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Electromagnetic Field And Waves

EE 221 Spring 2004

Lecture 1 January 26 2004

Ahmed Junaid Omer

Electronics Department Air University

Course Outline
This course is designed to serve as the first course in electromagnetics to fulfill the requirements of the electrical engineering and computer engineering core curricula. It covers

Vectors and field concepts EM fields and materials Maxwell's equations, vector calculus and potential functions Energy storage, static and quasistatic fields Time-domain analysis of waves EM simulations using MATLAB

Final Exam: Mid term: Quiz: Lab: 40% 30% 20% 10%

There will be in total three quiz tests out of which two best will be considered.

The Textbook: David K. Cheng, Field and wave Electromagnetics, 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley publishing company. Reference Texts: William H. Hayt, JR, Engineering Electromagnetics, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill edition.

What is electromagnetics ?

Why are we studying electromagnetics ?


Review of some fundamental concepts Field Charge Scalar Vectors

So, What Is Electromagnetic ?

Electromagnetic is the study of the effects of electric charge at rest and in motion. There are two types of charges positive and negative. Both positive and negative charges are sources of an electric field. Moving charges produce a current which gives rise to a magnetic field.

Why Are We Studying Electromagnetics ?

Electromagnetics has wide applications in
Military defense systems High speed electronics Wireless Communications Medical

Computed surface currents on prototype military aircraft at 100Mhz The plane wave is incident from left to right at nose on incidence. The currents re-radiate back to the source radar (and so can be detected)

Microwave pulse penetrating a missile radome containing a horn antenna. Wave is from right to left at 15 from boresight.

High speed electronics

Circuit theory is actually a subset of electromagnetic field theory. It is worth noting that: Kirchoffs current & voltage laws fail in most contemporary high speed circuits. These must be analysed using electromagnetic field theory. Signal power flows are not confined to the intended metal wires or circuit paths.

Two types of circuits

Microwave circuits, typically frequencies >3GHz. e.g. couplers, transmission lines, couplers, matching networks, individual transistors. Circuits are based on electromagnetic wave phenomena
Digital circuits with clock rates below 2GHz. Densely packed multiple planes of metal traces, via pines interconnecting layers. dc feeds and ground returns. These circuits are not based on electromagnetic wave interaction effects.

Illustration of coupling & cross talk of a high-speed logic pulse entering and leaving a microchip embedded within a conventional dual-in line integrated circuit package.

note how the fields associated with the pulse are not confined to the metal circuit but spread out and couple to adjacent circuit paths.

Wireless Communications

Some fundamental concepts

What is field ?
Essentially a spatial distribution of a quantity, which may or may not be a function of time. e.g gravitational field.

A time varying electric field is accompanied by a magnetic field and visa-versa

ie, time varying electric and magnetic fields are coupled

How do we visualize field

A graphical representation of a vector field is in terms of flux lines. Essentially, a clump of arrows.
Uniform field

The direction of the field is the direction of the arrows (ie a vector). The strength of the field is proportional to the spacing of the arrows (not the length).

A non-uniform field

Fundamental EM Field Quantities

Symbols and units for field quantities Electric Field quantity Symbol Unit

Electric field intensity Electric flux density Magnetic flux density Magnetic field intensity


V/m C/m2 V-s/m2 A/m


E & H Field intensity relationship

E-H are perpendicular to each other

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