04-27-2008 A Praying People

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A Praying People

Pastor John Isaacs

KingsWay Community Church
April 27, 2008
Numbers 14:21
But truly, as I live,
all the earth shall be
filled with the glory
of the Lord.
Created For Glory
Isaiah 43:7
Everyone who is called by My
name, Whom I have
created for My glory;
I have formed him, yes, I have
made him."
Chosen For Glory
1 Peter 2:9-12
9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation, His own special
people, that you may proclaim the praises
of Him who called you out of darkness into
His marvelous light; 10 who once were not
a people but are now the people of
God, who had not obtained mercy but
now have obtained mercy.
1 Peter 2:9-12 (cont.)
11 Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and
pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which
war against the soul, 12 having your
conduct honorable among the
Gentiles, that when they speak against you
as evildoers, they may, by your
good works which they observe,
glorify God in the day of visitation.
Chosen by God
to be His people -
Created to fill the
earth with His
Created And
To Be a People
That Fill The
Earth With …
We covenant ourselves to
be a loving people, bound
together by our love for
Jesus Christ and committed
to walk together in Christian
Our Core Values
Committed to The Primacy of
Relationships: Toward God, in
our Marriages, Families, Church
Community, and in Our City.

Being A Loving
Created And
To Be a People
That Fill The
Earth With …
We covenant ourselves to
be a prophetic people,
inspired and directed by the
Holy Spirit, and committed
to uphold God’s Word as
our rule of faith and
Our Core Values
Committed to Uphold the
Scriptures as the Inerrant Word
of God and the Final Authority
for All of Life.

Being A Bible Based

Created And
To Be a People
That Fill The
Earth With …
We covenant ourselves to be a
united people, joined to one
another and to the One Body of
all believers under the Lordship
of Jesus Christ, and committed
to keep the unity of the Spirit in
the bond of peace.
Our Core Values
Committed to Keeping the “Unity
of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace”
with One Another and with the
One Church of Jesus Christ.

Being A United
Created And
To Be a People
That Fill The
Earth With …
We covenant ourselves to be a
Praying People, remembering
one another often in our
prayers, and committed to pray
for the Kingdom of God to
come, and His will to be done
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Our Core Values
Keeping Prayer a Priority:
Praying for God’s Kingdom to Come
and for His Will to Be Done On Earth
As It Is In Heaven.

Being A Praying
88% of all
pray to God
88 out of every 100
42% of those that
pray, will ask God
for something
37 out of every 100
15% of those who
ask God for
something specific,
believe He answers
5.5 out of every 100
5.5% of
Americans pray
believing God
will answer.
“When we become too
glib in prayer we are
most surely failing God
and ourselves.”
- A. W. Tozer
Prayer Works
“Prayer pulls the rope down below and
the great bell rings above in the gears of
God. Some scarcely stir the bell, for they
pray so languidly; others give only an
occasional jerk at the rope. But he who
communicates with heaven is the man
(or woman) who grasps the rope boldly
and pulls continuously with all his might.”
- C. H. Spurgeon
Prayer Works
"God has ordained prayer as a means
whereby he will do things through men as
they pray, which he would not otherwise
do. If prayer puts God to work on earth,
then, by the same token, prayerlessness
rules God out of the world's affairs, and
prevents him from working. Prayer puts
God in full force into God's work."
- E.M. Bounds
Prayer Works
"Prayer is not overcoming God's
reluctance, but laying hold of His
- Martin Luther
Prayer Works
"Time spent in prayer will yield more than
that given to work. Prayer alone gives
work its worth and its success. Prayer
opens the way for God Himself to do His
work in us and through us. Let our chief
work as God's messengers be
intercession; in it we secure the presence
and power of God to go with us.”
- Andrew Murray
God Commands Us To Pray
Luke 21:36
watch therefore, and pray always.
Romans 12:12
continuing steadfastly in prayer.
Ephesians 6:18
praying always with all prayers.
Colossians 4:2
continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it
with thanksgiving.
God Says, “Prayer Works.”
Jeremiah 29:12-13 You will call upon
Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to
Psalms 66:19 But certainly God has
heard me, He has attended to the voice of my
Isaiah 30:19 He will be very gracious
unto thee at the voice of your cry.
James 5:16 The effective, fervent prayer
of a righteous man avails much.
God Always Answers Prayer
1 John 5:14 If we ask anything according
to His will, He hears us.

God’s Answer
1. YES
2. NO
Something Always Changes
James 5:16 The effective, fervent prayer
of a righteous man avails much.

What Changes?
1. Situations and Conditions
2. Outcome of Events
3. Us
Mark 10:46-52
46 Now they came to Jericho. As He went
out of Jericho with His disciples and a great
multitude, blind Bartimaeus, the son of
Timaeus, sat by the road begging.
47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of
Nazareth, he began to cry out and say,
"Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
48 Then many warned him to be quiet; but
he cried out all the more, "Son of David,
have mercy on me!"
Mark 10:46-52 (cont.)
49 So Jesus stood still and commanded
him to be called. Then they called the blind
man, saying to him, "Be of good cheer.
Rise, He is calling you.”
50 And throwing aside his garment, he
rose and came to Jesus.
51 So Jesus answered and said to him,
"What do you want Me to do for you?" The
blind man said to Him, "Rabboni, that I may
receive my sight."
Mark 10:46-52 (cont.)
52 Then Jesus said to him, "Go your way;
your faith has made you well." And
immediately he received his sight and
followed Jesus on the road.
What is
With God
3 Types of
1. Petition
The humble request of God for
something I need. An entreaty.
3 Types of
2. Intercession
The reaching out toward God
on behalf of someone else.
Standing in as a go-between.
3 Types of
3. Communion
Having intimate fellowship with
God. Enjoying His presence
and basking in His love.
10 Expressions
of Prayer
1. Adoration
Declaring the Glory of God – His
greatness, goodness, beauty, and
10 Expressions
of Prayer
2. Thanksgiving
Expressions of gratitude for what
God has done, is currently doing,
and will someday do.
10 Expressions
of Prayer
3. Confession
The acknowledgement of our sin
as offensive to God and asking
Him to forgive us.
10 Expressions
of Prayer
4. Forgiveness
Expressing our willful decision to
extend forgiveness toward another
person for wrongs done to us.
10 Expressions
of Prayer
5. Blessing
Asking God to pour out His favor
upon another person.
10 Expressions
of Prayer
6. Healing
Asking God to work supernaturally
in bringing a miraculous healing.
10 Expressions
of Prayer
7. Impartation
Asking God to impart a specific
supernatural gift or anointing
through you to another person.
10 Expressions
of Prayer
8. Missional
Asking God to supernaturally equip,
protect, and provide for those going
out to extend His kingdom.
10 Expressions
of Prayer
9. Prophetic
Crying out to God to accomplish
His divine purposes in an
individual or a group of people.
10 Expressions
of Prayer
10. Warfare
Combative declarations against
the unseen forces of Satan.

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