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 Product development is the process of

designing, creating, and marketing an

idea or product. The product can either be
one that is new to the marketplace or one
that is new to your particular company,
or, an existing product that has been
improved. In many instances a product
will be labeled new and improved when
substantial changes have been made.
Our company altitude

 There are four branches of altitude.

 In Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai and Hyderabad .
 Each unit have 125 employees. Total of 500
 Corporate goal- we want to start 2
other units in Delhi and Kolkata.
 Corporate strategy- increase the profit
of our current business by 10% so that
we can invest on new units.
 HR Strategy – we need to increase the
turnover by 30% through 100%
retention in 1 year.
• Need for planning is felt when the organization
enters the growth stage. HR forecasting becomes
essential. Internal development of people also
begins to receive attention in order to keep up
with the growth.
• Since our company is in a status of growth we
need frequent evaluation and assessment of
employees so that we can allocate them to new
jobs according to their performance.
• The job evaluation method used in our company
is point- ranking method.
 Thissystem starts with the selection of
job factors, construction of degrees for
each factor, and assignment of points
to each degree. Different factors are
selected for different jobs, with
accompanying differences in degrees
and points.
Factors, degrees and points for hourly rated jobs
Factors 1 2 3 4 5
degree degree degre degree degre
e e
Skill Education 14 28 42 56 70
Experience 22 44 66 88 110
Initiative and ingenuity 14 28 42 56 70

Effort Physical demand 10 20 30 40 50

Mental and/or visual 5 10 15 20 25


Responsi Responsibility for 5 10 15 20 25

equipment or process
Responsibility for 5 10 15 20 25
materials or product

Responsibility for safety 5 10 15 20 25

of others
Responsibility for work of 5 10 15 20 25

Job Working conditions 10 20 30 40 50

Hazards 5 10 15 20 25
Factors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
degree degree degree degre degree degree degree degre
e e

Education 20 40 60 80 100 120 _ _

Experience 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200

Complexity 20 40 60 80 100 _ _ _
of duties
Monetary 5 10 20 40 60 _ _ _
Working 5 10 15 20 25 _ _ _

Add for supervisors job only

Type of 5 10 20 40 60 _ _ _

Extent of 5 10 20 40 60 _ _ _
 Select the right people in the first place
through behavior-based testing and
competency screening. The right
person, in the right seat, on the right
bus is the starting point.

 Head designer- designers with some management skill. An

experienced designer who has the skill to understand and
evaluate a design and guide the designers working under him.

 Designer - could be a fresher with new and bright ideas. Who is

eager to work.
 Offer an attractive, competitive,
benefits package with components
such as life insurance, disability
insurance and flexible hours.

 Merchandisers- they need to travel a lot to find new clients and to

maintain a good relationship with them, hence we give travel
allowance, Petro card etc.
 Employee quarters- especially for employees from out station.
 Provide opportunities for people to
share their knowledge via training
sessions, presentations, mentoring
others and team assignments.
 Designers – they need to be aware of the new designing soft
 Sewers in the sampling department need to be trained for multi
 TRUST- Demonstrate respect for
employees at all times. Listen to them
deeply; use their ideas; never ridicule
or shame them.
 We give only believable promises to the employees .
 If there is a possibility of promotion we let them know about it
and tell them what we are expecting from the employee and how
we are evaluating them.
 Have a manager who is able to communicate with his team
very well, who is a good listener and who is able to take
thoughtful risks.
 RECOGNITION- Offer performance
feedback and praise good efforts and
 Including them in staff meetings to offer updates on recognition.
 Praise them with an increment or bonus.
 If a designing team in our company has created design which is
extra ordinary , we display it in the reception hall with a group
photograph of the team members.
 People want to enjoy their work. Make
work fun. Engage and employ the
special talents of each individual.

 Have a party in the last Friday of every month.

 Avoid unnecessary rules.
 Have a separate area or room near the cafeteria named as the
hall of art where talents like painting and poetry can be framed.
 Enable employees to balance work and
life. Allow flexible starting times, core
business hours and flexible ending
 Give optional starting and ending times where the working hours
would still be the same.( employees working in a team should all
adjust to the same time though)
 We have to understand that even an employee’s sons cricket
match is important. Allow limited paid holidays if informed at
least 2 day prior so that we get time to distribute the work among
other team members or get a substitute.( depends upon the
pending or upcoming work of the employee at the time)
 Involve employees in decisions that
affect their jobs and the overall
direction of the company whenever
 At the time of expansion we plan to shift a few employees to the
new branch so that we can maintain the same culture in other
branches also- we explain the importance of their presence in the
new company and give them an option to chose their own
branch. Since we have found out that most of the employees are
settled with their family in the town, we offer them a promotion
or on increment so that more people would be willing to shift to
the new branch
 Encourage employees to have good,
even best, friends, at work.

 Try putting designers who are comfortable with each other in the
same team.
 Employee development is crucial for the
growth and prosperity of any business as
employees are one of the determining
factors for the success of the company.
The more capable and qualified the
employees the better the performance of
the company. When they are well trained,
they can easily handle situations, please
customers ensuring customer retention as
well as resolve any glitches easily without
much ado.

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