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Entry Stage of Consultation

CG 621 Dougherty text, Chapter 3

Overall Stages of Consultation

1. 2. 3. 4.
Entry Diagnosis Implementation Disengagement

Entry StageFour Phases

1. 2. 3. 4.
Exploring organizational needs Contracting Physically entering the system Psychologically entering the system

Exploring Organizational Needs

Primary decisionwhether the consultation should take place Familiarizationanswers to four questions
1. 2. 3. 4. Why am I here?perceived need, problem definition Who are you?defines roles to be taken on What is likely to happen?means and ends, goal(s) What will be the result?assessment issues

First Phase of Entry Stage

Potential Pitfalls in Entry Stage

Entry process can be jeopardized by consultant
Fail to identify the real problem Promise too much Fail to adequately specify consultant roles Fail to recognize lack of competence related to identified problem Fail to adapt to and plan for the organizations particular problems and concerns

Potential Pitfalls in Entry Stage (2)

Process can also be jeopardized by consultee
Fail to properly screen a prospective consultant Neglect clarification of how consultant intends to operate within the system Fail to clarify specific expectations of consultants role and behavior Fail to accurately identify the organizations problem Fail to explain to consultant what organizations resource limitations are, and discuss how these might affect the potential consultation plan/experience

Potential Pitfalls in Entry Stage (3)

A key issue in this stage (for both potential
consultant and consultee) is to allow sufficient

time for discussion and mutual understanding

Effective questioning by consultant is very


Phase Two of Entry Stage


An oral or written agreement specifying

expectations and obligations of consultant and consultee, including how much time each will invest, what ground rules will be followed, and payment-related details. Written contract is safest; collaborative services more likely to be informal. Psychological aspects (expectations) important, too, but may not be expressed or written, and

may differ for different parts of consultee system

Phase Three of Entry Stage

Physical Entry

Begins when consultant first comes into contact

with members of the organization What will be the consultants work site within the organization? (office can be advantage, but dont stay in it all the time!) Seek out those connected to the consultation Have specified time schedule Adapt to organizations schedule as possible Have contact person give advance notice of your coming

Phase Four of Entry Stage

Psychological Entry

Refers to gradual acceptance of consultant by

members of organization Awareness of both process and personal interactional patterns of organization are helpful Create as little stress as possible on members of organization (fit in). Look to be judged by deeds rather than words. Avoid being perceived as trying too hard to win them over, thoughbe genuine Appropriate use of social/interpersonal influence

Social/Interpersonal Influence
The trick is to impact the consultee(s) while
maintaining a relationship among equals (people affected are more open to influence to the degree that they view the consultant as being:
Attractive (consultees see similarities; connect to org. values) Trustworthy (show understanding, approp. use of power, respect confidentiality, be credible, realistic) Competent (expertise is perceived possession of knowledge of skills to solve a problem; may enhance by sharing related experiencecareful about war stories)

Bases of Power for Social Influence

(French & Raven, 1957)

1. Coercionconsultee is fearful of being confronted 2.

if dont follow through with plan Rewardconsultee views praise from consultant as rewarding, validating Legitimateconsultee views consultants attempt to help as appropriate to their role, a fit *Expertconsultant viewed by consultee as knowing more about the subject/problem *Referentconsultant viewed as similar, linked *Informationalinformation viewed as relevant

4. 5. 6.

Multicultural Aspects of Entry Process

Take into account cultural issues without

stereotyping Bring some culture-specific expertise Consultee may or may not explicitly address this area of concern, so be ready with own questions Comes back to communication and relationshipbuilding Assess own level of comfort re issues Specific subset of psychological entry

Case Studies
Pages 65-66 of Dougherty book (5th ed.)
YouTube video examples of consultation

Diagnostic StageFour Phases

1. 2. 3. 4.
Gathering information Defining the problem Setting goals Generating possible interventions

Phase One of Diagnostic Stage Gathering Information

Many sources availablechoice depends

on situation, resources, etc. Can be gathered by consultant, consultee, or bothbut this must be mutually agreed upon Use of scanning (scoping out the big picture before formal data gathering)

Phase One of Diagnostic Stage Gathering Information (2)

1. 2. 3. 4.
Documents and records Questionnaires and surveys Interviews Observation

Phase Two of Diagnostic Stage Defining the Problem

Effects rest of consultative process Involves analyzing data collected Approach to analysis should be agreed upon ahead

of time Ideally involves collaborative approach If more than one problem identified, must prioritize them collaboratively May generate alternative definitions of problem, to be chosen based on: reasonability, workability, motivation criteria

Phase Three of Diagnostic Stage Setting Goals

Central part of diagnostic processdont rush Goal(s) selected should be:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Specific Verifiable (measurable somehow) Cost-effective Meaningful to those involved Realisticas to resources, control, obstacles

Phase Four of Diagnostic Stage Possible Interventions

Interventionsplanned actions or activities that,
together, represent a plan to achieve the goal(s) Assist consultees in this process via: Brainstorming alternatives Using prompts People to assist Places that might help Things to help Organizations to assist Prepackaged programs available Consultee resources

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