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Active Shooter

Developing a Live Exercise


@margolishealy y



Pre-Event Planning


Lessons Learned


Goals of Exercise

Coordinate response between campus public

safety and local first responders

Understand deployment of tactical unit Train campus public safety Facilitate development of individual campus unit
safety plans

Exercise ICS at policy and ops levels Safety

Goals of Exercise

Develop Incident Action Plan Develop Trust with Campus


The 4 Ds

Develop Confidence

Develop Partnerships

News Story (WCAX)

What do we know...

Active shooter scenarios last, on average,

Occur in daytime First responders are the line staff, not the
between 4 - 7 minutes

Multiple responding agencies Mass confusion

tactical units


Pre-Event Planning

Script Considerations Communications with

- Institutional leadership - Media - Deans, Directors & Dept. Heads - Faculty, Staff & Students

Pre-Event Planning

Campus Forums Local, State, Federal Agencies Policy Review

- Use of Force - ICS - Mutual Aid

Pre-Event Planning

Active Shooter vs. Hostage Venue Selection (and notification)

- High Risk Areas - Res Halls - Admin Buildings - Student Unions and Classrooms

Sample Communication
December 8, XXXX To: From: XXXX Building Faculty & Staff Chief Jane Doe


Police Training Exercise

On Monday, January 8, XXXX between 9AM and 12PM, ABC Police Services will conduct a live training exercise with the City Police and State Police Tactical Support Unit (TSU) in XXX Building. We chose XXX Building because of the locus of administrative and student service offices and its history as a focal point for dissent and disruption. This live training exercise focuses on ABC and City Police response to an active shooter and hostage scenario. The officers will apply dynamic approach and entry techniques learned from the State Police TSU on January 4 and 5 in training conducted in Williams Hall. This exercise is closely supervised and controlled. No live ammunition will be allowed in the building during the training. Safety officers will be in place to monitor and we are posting ample signage and greeters. This will disrupt business on the first floor for the morning so please plan accordingly. We chose these dates because they are during semester break and we forecast less activity in the building. This is a great opportunity for those of you at work these days to observe how we train police to address these concerns, and to re-visit the conversation on safety during emergent crisis. Please share this information with any person(s) you feel should know including students who may be around during the break and vendors who deliver goods and services to the building. We recognize that seeing this many police officers in one place without knowing the context could be un-nerving. We will send out a campus-wide email prior to the event. I will be available on Wednesday, January 3 at 10:30AM in the XXX Memorial Lounge to answer any questions and address last-minute concerns. In advance, dont hesitate to contact me directly at _____________________. Thank you.

Sample Communication
December 19, XXXX To: From: Re: 3rd Floor XXX Building Chief Jane Doe Additional Information on January 8, XXXX Police Training Exercise

Please take into account the following information when planning your work day on Monday, January 8, XXXX.
While the exercise is under way (9:00AM 11:30AM) you will not be able to move through the 3rd Floor Hallways. If you must be sequestered in your offices this particular morning, DO NOT access the hallways. We suggest that you find other places to conduct business on this date and time. No one will be allowed onto the 3rd Floor once this exercise commences. Safety Officers identified with fluorescent vests will be present to control access and ensure safety. There will be loud noises. There will be no live ammunition involved in this exercise or allowed in the building. There will be a final informational session on Wednesday, January 3rd from 10:30AM 11:30AM in Memorial Lounge. Please make appropriate accommodations for Monday, January 8, XXXX from 9:00AM 11:30AM in order to minimize disruption to your operations. We hope youll use this opportunity to develop your own business continuity plans and we appreciate your support and understanding as we train on this important topic, which we pray we never have to actually respond to.



ICS/NIMS (7 Critical Tasks) Policy Review Rapid Response Team Deployment

Room Entry / Clearing Stairs and Hallways Classroom followed by Practical


Safety, Safety, Safety Securing the venue

- Weapons - Controlled Access - Communications to Campus - Fire & EMS on-site


Dispatchers Involvement Noise, Distractions and Use of Simunitions/Airsoft

- Compatibility with surrounding


- Implications of training gear


Leadership Considerations: Emergency Operations Group

Integration & Battle Command Hand-Off

Policy Group

- Creating a timeline - Communications/Organization/ICS


A tool for individual department Crime Scene Management Further live exercise planning Hostage Negotiators
business continuity planning...



Role players Evaluators Safety Officers Scribes (for real time recording) Campus notification Equipment


The Script (no surprises!) Communications

-Area Agencies -Media -Building Signage


Staging area for actual, real time

deployment of resources

Safe Zones Out of Bounds Zones

- Calculating dispatch & arrival times - Controlled release

Media Relations

As an exercise for media... Staging Filming the training

- Tactics considerations - Public Relations considerations - Access considerations



Tactical Support Units Local Public Safety

Media Campus Departments



Lessons Learned

1. Equipment Compatibility 2. Mixed Team Deployment 3. Command and Communications 4. Seven Critical Tasks & ICS 5. Plain Clothes Officers Responding

6. Confusion and Collapsing

Lessons Learned

7. Dont Assume Buy-In

a. Staff b. Other agencies c. Administration

Major Lessons Learned

1.Plainclothes police officers responding to such an incident

MUST wear their uniform jackets with arm patches and insignia.
2.Use of Incident Command System allowed for rapid deployment of tactical unit and integration into campus response. 3.The Rapid Deployment Training (including use of Rescue Teams) that all campus police officers and city police officers went through in the days prior to the exercise proved essential to our coordinated response. 4.We were well prepared by having our Policy Group (i.e., Senior Institutional Leadership) and the Emergency Operations Group fully familiar with ICS and its application. They participated in the exercise.

Contact Information 866-817-5817

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