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Metal ceramics


Definition: Introduction: Terminologies: Components: Tooth preparation:

Metal ceramic substructure: Metal ceramic bonding: Steps in fabrication: Advancements:


Metal Ceramic Restoration: A tooth or/and implant retained fixed dental prosthesis that uses a metal substructure upon which a ceramic veneer is fused.(GPT-8)

PFM: porcelain fused to metal PVC: porcelain veneer crown PBM: porcelain bonded to metal Ceramo metal crown

Metal substructure Oxide layer Opaque porcelain Dentin veneer Enamel veneer Surface glaze

Thickness of Metal Supported Porcelain Crowns

Metal Coping:

Noble metal: 0.5mm Base Metal: 0.3mm Opaque Porcelain: 0.2mm

Enamel+Dentine 0.8-1 mm

Total For noble Metal:1.5 mm For base metal: 1.3 mm

Tooth preparation for metal ceramic restorations:


Alloys for metal ceramics:

IDEAL REQUIREMENTS: Able to form oxides CTE > ceramic Melting temp > ceramic Sag resistance Bio compatible Ease of handling

Classification of alloys:

Gold-platinum-palladium system:


Gold-palladium-silver system:
High silver
Low silver


Gold-palladium system:


Palladium silver system:


High palladium systems:

cobalt copper silver


Nickel-chromium alloy:
Beryllium Beryllium free


Cobalt-chromium alloy:


Metalceramic substructure
Primary functions:
Marginal fit Chemical bond Rigid foundation Restores tooth emergence profile


Secondary functions:
Metal articulating surface good for opposing enamel Easily adjusted and polished intraorally Can support components of rpd Can house attachments Less tooth reduction

Fundamentals of metal substructure:

Begin with accurate full contour waxup Contact 1.5-2mm away from metal porcelain junction No max thickness of metal All surfaces smooth with rounded convex contour Uniform thickness of porcelain, not >2mm Porcelain metal junction


opaque porcelain
8-15% metal oxides, 5microns in size. Functions:
Establishes metal to porcelain bond


Masks the color of metal

Initiates development of shade

Mechanism of porcelain metal attachment

1. 2. 3. 4. Vanderwaal forces Mechanical retention Compression bonding Chemical bonding


Chemical bond


Oxidation process:


Air or vacuum fired Temperature 1100 degrees.

Post oxidation treatment:

Chemical HF / H2SO4 Mechanical air abrasion


Methods of fabrication:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Condensing and Sintering, Pressure molding & Sintering, Casting & Ceramming, Slip casting, Sintering & Glass infiltration Milling (Machining) by mechanical and digital systems.

Steps in fabrication:
1. 2. 3. 4. Condensation Sintering Glazing cooling

The process of bringing the particles closer and of removing

the liquid binder is known as condensation.

AIM : is to pack particles as close as possible,

reduce amount of porosity & shrinkage during firing

FACTORS DETERMING EFFECTIVENESS OF CONDENSATION: 1. Size of the particle 2. Shape of the particle

One sized particle = 45% void space

Two sized particle = 25% void space

Three sized particle = 22% void space - GAP GRADIENT SYSTEM

Round particles produce better packing compared with angular particles Most important factor in condensation is effect of surface tension. As the liquid is withdrawn , surface tension causes powder particles to pack Capillary action

closely together

Vibration method

Spatulation method Whiping method

Dry brush technique

Restoration All-ceramic

E.g. PJC

Matrix used Platinum foil adapted on the die to form matrix

Metal ceramic


Metal coping of suitable design and alloy


(For inlay / onlay restorations, ceramics are fired on refractory dies)

Dry porcelain powder is mixed with the binder on a glass

slab using bone or nylon spatula (or glass mixing rod) into a thick creamy mix, which can be carried in small increments with an instrument or brush

Binder helps to hold the particles together Types of binder used : Distilled water most commonly used, especially for dentin / enamel porcelain, Propylene glycol used in alumina core build-up, Alcohol or formaldehyde based liquids used for opaque core build up, Proprietary modeling fluids


The Vibration technique

This method used mild vibration to pack the wet

powder densely on the underlying framework.

The excess water is blotted away with a clean tissue

and condensation occurs towards the blotted area.

The Spatulation technique

The method uses a small spatula to apply

and smoothen the wet porcelain in incremental layers. The smoothing action brings the excess water to the surface where it is removed by blotting.

The brush technique

It involves placement of dry powder onto the wet

surface. The excess water moves from mixture to the dry powder by capillary action and wet particles are pulled together.

A large soft brush is moved in a light dusting action over

The whiping technique

the wet porcelain. This brings excess water to the surface, and the same brush can be used to remove any coarse surface particles along with the excess water.

Is defined as a process of heating closely

packed particles to achieve interparticle bonding and sufficient diffusion to decrease the surface area or increase density of the structure.

Application of opaque porcelain:



Application of dentin porcelain


Dentin cut back:



Application of enamel porcelain



Ceramic Furnaces :
Two basic types of furnaces are: Horizontal Muffle e.g. : Vita-Caccumat S Vertical Muffle e.g.: De Try Biodent Systomat, Unitek Ultra-Mat

Furnace, Rapid Cycle furnace (Doxc Euromat).

Different media can be employed for firing like 1. Air 2. Vacuum 3. Diffusible gas - He, H2 or steam

During firing, the following changes are seen in the porcelain

Loss of water

Firing shrinkage - 32 37% for low fusing

28 34% for high fusing

Glazing - 955 1065C After the mass has been fired, it is cooled very slowly because rapid

cooling might results in surface cracking and crazing

Firing of dental porcelain consists of 3

stages of maturity.

The common expression used for describing

the surface appearance of un-glazed porcelain is bisque or biscuit since this gives a fairly accurate picture of its surface texture.

Characteristic feature

Low bisque

Medium bisque

High bisque
Firing shrinkage complete & any correction by grinding prior to glazing. Complete Slight/absent High Smooth surface

Grains start to soften & Flow of glass grains coalesce at contact points increase & residual entrapped air becomes sphere shaped Incomplete Highly porous Minimal Porous Considerable Decreased but porous Majority/definite Still porous &matte surface Less opaque & color developed

Particle cohesion Porosity Shrinkage Surface texture

Color & translucency


Color & translucency developed

Adjusting and finishing of metal ceramic restorations:




At the end of high bisque stage, if the porcelain was

held in the furnance for a greater length of time, the surface porcelain would undergo pyroplastic flow, i.e. the matter surface would disappear and a smooth shiny surface would result (SELF-GLAZE) may be used as a glaze over the completed body of the porcelain restoration, and a short period at a relatively low temperature is sufficient to fuse the glaze.

Add-On Glazing A low fusing transparent glass


Being poor conductors of heat and brittle in nature,

whenever porcelain restorations are heated or cooled the process must be carried out slowly. firing of porcelain would result in cracking or fracture of glass and loss of strength.

Rapid cooling or sudden changes in temperature after

Eg. multiple firing of a metal-ceramic restoration can

increase the coefficient of thermal contraction of porcelain and its likeliness to crack or craze because of development of tensile stresses.

Non cast metal ceramic systems


Non-Cast Metal-Ceramic Systems are an

advancement in the fabrication of metal-ceramic restorations, which permits the fabrication of a metal-ceramic restoration without waxing, investing or casting.

Introduced by Dr. Itzhak Shoher and Aaron Whiteman in Europe, and subsequently in North America after many years of development.

Foil Crown Technology represents a novel approach by which a metal ceramic crown can be produced in a relatively short time without melting and casting the metal.

Types : Renaissance, Capatek, Ceplatec, Sunrise, Flexbond & Platideck.

Steps in fabrication:

Initial adaptation

Cutting the folds at the mid point. Folding pleats in same direction Burnishing the form for closer adaptation and trimming excess


Die spacing using strips of plastic sheet Swaging

Application of interfacial alloy

Firing (at 1000C) to produce a sintered alloy surface

Method - The pleated foil is swaged with a swaging instrument, burnished with a

hand instrument on the die, and then flame sintered to form, a rigid coping, with moderate strength

An interfacial alloy powder is applied and fired, the form is then trimmed and veneered with porcelain (Condensation process) and finally sintered

Captek system:

This system bonding to porcelain is achieved by the

formation of an intermediate layer of material such as Capbond metal-ceramic bonder (bonding agent) for the Captek foil crown system. Two strips of highly malleable metal powder impregnated wax are adapted to a refractory die. The first strip contains a gold, platinum and palladium alloy and the second is impregnated with all-gold.

Ceplatec System

(Keraplatin Dental, Wijhlen, FR, Germany) was

reported as the same product as Renaissance, although the 2nd and 4Th layers are composed of Au, Pt, Pf, Ag & Ag, Pt, Ir; respectively. The latter layer is said to prevent warping during the heating procedure

Disadvantages of Foil Crown systems :

Strength of metal-ceramic crowns was considerably higher than that of foil-based crowns (about 30 to 80% of the metal-ceramic systems).

Even with the advent of many advancements in ceramics, metal ceramics are in wide use because of its own advantages like minimal tooth reduction, acceptable aesthetics and cost effective long term solution.




Philips science of dental materials{10th and 11th edition} Esthetics of anterior fixed prosthodontics: chiche/Pinault Esthetic dentistry: Dale Aschheim Fundamentals of esthetics: Claude R Rufenacht Rosenblum M.A., Schulman A. : A review of All-Ceramic Restorations. JADA, 128: 1997; 297-307. Anusavice K.J. : Recent Developments in Restorative Dental Ceramics. JADA 124: 1993; 72-84. Introduction to metal ceramic technology: naylor

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