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Jet Engine Propulsion Systems

Outlines of the Review:

Part I Jet Propulsion Principles/Types/Parts/Functions Part II Jet Propulsion Analysis/Computations

Part I: Jet Propulsion Principles/Types/Parts/Functions

Heat Engines Engines that convert heat energy to mechanical energy TYPES OF COMBUSTION ENGINES (HEAT ENGINES) 1. External Combustion Engine 2. Internal Combustion Engine TYPES OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 1. Reciprocating Engines (RE) 2. Jet Engines Reaction Engines Engines that generates thrust by its reaction to the flow in the opposite direction of a mass of air

Jet Propulsion Principle

What is Thrust? It is the force that pushes you deep into your seat as you speed down the runway for take-off. It is the force that propels an airplane forward through the air.

How is THRUST created? Balanced forces on an object prevent movement. If forces on an object are the same in all directions the object will not move.

Unbalanced forces cause an object to move.

During operation, a jet engine pushes gases out of the exhaust nozzle. This makes an unbalanced force towards the front of the engine. Unbalanced forces cause jet engines to make thrust.

Newton's 2nd Law of Motion states "Force equals mass accelerated (F = ma)." When a jet engine accelerates air (mass), it makes thrust (force). When a jet engine moves a small quantity of air, it makes a small quantity of thrust.

When it moves a large quantity of air, it makes a large quantity of thrust.

Newton's 3rd Law of Motion states "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." The ACTION is the jet exhaust going through the jet engine. The REACTION is the jet engines then moves forward.

Jet engine thrust can be increased in two ways:

increase the speed of exhaust gases.

increase the quantity of exhaust gases.

Increased engine thrust will make an aircraft fly faster or with more weight.

It has no static thrust. Must be carried aloft by another high speed aircraft and accelerated to operating speed. Guided-missile systems, vehicles use this type of jet Space

Ram air pressure forces the shutters to open, fuel is injected into the combustion chambers, and is burned. Ignition is intermittent, timed to go on and off as shutters open and close.

Turbojet Engines Continued..

The turbojet engine is a reaction engine that uses only thrust developed within the engine to produce propulsive force. Have no other features such as fan, propeller or free turbine. Substantial increases in thrust can be obtained by employing an afterburner Efficiencies of turbojets are attained at high altitude and airspeed. High thrust at low airspeed is not a turbojet characteristics. To be at their best, turbojets need ram air pressure that comes only with high airspeed. Need long runway for takeoff.

Turboprop Engines Continued...

Deliver more thrust at low subsonic airspeeds. Propulsive efficiency of a turboprop decreases as the airspeed increases, while in a turbojet engine propulsive efficiency increases as airspeed increases. Low of propulsive efficiency with speed that becomes a limiting factor at airspeeds above Mach 0.6 for turboprop aircraft.

it provides power for a helicopter rotor or APU

Air Inlet Duct

Compressor Section

Part II: Jet Propulsion Analysis/Computations

Useful Constants:
Absolute Zero: 0R or - 460F Acceleration due to Gravity: g = 32.2 ft/s2 or 9.81m/s2 Gas Constant for Air: R = 53.342 ft-lbf/lbm-R or 287.08 N-m/kgm-K Mechanical Equivalent of Heat: J = 778.16 ft-lb/BTU Standard Sea Level Density: o = 0.002378 slugs/ft3 or 1.225 kgm/m3 Standard Sea Level Pressure: Po = 14.7 psia, 29.92 inHg, 2116.8 lbf/ft2, 101325 Pa Standard Sea Level Temperature: To = 519R, 288.2K, 15C, 59F

The Brayton Cycle:

Thermodynamic Analysis of the Operation of a Gas Turbine Powerplant

Schematic of Simple Cycle:

Air Standard Brayton Cycle

1-2: Isentropic Compression 2-3: Constant Presure addition of heat 3-4: isentropic expansion 4-1: Constant pressure rejection of heat

Analysis of the Brayton Cycle:

QA = mcp (T3 T2) QR = mcp (T1 T4) = -mcp (T4 T1) W = QA QR = mcp (T3 T2) mcp (T4 T1) e = W = mcp (T3 T2) mcp (T4 T1) QA mcp (T3 T2) e = 1 T4 T1 T3 T2 e=1 1 = 1 - 1 rk k-1 rp k-1

where: rk = V1 , the compression ratio V2 rp = p2 , the pressure ratio p1

Process 1-2: T2 = V1 k-1 = P2 T1 V2 P1 T2 = T1 rk k-1 rk k-1 = rp k-1/k


Process 3-4: T3 = P3 k-1/k = T4 P4 T3 = T4 rk k-1 e =1 - 1 rk k-1

P2 P1


= 1 -

1 rp k-1/k

Total Compressor Work, Wc = Q H Wc = -mcp(T2 T1) Total Turbine Work, Wt = Q H Wt = -mcp (T4 T3) Wt = mcp (T3 T4) Net Work, W or WB = Wt Wc Pm = W / VD - Mean Effective Pressure

Example Problem
1. The intake of the compressor of an air standard Brayton cycle is 40,000 cfm at 15 psia and 90 F. The compression ratio, rk = 5 and the temperature at the turbine inlet is 1440 F. The exit pressure of the turbine is 15 psia. Determine the net work, thermal efficiency, and the mean effective pressure.

Given: V1 = 40,000 cfm p1 = 15 psia T1 = 550 R T3 = 1900 R p4 = 15 psia rk = V1/V2 = 5

m = p1V1 = (15)(144)(40,000) RT1 (53.34)(550) Point 1: v1 = V1 = 40,000 = 13.58 ft3/lb m 2945 Point 2: v2 = v1/rk = 13.58/5 = 2.72 ft3/lb p2 = p1rk k-1 = (15)(5)1.4 = 142.8 psia T2 = T1 rk k-1 = (550)(5)1.4 1 = 1047 R

Point 3: v3 = v2 Point 4: v4 = v3 T4 = T3

T3 T2
P3 P4 v3 v4

= (2.72) 1900 1047


= 4.94 ft3/lb

= (4.94)

142.8 15

= 24.7 ft3/lb


= (1900) 4.94 24.7

1.4 -1

= 998 R

Compressor Work, Wc = -cp (T2 T1) = -(0.24)(1047-550) = -119.3 BTU/lb Turbine Work, Wt = cp (T3 T4) = (0.24)(1900-998) = 216.5 BTU/lb Net Work, WB = Wt Wc = 216.5 119.3 = 97.2 BTU/lb = (97.2)(2945) = 6751 hp 42.4

Heat added, QA = cp (T3 - T2) = (0.24)(1900 1047) = 204.7 BTU/lb e = W = 97.2 = 0.4748 or 47.48 % QA 204.7 = W = W = (97.2)(778) VD V4 V2 (24.7 2.72)(144) = 23.89 psi


Thrust Horsepower
THP = THRUST x MPH 375 Where: THP = The approximate thrust horsepower produced by a jet engine travelling at a given airspeed THRUST = The pounds of thrust being developed by the jet engine in flight MPH = Airspeed in miles per hour

Newtons Second Law

F = MA Where: F = force in pounds or newton M = Mass in pound or kilograms A = acceleration in ft/s2 or m/s2 Note: M = W/g A = (V2 V1)

From Newtons Second Law, we can derive the another useful formula for Force, which is also a basic formula for jet engine thrust:
F = w x (V2 V1) g Where: F = Force in pounds w = Flow rate in lbs/sec of air, gas or a liquid, such as fuel V1 = Initial velocity of a mass of air, gas, or a liquid in ft/sec V2 = Final velocity of a mass of air, gas, or a liquid in ft/sec g = gravitational acceleration Note: M = w/g; where M = mass

Net Thrust
Fn = wa + wf x Vj - wa x Va + wf x Vf g g g Where: Fn = Net Thrust in lbs wa = Airflow through the engine in lbs/sec wf = Fuel flow in lbs/sec g = acceleration due to gravity Vj = exhaust gas velocity in ft/sec Va = incoming air velocity in ft/sec Vf = incoming fuel velocity in ft/sec

By considering the Vf to be zero, therefore....

Fn = wa + wf x Vj g By Transposing: Fn = wa (Vj - Va) wf (Vj ) g g wa x Va + 0 g

Fn = Wa (Vj Va) + Wf (Vj) + Aj (Pj Pam) g g Where: Aj = Area of Engine Jet Nozzle in sq ft. Pj = Static Pressure at the jet nozzle discharge in lbs/sq ft. Pam = static pressure of the ambient (outside) air at the jet nozzle in lbs/sq ft.

Without Considering Fuel flow:

Fn = Wa (Vj - Va) + Aj (Pj Pam) g

Gross Thrust:
Fg = Wa (Vj) + Aj (Pj Pam) g Where: Fg = Gross Thrust in lbs other units the same as before Np = 2Va - propulsive efficiency Vj + Va

Net Thrust for a single fluid:

Fn = W (Vj Va) + Aj (Pj Pa) g Where: Fn = Net Thrust W = Weight Va = Jet Engine Velocity (Forward Velocity) Vj = Jet Exit Velocity Aj = Projected Exhaust Area Pj = Pressure at Exhaust Pa = Atmospheric Pressure

Example Problems:
1. A turbojet engine is travelling at 500 mph. The jet velocity is 1900 ft/s. The pressure at the jet exhaust is atmospheric. The air flow is 300,000 lb/hr and the fuel flow is 4300 lb/hr. a. Calculate the net thrust velocity neglecting the fuel flow. b. Calculate the net thrust velocity considering the fuel flow. c. What is the propulsive efficiency?

Solution: Given: Va = 500 mph = 733.5 ft/s Vj = 1900 ft/s Pj = Pa Wa = 300,000 lb/hr Wf = 4300 lb/hr

a. Fn = Wa (Vj Va) g = 300,000 lb/hr [1900 733.5] 1 hr 32.2 ft/s2 3600 s Fn = 3018.89 lbs

b. Fn = Wa (Vj Va) + Wf Vj + Aj (Pj Pa) g g = 300,000 1900 733.5 32.2 Fn = 3089.37 lbs c. Np = 2 Va Vj + Va Np = 55.71% = 1 hr 3600 s + 4300 (32.2)(3600)

2(733.5) 1900 + 733.5

2. Turbojet Engine on a test bed run have the following data.: Thrust = 1400lb AirFlow = 25lb/s Fuel Flow = 1260 lb/hr Jet Exit Pressure = 25Hg abs a. Calculate the Jet Velocity Neglecting the fuel flow. b. Calculate the Jet Velocity considering the fuel flow. C. What is the propulsive efficiency?

1. Given is a turbo jet engine with flight velocity of 300 meters/sec and exhaust gas exit velocity of 700 meters/sec. Neglect fuel, Calculate the propulsive efficiency. (Aero Board 1983) 2. An aircraft powered by a gas turbine has an engine air flow rate of 96.60 lbs. per second and a flight speed of 700 kilometers per hour at sea level standard condition. The exhaust gas leaves the engine at a velocity of 1600 kilometers per hour and at atmospheric pressure. Neglecting fuel, determine the net thrust (newton) of the engine. ( Aero Board 1984)

3. The Turbo jet engine of an airplane in flight at 600 ft per second consumes 50 lbs of air per second and 120 lbs of fuel per minute. The exhaust gas leaves the engine tailpipe at a velocity of 1,800 feet per second at atmospheric pressure. Calculate: (Aero Board 1985) a. Engine fuel air ratio b. Engine thrust (newtons)

4. For a turbo jet with flight velocity of 310 kilometers per hour and exhaust gas jet velocity of 690 kilometers per hour at atmospheric pressure, What is the propulsive efficiency with the fuel considered negligible? (Aero Board 1986) 5. For a rocket engine to develop a thrust of 10,000 newtons, the 19.2 lb propellant consumed by the rocket per second must generate an exhaust gas jet velocity at atmospheric of what? (Aero Board 1986)

6. A missile using a rocket engine in flight at sea level burns its propellant at the rate of 15 lbs/s. The exhaust gas exit velocity is 3820 fps, pressure is equal to ambient, at this instant the rocket develops 2500 lbs thrust horsepower. Assume level flight. (Aero Board 1988) a. Thrust b. Flight Velocity

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