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Yale School of Management

Hedge Fund Survey by CarbonBased Consulting in 2003

Background ( 400 responses from 300 companies Respondents from Europe (50%), APAC (20%), US (19%) and RoW (11%) SURVEY REVEALS 90% OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS SUFFER LOSS DUE TO POOR OPERATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT

Yale School of Management

Operational Risk Policies

Key drivers behind adopting an ORM are regulatory pressures such as Basel ll and Sarbanes-Oxley. Internal best practice benchmarking exercises and concern over levels of internal losses are also key factors 19% of companies surveyed had no OR policies currently in place. 43% had implemented an ORM within the last two years IT systems failure and regulatory/compliance risks were seen as the most important risks to be dealt with. Few respondents saw key person retention as important

Yale School of Management

21% of respondents expect to suffer a $10K - $100K loss at least once a day

93% had experienced a $10 million+ loss each year

Yale School of Management

33% of respondents said their firm would spend >$1 million this year on improving op risk measurement 29% believed spending in this area would be up by over 100% this year over last year

Costs of Benefits of Risk Mgt Spending

Benefits Reduction in operational losses seen as the key benefit. Improved performance measurement also seen as important 36% of respondents expected to see an op risk economic capital decline of more that 20% this year
49% expected operational losses to decline between 10% and 25% over the same period 32% expected to see revenues rise by more that 20% as a result of increased operational efficiency 4

Yale School of Management

Operational Risk Management Structure

Just over 20% of respondents have an ops risk committee supplemented by op risk managers at the business unit level 14% have no framework in place at all Ops risk teams remain small - 60% have a team of between 1 and 5 people 48% did not believe the size of the team would increase in the next 12 months

Yale School of Management

Technology Infrastructure
Internal loss databases (48%), self assessment tools (46%) and internal reporting tools (44%) are the most commonly implemented technologies either already implemented or currently being implemented Less than 20% have a statistical modeling tool or AI/expert systems modeling tool in place 68% of respondents are choosing to build at least one ops risk system in house (cost and lack of functionality are the most commonly cited reasons) 48% are planning to implement one of the advanced measurement approaches listed under the Basel II document

Yale School of Management

Obstacles to ops risk management

4 of the top 5 obstacles cited are issues with data (modeling ops risk, collating sufficient volume, mixing qualitative and quantitative data and ensuring quality of data used).

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