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Organizational Behavior:

Group Dynamics and Teamwork

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Sociological Criteria of a group

Two or more freely interacting people (Interdependent -interact and influence each other);
Mutually accountable for achieving common goals; Common Identity; Collective Norms.

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran




What Makes People Join Groups?



Goal Achievement

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Groups versus Teams

All teams are groups Teams have task interdependence whereas some groups do not (e.g., group of employees enjoying lunch together) Teams have a positive synergy

Skills in teams are complementary

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Functions of Formal Groups

Organizational Functions
1. Accomplish complex, interdependent tasks that are beyond the capabilities of individuals. 2. Generate new or creative ideas and solutions. 3. Coordinate interdepartmental efforts. 4. Provide a problem-solving mechanism for complex problems requiring varied information and assessments. 5. Implement complex decisions. 6. Socialize and train newcomers.

Individual Functions
1. Satisfy the individuals need for affiliation. 2. Develop, enhance, and confirm the individuals self-esteem and sense of identity. 3. Give individuals an opportunity to test and share their perceptions of social reality. 4. Reduce the individuals anxieties and feelings of insecurity and powerlessness. 5. Provide a problem-solving mechanism for personal and interpersonal problems.

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Theories of Group Formation

Propinquity Needs, Functions and Goals Interaction Balance Theory Exchange Theory Five-Stage Theory Punctuated Equilibrium Model

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Tuckmans Five-Stage Theory of Group Development

Performing Norming Storming Return to Independence Adjourning


Dependence/ interdependence


Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Tuckmans Five-Stage Theory of Group Development (continued)

Forming Storming Norming Performing

Individual Issues

How do I fit in?

Whats my role here?

What do the How can I best others expect perform my me to do? role?

Group Issues

Why are we here?

Why are we fighting over whos in charge and who does what?

Can we agree on roles and Can we do the work as a job properly? team?

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran


People with common status (girls, doctors, nurses)

People in the same place (people at the mall)

Temporary cluster of people (spectators at a game, passengers waiting to board an airplane)

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Traits Small Personal orientation Enduring (long lasting) Frequent interaction Face-to-face Intimate sense of belonging emotional orientation: bond based on emotions loyalty Primary relationships First group experienced in life Irreplaceable Security Assistance of all kinds Emotional to financial Examples: the family.
Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Large membership: larger than primary groups Goal or activity orientation impersonal and formal Infrequent interaction

Secondary relationships
Weak emotional ties between persons Short term

Networking Career goals Examples: co-workers, political organizations
Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

In-Groups and Out-Groups

In-group group with which people identify and have a sense of belonging pronoun WE Out-group group that people do not identify with pronoun THEY
Loyalty to INGROUP Opposition to OUTGROUPS

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Reference Groups
In-groups can be secondary or primary groups, but in either case, they are always reference groups, real or imaginary .

a standard to evaluate ourselves normative function comparative function

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Group Dynamics 1. 2. Leadership Roles Norms Status Size Composition Cohesiveness Socio-emotional Instrumental
Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Different Role Requirements

Role Identity Role Perception Role Expectations Role Conflict Role Overload Role Ambiguity

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Task Roles
Initiator Information seeker/giver Opinion seeker/giver Elaborator Coordinator Orienter Evaluator Energizer Procedural Technician Recorder

Suggests new goals or ideas Clarifies key issues Clarifies pertinent issues Promote greater understanding Pulls together key ideas and suggestions Keeps group headed toward its stated goal(s) Tests groups accomplishments Prods group to move along or to accomplish more Performs routine duties Performs a group memory function

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Maintenance Roles
Encourager Harmonizer Compromiser

Fosters group solidarity Mediates conflict through reconciliation or humor Helps resolve conflict by meeting othershalf way

Gate Keeper
Standard setter Commentator Follower

Encourages all group members to participate

Evaluates the quality of group processes Records comments on group processes/dynamics Serves as a passive audience

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Individual versus Group Decision Making


Knowledge & Diversity

Clear Accountability
Consistent Values

High Quality Decisions

Increased Acceptance

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Group Dysfunctions

Conformity (Sharif, Asch, Milgram, Hofling) Groupthink Social loafing Risky shift

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran



Aschs research
Willingness to COMPROMISE our own judgments Line experiment

Milgrams research
Role authority plays Following orders

Janis research
Negative side of groupthink Lack of objectivity
Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran


Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Symptoms of Groupthink
Invulnerability Inherent morality Rationalization Stereotyped views of opposition Self-censorship Illusion of unanimity Peer pressure Mindguards

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

How to Prevent Groupthink

Every group member a critical evaluator Avoid rubber-stamp decisions Different groups explore same problems Rely on subgroup debates and outside experts Assign role of devils advocate Rethink a consensus
Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Conditions for Social Loafing

Low task interdependence

Individual output not visible

Routine, uninteresting tasks Low task significance Low collectivist values

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Types of Teams
General Typology of Teams Advice Production Project Action Common Forms of Teams Problem solving Self-managed Cross-functional Virtual

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Virtual Teams
Cross-functional teams that operate across space, time and organizational boundaries using information technology Increasingly possible because of:
Technology Knowledge-based work

Increasingly necessary because of:

Globalization Knowledge management Need for team work
Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Survey Evidence: What SelfManaging Teams Manage

Percentage of Companies Saying Their Self-Managing Teams Perform These Traditional Management Functions by Themselves. Schedule work assignments Work with outside customers Conduct training Set production goals/quotas Work with suppliers/vendors Purchase equipment/services Develop budgets Do performance appraisals Hire co-workers Fire co-workers 67% 67 59 56 44 43 39 36 33 14

Source: Adapted from 1996 industry Report: What Self-Managing Teams Manage, Training, October 1996, p. 69

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Team Effectiveness Model

Organizational and Team Environment Reward systems Communication systems Team Design Task characteristics Team size Team composition Achieve organizational goals Satisfy member needs Maintain team survival Team Effectiveness

Physical space
Organizational environment Organizational structure Organizational leadership Team Processes Team development Team norms Team roles Team cohesiveness

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous Teams

Homogeneous Teams Heterogeneous teams

Higher satisfaction Less conflict

More conflict
Slower team development -takes longer to agree on norms and goals

Faster team development

More efficient coordination Performs better on simple tasks

Better knowledge and resources for complex tasks

Tend to be more creative

Higher potential for support outside the team

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Stages of Team Development





Existing teams might regress back to an earlier stage of development


Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Team Norms
Norm: An attitude, opinion, feeling, or action -- shared by two or more people -- that guides their behavior. Informal rules and expectations team establishes to regulate member behaviors
1. 2. 3. 4. Explicit statements Critical events in teams history Primacy Beliefs/values members bring to the team and team experiences

Norms develop through:

Why Norms Are Enforced

Help the group or organization survive Clarify or simplify behavioral expectations Help individuals avoid embarrassing situations Clarify the groups or organizations central values and/or unique identity

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Causes of Team Cohesiveness

Member Similarity External Challenges Member Interaction

Team Success

Team Cohesiveness

Team Size

Somewhat Difficult Entry

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Team Cohesiveness Outcomes

Members of cohesive teams: Want to remain members Willing to share information
Strong interpersonal bonds Want to support each other Resolve conflict effectively More satisfied and experience less stress

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Cohesiveness-Productivity Relationship
Cohesiveness High Alignment of group and organizational goals Low


Strong Increase In Productivity

Moderate Increase In Productivity


Decrease in Productivity

No Significant Effect On Productivity

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Shaping Team Players



Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Trust: Reciprocal faith in others intentions and behavior. How to Build Trust Communication (keep everyone informed; give feedback; tell
the truth). Support (be available and approachable). Respect (delegate; be an active listener). Fairness (give credit where due; objectively evaluate performance). Predictability (be consistent; keep your promises). Competence (demonstrate good business sense and professionalism).

Effective Teamwork Through Trust

Effective Teamwork Through Cooperation

Cooperation Competition

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

Effective Teamwork Through Cohesiveness

Cohesiveness: A sense of we-ness helps team stick together. How to Enhance Cohesiveness Socio-Emotional Cohesiveness
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Instrumental Cohesiveness

Keep the team relatively small. Increase the status and prestige of belonging. Encourage interaction and cooperation. Emphasize member,s common characteristics and interests. Point out environmental threats to rally the team. Regularly update and clarify the team,s goals. Give every team member a vital piece of the action. Channel each team member,s special talents to the common goals. Recognize and equitably reinforce every member,s contributions. Frequently remind team members they need each other to get the job done.
Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

High-performance Teams
Shared Responsibility Participative Leadership

Aligned on Purpose
High Communication

Future Focused Rapid Response

Attributes of high-performance Teams

Creative Talents

Focused on Task

Gholipour A. 2006. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran

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