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Piezoelectric-Material Based Energy Harvesting Device

Group 4 De Jesus, Juan Miguel Galido, Job Gargoles, Jobert Legaspi, Kenneth Saturnino, Maaron John

Personal electronics have boomed in the past few decades, and consumer demands for reducing size and ways of powering devices became more of a requirement. The issue is always been of storage, distribution and the kind of material will give power to our devices.

Traditionally, batteries have been efficient in meeting these roles, but as consumer demand grows the limitations of batteries will become increasingly incompatible with consumer needs.

Batteries require regular recharge, replacement due to deterioration, some are dangerous and heavy which can be a costly hindrance. A more self-sufficient, maintenance free power source is necessary.

Background of the Study

On this fast changing technology, mobile phones, iPods, tablets and other handy gadgets play an important role in our daily routine. We use them everywhere and until the battery drains out. It is of great convenience if we could have a power supply outdoor to optimize these devices. With this, the proponents seek to develop a solution on how to charge these things even outside our houses, schools or offices.

Background of the Study

One solution that the researchers of this design formulated was to use body movements to harvest energy, specifically by walking. The group pursue to develop a piezoelectric energy harvesting system that fits within a pair of shoes for electrical energy generation from the compression and tension energy normally absorbed by the shoes during walking.

Background of the Study

Specifically, the piezoelectric material was place on the toe and heel inside the shoe to maximize energy harvesting, then a synchronized switch harvesting circuit was added to maximize electrical power output and a power bank device for storage of power.

Background of the Study

The availability of the material is of no great concern because Philippines have many electronics shop selling the materials needed. According to study, piezoelectric material is very desirable compare to other energy harvesting material through vibration such as electrostatic and electromagnetic. The design is very feasible because many applications made use of piezoelectric material for collecting energy.

Background of the Study

The best-known application is the electric Cigarette Lighter. Pressing the button causes a spring loaded hammer to hit a piezoelectric crystal, producing a sufficiently high voltage electric current that flows across a small spark-gap, thus heating and igniting the gas. Several nightclubs, mostly in Europe have already begun to power their strobes and stereos using the force of hundreds of people pounding on piezoelectric lined dance floors.

Background of the Study

A number of gyms, notable in Portland and a few other places are powered by a combination of piezoelectric set ups and generators set up on stationary bikes. Putting piezoelectric crystal underneath the sidewalks, stairwells, and areas with many people to power street lights is another application.

Background of the Study

Capitalizing on the friction and heat created by walking, running and even just wearing jeans, engineers from Michigan Technological University, Arizona State University devised a way to use this type of generated energy to charge portable electronic devices, like iPods and mobile phones by means of Biomechanical Energy Harvester and Energy harvesting by Piezoelectric windmills.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers seek to develop a solution on how we can personally charge our electronic gadgets by walking using piezoelectric material. Another desired solution is to maximize the output given by the piezoelectric material to charge higher wattage devices.

General Objectives The aim of this design is to create a selfsufficient system for charging our devices by walking using piezoelectric material.

Specific Objectives To design and implement a system with synchronized switch harvesting circuit to maximize electrical power output. To create a power bank for storage of power in case the gadget is fully charged. To lessen the burden of individuals for charging their handy devices and lessen the monthly power consumption at home. To employ conservation of energy and find another source of renewable energy.

Significance of the Study

With this study and design of energy harvesting employing piezoelectric material, the proponents see that this project is of great need and interest. The evolution of telephone and mobile phone proved the technology boom of the 21st century. As technology improves day by day, the demand for renewable source of energy became popular. This project could be the answer for that demand.

Significance of the Study

People on a hurry dont have to worry if their android phones, iPods or maybe tablets dont have enough battery to access social networking sites, reading novels, playing games, sweet music and other feature that each device offers for the convenience of the user. The proposed design could be the response in sustaining battery supply for each gadget. The design also exhibits higher electrical output for faster charging.

Significance of the Study

It is also capable of storing power and could charge a higher wattage device. The fear of deteriorating the battery performance due to excess supply is of no concern since we have a powerbank circuit. This project also helps the never-ending issue of global warming since it only uses human locomotion for energy production.

Significance of the Study

As of today, the need for power production develops from time to time and this project could be the start for a higher and renewable source of power production.

Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on the benefits individuals get by using the implementation of the proposed Piezoelectric Material Based Energy Harvesting to charge their phones by just walking and not exerting much effort and the best is to save money. The system will be limited only on charging mobile phones or low wattage device.

Scope and Delimitations

Only one size of shoe is considered on this study. The study does not include detailed research about piezoelectric material and the amount of power generated on the heel and toe of the shoe.

Scope and Delimitations

The piezoelectric device is separated from the Powerbank circuit and circuit for increasing power output to ensure comfort on the part of user and lightweight of the design. The proponents consider the weather condition in the Philippines, most especially during rainy season allowing them to separate Powerbank circuit and circuit for increasing power output ensuring durability and better performance of the design.

Proposed Methodology

Proposed Methodology
In the Figure 1, it shows how the device will work if we want to charge the PowerBank and the Cellular phone. The Piezoelectric component will serve as the main source of energy. The energy will be produce by walking/running because it is connected to the shoes of a human being. The Piezoelectric will first go through the Circuit (shown on the Figure 3) to increase the ability to produce higher voltage that will be needed to charge the PowerBank and the CP. Then the energy will be transferred to the PowerBank and the energy will be stored there. After the PowerBank is fully charged the energy will transfer to the given Cellular Phone to charge. In this case, the PowerBank will be charged and at the same time the CP also.

Proposed Methodology

Proposed Methodology
In the Figure 2, it is almost the same with the Figure 1, but the difference is that, we can directly charge the CP without going through the PowerBank. This idea is for the chances that the user needs to charge his/her CP immediately.

Proposed Methodology

Proposed Methodology
In Figure 3, it shows how the device will be worn by the user.

Proposed Methodology

Proposed Methodology
In the Figure 4, it shows the circuit that will be connected to the piezoelectric component for increasing output voltage.

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