Entrepreneurship Management.....

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Innovator who introduces something new Innovation may be
New method of production New product New source of raw material New market

One who assumes the responsibility and the risk for a business operation with the expectation of making a profit.

Who is an Entrepreneur ?
He is a person who develops and owns his own enterprise He is a moderate risk taker and works under uncertainty for achieving the goal. He is innovative . Reflects strong urge to be independent. Persistently tries to do something better. Dissatisfied with routine activities. Prepared to withstand the hard life. Determined but patient. Exhibits sense of leadership. Also exhibits sense of competitiveness. Takes personals responsibility . Oriented towards the future. Convert a situation into opportunity.

The characteristics of an unique entrepreneur are :

Need for achievement High need for power Independence Propensity to take risk Personal modernity Support Business enterprise Leadership

Entrepreneurship is the purposeful activities of an individuals or a group of associated individuals undertaken to initiate, maintain or enlarge profit by production or distribution of economic goods and services. - A. H. Cole
Entrepreneurship is the act and art of being an entrepreneur or one who undertakes innovations or introducing new things, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods. This may result in new organizations or may be part of revitalizing mature organizations in response to a perceived opportunity. When entrepreneurship is describing activities within a firm or large organization it is referred to as intra-preneurship and may include corporate venturing, when large entities spin-off organizations.

Manager v/s Entrepreneurship

Similarities between manager & entrepreneurship: To produce results To produce results through people Decision maker To co-operate under constraints To follow sound principles of management

Difference between manager & entrepreneurship: Primary motive Risk and courage Status Rewards Qualification Innovation Failure & mistakes Attitude towards system

Importance of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship problems and capital formation. It provides immediate large scale employment. It provides balanced regional development. It helps in reducing the concentration of economic power. It stimulates the equitable redistribution of wealth, income and even political power in the interest of the country. It encourages effective resource mobilization of capital and skills which might otherwise remain utilized. It includes backward and forward linkages which stimulates the process of economic development in the country. It promotes countrys export trade.

Benefits of Entrepreneurship
Economic growth Productivity New technologies, products and services Market place change

Why Entrepreneurships Fail??

Lack of practical concept Lack of market knowledge Lack of technical skills

Lack of capital
Lack of general business know-how

Factors affecting Entrepreneur

Economic Factors Capital Labor Raw material Market Social factors authority of entrepreneurship Social mobility oddness security Psychological Factors Need achievement Locus of control Tolerance for risk Tolerance for uncertainty Type A Behavior

Dreamers who do

Definition :

An intrapreneur is a person within large corporations who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into profitable finished product through assertive risk taking and innovation.

Entrepreneurs V/S Intrapreneurs

Entrepreneurs are people that notice opportunities and take the initiative to mobilize resources to make new goods and services. Intrapreneurs also notice opportunities and take initiative to mobilize resources, however they work in large companies and contribute to the innovation of the firm. Intrapreneurs often become entrepreneurs.

Small scale Industries As Seed-Beds of Entrepreneurship

Functioning as a nursery of Entrepreneurship. Production of infinite goods & services demands development of skills. Promising means of promoting Entrepreneurship. Decisive importance in economy where few large scale & medium sized and large number of small scale businesses co-exist.

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