Bukhari

What does Shaikh Dehelvi says about this tradition

He considers this tradition to be Baatil because it is from Shia source Second Wali is a disputed term

And since it is not restricted to time means the Wali of the time should be obeyed

Reply of Sayyed (r.a.)

Excellence of Ameerul Momineen (a) Discussion of Abu Jafar Iskaafi Biography of Abi Jafar Iskaafi Poems in favor of Imam Ali (a) 65 Names of scholars who have narrated this tradition Traditions and their biographies

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