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Implication of Social Housing Provision as a Strategy for Rural Development in Nigeria

Tpl. Abimbola OMOLABI (Mphil. Env.plg, MNITP, RTP, FCAI)


Adeshola ERINLE
At the


On Monday 24th Thursday 27th June, 2013.

Since the attainment of political independence in 1960, there has been uneven concentration of Government efforts and resources on the development of urban centres with near-total neglect of the rural communities, which unfortunately inhabit over sixty five per cent of Nigeria citizens.

However, the paper is to ensure that this segment of the population has access to housing, which is meant to provide shelter and security, also considered a

fundamental development process in which the built

environment is created, used and maintained for the

quality of life of individuals. (Lawrence, 2004).

Poverty and housing poverty is one of the greatest

problems to the quality of life in both urban and rural areas. While for urban areas the problems manifest in qualitative and quantitative terms. It is more of qualitative terms in the rural areas which need to be

addressed for a sustainable development in Nigeria.

Poverty encompasses inability to satisfy basic

needs, lack of control over resources, lack of education and skill, poor health, malnutrition, lack of shelter, poor access to water and sanitation, vulnerability to shocks, violence and crime, lack of

political freedom and voice (World Bank, 1999).


poverty is further manifested in limited

employed and income generating opportunities due to the absence of commercial and industrial facilities or lack of the necessary resources to establish them.

Poverty alleviation is an important development of

a country like Nigeria. Poverty is largely situated in rural areas where the poorest people live. For this reason, efforts to reduce poverty have largely targeted rural areas.

Spread trend in poverty levels, 1980-2004

Source: Poverty Profile for Nigeria, 2004

Development as a deliberate and continuous process of transformation and accelerated socio-

economic and cultural improvements in the

conditions of the people
Rural Development, however is a strategy designed
to improve the economic and social life of rural dwellers.

Review of Poverty reduction Efforts in Nigeria

Rural Electrification Schemes, Credit Schemes to small holders such as Agricultural and Cooperative Development Bank, Directorate of Food, Roads and Rural Infrastructure (DFRRI), National Directorate of Employment (NDE), Better Life for Rural Women Programme Family Support Programme (FSP). National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) small and Medium Industries Equity Investment Scheme (SMIEIS).

In other words, constraints to poverty reduction measures can be overcome through strong political

will and good governance with determination of

the Nigerian government commitment and effort in providing adequate, affordable and quality houses for all income groups, with emphasis on low cost houses for the rural areas.

The term social housing also known as subsidized

housing is government supported accommodation for people with low to moderate incomes. Social housing could also be rental housing, owned and managed

either by the State or non- profit organizations, or a

combination of the two.

Non-profit Housing

Cooperative or Community Housing

Private Sector Housing Rent Supplements etc.

improve significantly the well-being of the poor, the

needy and other vulnerable

groups in the society,

particularly in the rural areas such as women, single mothers, the elderly, widows and widowers, the physically challenged, the homeless, and a critical mass of the citizens who fall into this group;


rural-urban migration, and stop the

consequential loss of precious rural assets and

human capital, such as farmers and the youth,

towards optimising the contribution of the rural areas to national development.
facilitate socio-economic development provide a sustainable way of reducing the housing

deficit in the country, estimated at about 18 million

units nationwide, as at 2013;

A new thinking in the direction of social housing will be a viable strategy for rural development in Nigeria. It will also help in employment generation, reduce poverty, reverse rural-urban migration and create

sense of belonging to the people.

Thank you for listening

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