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Procedure to treat infertility by:

Ovaries Stimulated to produce more eggs Seminal fluid washed in artificial media and introduced into the uterus Sperms swims towards the egg for fertilization to take place Entire procedure takes 15-20 minutes

Can be either due to abnormal sperm shape, motility and viability. IUI helps to separate the normal sperms from abnormal sperms thus achieving fertilization.
Abnormal position of the cervix preventing sperm travel to the egg. Thick cervical secretion during ovulation thus preventing sperm ascent to the uterus and to the egg.

Some woman are allergic to the protein in the semen of their husband which causes discomfort after intercourse so most couple prevent intercourse thus preventing pregnancy.
There are many unexplained reasons for infertility for which the only treatment solution is IUI.

Monitoring Ovulation

Monitoring of ovulation is done by vaginal ultrasound after the woman is given ovarian stimulating drugs to make sure of the maturity of the follicles Doctor usually prefers having at least 1-3 mature follicles to give the HCG injection

Preparation of the semen sample

After 2-5 days of abstinence semen collected in hospital Normal sperm isolated from abnormal sperms Sperm separated form other components and concentrated in a media. Total time for sperm preparation 30-60 minutes.

Done in the clinic of the doctor, and there is no need for medication or an analgesic during the procedure

Speculum is placed in the vagina and cervical area is cleaned

Specimen of highly motile sperm is placed in the uterine cavity using a special flexible catheter

Success rate of Intra Uterine Insemination - IUI:

The pregnancy rate of IUI is 10-20% and it depends on the age of the wife, her health situation, and also on the number of motile sperm that is used in each cycle, and the pregnancy rate in 2 IUI cycles using 5 million sperm is more than the pregnancy rate in 1 IUI cycle using 10 million sperm.

10% chance per month using clomid, and IUI for up to 3 cycles

15-20% chance per month using injection by FSH medication, and IUI for up to 3 cycles.

Rarely, IUI may cause infection in the uterus and tubes, from bacterial contamination that originate either from semen sample, or contamination of sterile catheter in the vaginal or cervical area during the procedure. Careful cleaning of the cervix and cautious technique alleviate this and make it a rarity.

The IUI is usually done twice during the treatment cycle, and it has been proved that doing the IUI twice increases the pregnancy rate because it decreases the loss of the fertility period during the ovulation, but there was a study that was done comparing the pregnancy rate after IUI on one time, or two times, and found no difference.

Usually, the IUI procedure takes from 15-20 minutes. The patient is then asked to lie down on her back for a period of time The patient can continue her normal life, and passage of a small amount of blood in 1-2 days after IUI is normal

Pregnancy test should not be done before 2 weeks have past since the IUI. Doing it before this may cause false negative result (which means that the patient is pregnant while the test is negative), and in the cases where hormones are used for ovulation induction, like HCG, doing the pregnancy test before 2 weeks can cause a false positive result (which means that the patient is not pregnant while the test is positive that is caused by the HCG hormone that is found in the blood).

It can be repeated 3-6 times to increase the pregnancy rate It can be repeated after at least one month or more, this depends on the doctor's and the couple's mutual decision If IUI fails after 4 trials, it is preferred not to repeat it. The doctor will decide the next step according to the case

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