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Tourism and Society

To give the effects of tourism in our society. To discuss social tourism To evaluate the social effects & contribution of tourism in our country

What is Sociology?

Sociology is the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships.

Effects on the Individual

Environment that is unfamiliar, not only geographically but also personally, socially, and culturally. Travelers must manage their resources of money and time. They also must manage their social interactions and social relations. Extent of the cultural distance.

Effects on the Individual

Life-seeing Tourism is a structured method for those who wish deeper immersion in local ways of life to acquire such enrichment. Travel experiences often are among the most outstanding memories in the travelers life

Effects on the Family

As a family is growing and the children are maturing, the trips taken as a family are highlights of any year. Study before taking the trip and expert travel counseling greatly add to a maximization of the trips benefits.

Effects on Society
Travel has a significant influence on national understanding and appreciation of other people. Government politics in progressive and enlightened nations encourage domestic travel. The presence of visitors in a country affects the living patterns of indigenous peoples.

Effects on Society
A favorable situation exists when visitors and residents of the host country mingle socially and become better acquainted.

Tourism: Security and Crime

Tourist can be easy prey for criminals as tourists do not know about dangerous areas in the place visited. If such high-crime areas exist, active efforts must be made to inform visitors and guests. Crimes against tourists result in bad publicity and create a negative image in the minds of prospective visitors.

Resentment by local people toward the tourist can be generated by the apparent gap in economic circumstances, behavioral patterns, appearance, and economic effects. Conflict of interests Feeling of inferiority among indigenous people Both hosts and guests in any society can learn from one another.

Beneficial social contact and planned visits to observe local life and culture One-to-one interaction between hosts and guests can break down stereotypes By labeling people, individualism is lost

Negative Social Effects on a Host Society

1. Introduction of undesirable activities 2. The so-called demonstration effect of local people wanting the same luxuries and imported goods 3. Racial tension 4. Development of a servile attitude on the part of tourist business employees

Negative Social Effects on a Host Society

5. Trinketization of crafts and arts to produce volumes of souvenirs 6. Standardization of employee roles such as the international waiter 7. Loss of cultural pride 8. Too-rapid change in local ways 9. Disproportionate numbers of workers in lowpaid, menial jobs characteristics of much hotel and restaurant employee

Negative Social Effects on a Host Society

Many of these negative effects can be moderated or eliminated by intelligent planning and progressive management methods. Tourism can be developed in ways that will not impose such a heavy social cost.

Changing Population and Travel Interests

People, group attitudes and populations are factors that affect travel interests Growth of communication systems As communications resources grow, awareness and interest also grow

Life Characteristics and Travel

Travel Patterns Related to Age
Family recreation patterns are associated with the life stages of the family Presence of young children Vs. married couples with no children

Life Characteristics and Travel

Senior Citizen Market
Growth of the over-sixty-five senior citizen market and the semi senior citizen market- that is those over fifty-five years old. Mature Market, Senior Market, Retirement Market, or Elderly Market, an important and growing market.

Life Characteristics and Travel

People must have buying power to create a market. Large and increasing percentage of the population today has sufficient discretionary income to finance business and pleasure travel. Relationship between family income and the incidence of travel.

Life Characteristics and Travel

Education tends to broaden peoples interests and thus stimulate travel. Studies uniformly show that well-educated individuals account for the most travel and the most dollars spent for vacation and pleasure trips. Income accompanies education as an important factor.

Life Characteristics and Travel

Travel and the Handicapped
This group constitutes an excellent potential market for travel if the facilities and arrangements are suitable for their use and enjoyment. These consumers, while not healthy, have adequate resources to travel several times per year. Individuals with disabilities have been categorized by either their medical conditions or their level of self-sufficiency.

Emergence of Group Travel Patterns

Travel Clubs Low-Priced Group Travel Public Carrier Group Rates and Arrangements Incentive Tours Special-Interest Tours

Social (Subsidized) Tourism

Social Tourism is a type of tourism practiced by low income groups, and which is rendered possible and facilitated by entirely separate and therefore easily recognizable services. -W. Hunziker at the Second Congress of Social Tourism

Social (Subsidized) Tourism

Social Tourism is a type of tourism practiced by those who would not be able to meet the cost without social intervention, that is, without the assistance of an association to which the individual belongs. -M. Andre Poplimont

Social (Subsidized) Tourism

Elements of Social Tourism:
Idea of limited means Subsidized by the states, local authorities, employers, trade unions, clubs, or other associations to which the worker belongs It involves travel outside the normal place of residence

Summary of the Principal Social Effects of Tourism

1. The vacation and special business trips a person takes are often among lifes most vivid memories 2. For families, vacation trips taken together are among the highlights of the years activities. 3. The presence of visitors in a particular area can affect the living patterns of local people.

Summary of the Principal Social Effects of Tourism

4. On a national basis, people of a particular country can have their lives changed by tourism, particularly of there are large numbers of tourists in proportion to the indigenous population. 5. For both hosts and guests, the most satisfying relationships are formed when they can meet and interact socially.

Summary of the Principal Social Effects of Tourism

6. Tourisms effects on crime are negligible, but tourists can become easy victims of crime. 7. Resentment of visitors by local people can occur. 8. Extensive tourism development can bring about undesirable social effects such as increased prostitution, gambling, drunkenness and others.

Summary of the Principal Social Effects of Tourism

9. Domestic and international tourism increase for people in a country that has a rising standard of living, a population age distribution favoring young adults or young married couples with no children. 10.People living in cities are more interested in travel than those living in small towns or rural areas.

Summary of the Principal Social Effects of Tourism

11.Wealthy people and those in higher social classes are greatly inclined to travel. 12.Increase in the educational level in a population brings about an increase in travel. 13.Catering to handicapped persons substantially increases markets. 14.Group travel and torus are popular ways to travel.

Barriers to Travel
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cost Lack of time Health limitations Family stage Lack of interest Fear and safety

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