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Living The

December 14 , 2008
Pastor John Isaacs
KingsWay Community Church
The Christmas Story
• The Annunciation: The angel’s
announcement and Mary’s response.
• The journey to Bethlehem on the
back of a donkey to participate in a
• The shepherds in the field hearing
the “heavenly host” singing, “Glory to
God in the highest.”
The Christmas Story
• No room in the Inn.
• Baby Jesus born in a manger.
• The Christmas Star appearing over
• The three wisemen traveling from
afar and bearing gifts to the newborn
John 1:1-18
1 In the beginning the Word already
existed. The Word was with God, and
the Word was God.
2 He existed in the beginning with
3 God created everything through
Him, and nothing was created except
through Him.
John 1:1-18 (cont.)
4 The Word gave life to everything
that was created, and His life brought
light to everyone.
5 The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness can never
extinguish it.
6 God sent a man, John the Baptist,
7 to tell about the light so that
everyone might believe because of his
John 1:1-18 (cont.)
8 John himself was not the light; he
was simply a witness to tell about the
9 The one who is the true light, who
gives light to everyone, was coming
into the world.
10 He came into the very world He
created, but the world didn’t recognize
John 1:1-18 (cont.)
11 He came to his own people, and
even they rejected Him.
12 But to all who believed Him and
accepted Him, He gave the right to
become children of God.
13 They are reborn—not with a
physical birth resulting from human
passion or plan, but a birth that comes
from God.
John 1:1-18 (cont.)
14 So the Word became human and
made His home among us. He was
full of unfailing love and faithfulness.
And we have seen His glory, the glory
of the Father’s one and only Son.
15 John testified about Him when he
shouted to the crowds, “This is the
one I was talking about when I said,
‘Someone is coming after me who is
far greater than I am, for He existed
John 1:1-18 (cont.)
long before me.’”
16 From His abundance we have all
received one gracious blessing after
17 For the law was given through
Moses, but God’s unfailing love and
faithfulness came through Jesus
18 No one has ever seen God. But
the unique One, who is Himself
John 1:1-18 (cont.)
God, is near to the Father’s heart. He
has revealed God to us. (NLT)
John 1:10
He came into the very world He

John 1:14
So the Word became human and
made His home among us.

John 1:18
He has revealed God to us.
God born into humanity.
• Fully God (Divine)
• Fully Man (Human)
Two natures combined in
one person.
Theologians refer to this as
the Hypostatic Union.
God + Man United
Two natures existing in
one personality - totally
distinct without mixture,
change, confusion,
division, or separation.
“Not God indwelling a man. Of such
there have been many. Not a man
Deified. Of such there have been
none; but God and man, combining in
one personality the two natures, a
perpetual enigma and mystery,
baffling the possibility of explanation.”
- Athanasius of Alexandria (4th Century)
“The holy, just, all powerful, all
knowing God became a human being.
All the experiences of humanity
would become His: dependence,
weakness, sorrow, joy, suffering, pain,
pleasure, crying, laughter, loneliness,
rejection, discomfort, fears and
• As God, He was all-powerful. As
man, he became exhausted.
• As God, He feed the 5,000. As man,
he became hungry.
• As God, knowing all things. As man,
he had to learn and could say, “I don’t
The most significant event in
the history of mankind.
God Still
Has A
Body In The
1 Corinthians 12:12-14
12 For as the body is one, and hath
many members, and all the members
of the body, being many, are one body;
so also is Christ.
13 For in one Spirit were we all
baptized into one body, whether Jews
or Greeks, whether bond or free; and
were all made to drink of one Spirit.
14 For the body is not one member,
but many.
Paul doesn’t say …
… we are like His body.
… we represent His body.
… we are similar to His body.
… we are symbolic of His body.
Paul says …
… we are the Body of Christ.
John 14:12
I tell you the truth, anyone who
believes in me will do the same
works I have done, and even
greater works, because I am going
to be with the Father.
John 14:16-17
16 And I will pray the Father, and he
shall give you another Comforter, that
He may be with you for ever,
17 [even] the Spirit of truth: whom the
world cannot receive; for it beholdeth
him not, neither knoweth him: ye know
him; for he abideth with you, and
shall be in you.
John 20:21-22
21 Again he said, “Peace be with you.
As the Father has sent me, so I am
sending you.”
22 Then he breathed on them and
said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”
Ephesians 4:4
For there is one body and one
Spirit, just as you have been called
to one glorious hope for the
Ephesians 4:4
To them God willed to make known
what are the riches of the glory of this
mystery among the Gentiles: which is
Christ in you, the hope of
Christ has no body now,
but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth,
but yours,
Yours are the eyes through which
He looks,
compassion on this world,
Christ has no body now on earth,
but yours.
- St. Teresa of Avila (16th Century)
God’s light, God’s truth, God’s
love, God’s goodness, God’s
power, God’s wisdom …

Incarnated in you!
The Body of Christ
Living The
Christmas Story
365 Days a Year

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