Centre For Transformation, Growth, Healing & Health Jamshedpur

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Centre for Transformation, Growth, Healing & Health Jamshedpur,



The Role of


# to establish contact with the student to work out a program # to build rapport with the student, (mutual trust, respect & become involved in the students training program). # to motivate & encourage to achieve worthy goals # to help him to unearth the hidden potential dormant within Contd..

# to help him to become focused, Self-confident & build Self-esteem # to help him to be in tune with the Higher Self # to create individual profiling
(students interests, strengths & weaknesses etc.)

# to monitor & evaluate continuously # to withdraw & become available as and when required by the student

To achieve significant improvement in performance coaches should pay more attention to the human being inside the body of the sports person.
Dr. Rudy Webster (sports psychologist)

Personality traits of a Mentor

# Possess Self-Awareness # High degree of Self- Esteem & Self-Confidence # Optimistic (no fear of failure) # Lead by example # Articulate & arouse enthusiasm to achieve goals & mission # Guide the performance of others while holding them responsible

# Assess each student & deliver the

assessment with care # Sensitive & tries to understand others perspectives # Self-Motivated # Build rapport & help other members into active participation # Build team identity & protect its reputation Contd..

# Result-oriented with high drive to meet challenges # Share credit # Good at conflict management & handle difficult people well # Stay composed even in pressure situations # Good communicator # Encourage debate & open discussion

# Accept change gracefully # Good listener & understand others emotional needs # High level of Trust in law of the Supreme Intelligence

How to go about it ?

First thing First

The right paradigm !

What is a Paradigm ?

Paradigm : Root > Greek

A model / Theory / Perception, Assumption or Frame of reference.. Its the way we see the world, not in the visual sense but in terms of Understanding ! Paradigms are powerful because they create the Lens through which we see people, events around us !

Paradigm Shift !
What is it ?

The Way We See the Problem Is the Problem !

What do you see?

Paradigm shift can show you many aspects of a thing or event !

What can you make out of this picture?

Guess, What is it ?

What do you see ?

You are looking at . !

The Fundamental

Awareness ! What is it ?

It is a prerequisite for any endeavor towards Self-Growth

Can you look at yourself almost as if you were someone else ?




How to become Self-Aware ? An experiment :

Become aware of your body
Who is becoming aware ?

Become aware of your thoughts

Who is becoming aware ?

Become aware of your emotions

Who is becoming aware ?

Become aware of the surroundings

Who is becoming aware ?

The power of Self-Awareness !

# # # It deeply affects our attitudes, behaviors & professional career. It helps in knowing ones strengths & limits (self- assessment). It helps in keeping ones disruptive emotions & impulses in check.

# It helps in knowing the way we deal with other human beings

(understanding others emotions),

& our dealings with nature. # It helps in understanding and taking responsibility for our own actions (Karma) & performance i.e. our destiny.

It helps in maintaining standards of honesty & integrity & trust life.

It helps in handling changes that life brings & motivate us to be innovative & creative. It helps in knowing our true potential & ultimately to experience the Divine Intelligence.

Independent Will
Freedom to choose between Stimulus & Response

I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to create his life by conscious endeavor.
Henry David Thoreau

Points to enhance Self-Awareness :

# Become aware of the body & its movements, breathing process, heart beats, flow of the blood in the body etc. Bringing awareness to each act, walking, eating, sitting, reading, brushing teeth, taking a bath, driving, watching TV etc. Become aware of ones own thoughts without repressing. Become aware of ones own emotions, feelings, moods etc.

# #

#To use any meditation technique for Self-Awareness. # Become aware of the objects, people, events around us without any preconceived ideas. # Observing nature in silence It is always better & easy to practice Self-awareness when we are in a good mood & healthy state !


Mental Emotional

Layers of Consciousness :
Personality Individuality Divinity

The three Dimensions !

Health & Fitness

Balanced Food Balanced Exercise Balanced Rest

Correct Breathing
Correct Posture

Body Awareness

The Second Step

What is the biggest obstacle you have found on your path towards

success ?

What is Mind ?
Help your student to understand his mind..

The Five Modifications of the Mind (Great Sage Patanjali)

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Right Knowledge (Pramana) Wrong Knowledge (Viparyaya) Imagination (Vikalpa) Sleep (Nidra) Memory (Smritaya)

Faces of the Mind

i) Mind Chitta ii) Ego Ahamkara iii) Intellect Buddhi

In which state you find yourself most of the time ?

Know your Mental State

Healthy State
i) Fickleness ii) Anxious iii) Madness

Unhealthy state
i) Concentration ii) Contemplation iii) Meditation

A Road Map to Healthy Mind

a. Voluntary Thinking b. Awareness of Thoughts c. Positive Thoughts

d. Silence (no thoughts)

(no thought state)
(Conservation of Energy & Rejuvenation )

Compulsive Thinking
A Diseased State of

Mind (Leakage of Energy)

The third Step


Rising IQ
Reason : Better nutrition, small family, better education, Computers etc.

Dropping EQ : Latest survey of

parents, teachers & mentors show that the present generation children are more emotionally troubled than the last.
Dr. Thomas Achenbach ( psychologist, University of Vermont)

On an average today our children are growing : # more lonely & more worried # more depressed # more angry # more unruly It is # more nervous # more impulsive world wide ! # more aggressive

Emotional Intelligence

The five main domains :

i) ii) iii) iv) V) Self-Awareness Self-Regulation Motivation Empathy Social Competence

* Emotions *
Traditional & Modern views

Old view

Latest view

* Sign of weakness * Sign of Strength * Not required in * Essential to Business Business * Avoid emotions * Understand & use it * Confuse * Clarify * De-motivate * Motivate

Old view

Latest view

* Avoid emotional * Look for emotional People People * Use of Non* Use of emotional emotional words * Interfere with right * Required for right Judgment * Judgment * Obstruct reasoning * Enhance reasoning * Complicate mgmt. * Spark Creativity & planning innovation

Indicator of a persons Success in life :

20 %




It consists of : # what is stress & types of stress # sources of stress # symptoms of stress # personality traits & stress # Stress & personality # Effects of Stress on the body # Time & stress # stress & performance model # where is your stress coming from # management of stress

Yogic way of a Healthy, Creative & Productive living

The Eight Point Program :

i) Samyak Drishti ii) Samyak Jagrity iii) Samyak Karma iv) Samyak Sambandh v) Samyak Vaini vi) Samyak Sankalpa vii) Samyak Sweekar viii) Samyak Samadhi Inspired by the vision of Lord Buddha

The Prerequisite

Samyak Khoj
(the right search)

Stephen R. Covey
In his famous book

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R. Covey mentions

about these paradigm in great detail !!

The Seven Habits

i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Putting first thing first Begin with the end in mind Synergizing Be Proactive Think Win-win Seek first to understand and then to be understood vii) Sharpening the Shaw


How to motivate a student ?

Goal Setting
# Long term # Short term # Daily S M A R T Based

Once the mind sets a goal, the brain starts its activities towards achieving the same.

A goal in the mind today becomes a reality tomorrow.

Write down your Goals ! Why ?

By writing down goals, a person makes a commitment to himself & without commitment it is almost impossible to reach to any goal.

I keep a diary. It helps remind me of the Goals & Targets set by me, may be, three or four months down the line. It will help me improve my game
Sachin Tendulkar

Programming the Mind for Success


Visualization :
Research work on visualization tells us that the combination of physical & mental practice is the most effective way of refining a skill & produce high level performance.

Research work on brain tells that Visualizing or Imagining exactly how we want to do a thing is giving an order to the brain so that it has a clear direction & purpose.

Success Cycle

Research say that performance is based around something called Success Cycle. The Cycle shows that the relationship between how you feel about yourself and how you are likely to perform in competition is interdependent.

Mental Skills required for Peak Performance

# # # # # # #

Self-Awareness A strong desire to excel Knowledge of the subject Confidence in ones ability Positive attitude Great effort & persistence Fearlessness

# # # # # # #

Deep concentration Great Patience Emotional Intelligence Ability to deal with Pressure Adaptability Acceptance of results gracefully Trust in Supreme Intelligence

Creation of Will Power

Head Thinking Heart Feeling Navel Being

The Source of Will Power

The Third Eye

Execution of the Will Power is through the third eye


# #

Positive Negative
Right Attitude

Finer points for a mentor :

* * * Making a student to take deep interest in his area of work Providing a Role Model Expressing genuine interest in the student Showing greater values & commitment to the values Treating each student as a special person Help each student to feel good Be a good listener & maintain open communication


* *


Spiritual Management consists of :

Understanding Spirituality. Experiencing Spirituality. Various methods to enter into Spiritual dimension. Material Science & Spirituality. Religion & Spirituality

What is Spirituality ?
Root - Spirit- means the essence; it also means a rational intelligent being without a material body
Oxford Dictionary

A Scientific Perspective of Nature:

The Nature is structured in Layers :
a) Within the Matter there are Molecules, b) Within the Molecules there are Atoms, c) Within the Atoms there are Subatomic particles.

The deeper the exploration into Matter the Greater is the release of Energy !

Who is Spiritual Person ?

A spiritual person is one who knows his essence, his source and lives according to the Wisdom of the Source !

SQ !

MEDITATION What is it ?

Meditation is relaxation of Bodymind with Awareness !

Meditation is the art of Living in the Present Moment

(Living Moment to Moment)

Totality in each act !

Methods of Meditation

Body Oriented (Hatha Yoga) Mind Oriented (Raja Yoga) Heart Oriented (Bhakti Yoga)

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social & spiritual well being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity W.H.O

Meditate playfully, dont meditate seriously Let meditation be fun & enjoyment

Thank you for undertaking the Journey with me

Presentation by RAJEEV NAIR Centre for Transformation, Growth, Healing & Health Jamshedpur.
Contact : 9431750122
e-mail : nairsatyarthy@yahoo.com

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