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Factual information questions

Frame factual questions to target factual information needed for recall or restatement of concepts. In factual questions.

Factual Questions

Key Crafting Words * Who, what, why, when, where * Match, select *Describe, define *Omit, which one; which is the best one, how much *Cite, label, list, state *And so on.


Name: Steven Paul Jobs Born: February 24, 1955 San Francisco, USA Died: October 5, 2011 (56 years) Palo Alto, United States Nationality: American Salary: U.S. $ 12,345 Equity: $ 8.3 billion (2011) Known for: co-founder of Apple, founder of Pixar7 Religious beliefs: Budista Wife: Laurene Powell (1991-2011) Children: Lisa, Reed, Erin and Eve.


Who is the founder of apple? When he was born? Where he died?

Match the correct answers

*He born: *Wife: *Died:

*laurene powell.

*san francisco united states.

*Palo alto united states.

Negative information questions

The Negation Rule: In English, in order to claim that something is not true, you form a negative sentence by adding the word not after the first auxiliary verb in the positive sentence. If there is no auxiliary verb in the positive sentence, as in the Present Simple and Past Simple tenses, then you add one (in both these cases, the auxiliary verb be).

She is not playing: [formal] She isnt playing.: Shes not playing. [informal]

Contracted and uncontracted negative questions have different word order. Uncontracted negative questions are usually used in a formal style

*Arent you coming? (Contracted auxiliary verb + nt + subject) *Doesnt he understand? (Auxiliary verb + nt + subject) *Are you not coming? (Uncontracted auxiliary verb + subject + not) *Does he not understand? (Auxiliary verb + subject + not)

*Two meanings

A negative question can have two different kinds of meanings. It can, for example, be used to ask for confirmation of something you believe to be true. Didnt you see Ann yesterday? How is she doing? (= I believe that you saw Ann yesterday.)

ORACIONES AFIRMATIVAS CON EL VERBO TO BE EN PRESENT SIMPLE O CONTINUO. Se utiliza la misma forma del verbo en NEGATIVO: aren't you? isn't he? isn't she? isn't it? aren't we? aren't you? aren't they? Aqu tienes algunos ejemplos: It's a beautiful day, isn't it? (Es un da hermoso, no?) Martha is angry, isn't she? (Marta est enojada, verdad?) You are really tired, aren't you? (Ests muy cansado, no?) They're very nice people, aren't they? (Son personas muy agradables, no?) You are coming tomorrow, aren't you? (Vas a venir maana, verdad?) Pedro's flying now, isn't he? (Pedro est volando en estos momentos, no?)

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