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Training Materials for Huawei Supplier Collaboration System - iFriends



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Brief Introduction to System Functions

Login URL and Interface

System Operation Guide

Channels for Problem Feedback


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Page 2

Brief System Introduction

iFriends is an important tool of Huawei delivery cooperation resources management. iFriends registered key resources information of supplier, achieves the visualization of global cooperation resources . iFriends can be used to manage the suppliers employees activities, including leaving and entering the project, work performance evaluation of suppliers employees so as to standardized the management of cooperation resources and improve the project quality.

SCS (Supplier Collaboration System)

Billing Module PO Countersign Module Cooperation Resource Management Module Other Modules

Management of Supplier Information

Basic Information Performance Information Reward and Punishment Information Project Experience

Management of Suppliers Employees Information

Basic Information Training Experience Skill Information Working Experience

Management of Suppliers Employees Dynamic Status

Enter Management Activities Management Leave Management Performance Appraisement

Authority Management Main Function Modules of iFriends

Website http://scs.huawei.com
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 3

System Function : Management of Supplier Information

Basic Information
Contents: Basic information such as supplier name, cooperation type, supplier type, and total number of suppliers employees
Achieving method: The data is automatically imported from the ERP.

Reward and Punishment Information

Contents: Content, level, and time of rewards and punishments
Achieving method: The information about reward

and punishment distributed by Huawei is

automatically imported from the SCAR system. Those rewards and punishments distributed by suppliers are recorded by the suppliers on their own.

Contents: Type, level, and period of

businesses, evaluation organization, and project name Achieving method: The information is
automatically imported from the SPFM.

Supplier Information Management

Contents: Project name, operator, equipment manufacturer, engineering region, engineering type, engineering scale, and kick-off/completion date
Achieving method: The information is recorded
by suppliers.

Performance Information

Project Experience


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System Function: Management of Suppliers Employees Information

Basic Engineer Information
Contents: Basic information about suppliers employees
Achieving method: The information is managed by suppliers and can be uploaded in batch. The initiation of current data is performed online.

Skill Information
Contents: The skill information is aligned with Huawei engineers by category.
Achieving method: Suppliers apply for skill appraisal and Huawei reviews and records the

Contents: Working experiences and training experiences of suppliers employee s Achieving method: The information is maintained by

Suppliers Employees Information Management

appraisal result.

Contents: Dynamic Status Management

Achieving method: The entering and leaving
application of suppliers employees are submitted by suppliers, and will take effective after Huawei PMs approval, and the status (busy, idle) will be switched soon.

Working Experience

Dynamic Status Management


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1 2 3 4
Brief Introduction to System Functions

Login URL and Interface

System Operation Guide

Channels for Problem Feedback


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Page 6

Login Page of iFriends

URL: https://scs.huawei.com
Account and password: Same as the SCS system

If you never use Huawei SCS system before, please contact the CEG of Huawei local office to get your user name and password.
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 7

Login Page of iFriends

After login the system main interface, change module to iFriends and change role to iFriends Collaboration at top right corner.


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Brief Introduction to System Functions

Login URL and Interface

System Operation Guide 3.1 How to query supplier information 3.2 How to query suppliers employees information 3.3 How to maintenance supplier information 3.4 How to Maintenance suppliers employees information 3.5 How to update suppliers employees dynamic information

Channels for Problem Feedback


Huawei Confidential

Page 9

Supplier Information Query

(Basic Information)

Suppliers can view only the information about their companies. Therefore, you can click Search to view the query result without entering query conditions on the Supplier Basic Information page. Employee Quantity is calculated by system according to the quantity of engineers information stored in the system. One piece of information for one engineer. Click supplier name can browse the detail information of supplier.
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 10

Supplier Information Query

(Reward & Punishment Information)

Click Search directly, you can query the reward and punishment of your company . Source of reward and punishment information: The punishment information is automatically imported from the Huawei SCAR system and cannot be modified, added, or deleted in the system. You can maintain your own reward records in the system. Reward records are not limited to rewards granted by Huawei. Rewards distributed by other companies and departments can also be recorded in the system. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 11

Supplier Information Query

(Performance Information)

Click Search directly, you can query the performance information of your company. Source of performance information: The information is automatically imported from the Huawei SPFM system. The performance information cannot be modified, added, or deleted in the system.


Huawei Confidential

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Supplier Information Query

(Project Experience)

Click Search directly, you can query the project experience information of your company. Source of project experience: The original data is imported into the system when the system is launched and is later maintained by suppliers. You also can add the project experience with other equipment supplier other than Huawei. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 13

1 2 3
Brief Introduction to System Functions Login URL and Interface System Operation Guide 3.1 How to query supplier information 3.2 How to query suppliers employees information 3.3 How to maintenance supplier information 3.4 How to Maintenance suppliers employees information 3.5 How to update suppliers employees dynamic information

Channels for Problem Feedback


Huawei Confidential

Page 14

Suppliers Employees Information Query

(Basic Information)
Enter query conditions here

Query results are displayed here

On the Suppliers Employees Basic Information page, you can click Search to query the information about all engineers of your company. Also, you can enter the query conditions to view engineer information by business type, skill type, sub-skill type, skill level, current location, and status. The information about suppliers employees name, supplier name, business type, skill type, sub -skill type, skill level, subregional division, country, province, and status are displayed in the query result area. You can only get the information of your companys employees. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 15

Suppliers Employees Information Query

(Skill, Status, Training Information)
Click and extend the query conditions

Suppliers Employees Information Search page can be expanded, you can query the employees of your company according to Business Type, Current Sub-region, Status(Busy/Idle), Training experience, Working time such different information, in order to improve the query efficiency and make it a precise search. Page 16 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential

Suppliers Employees Information Query

(Skill Information, Dynamic Information)
Enter query conditions here.

It displays the Sub-Skill of WDM but the employee has SDH as othecr skill so he is in the searh result too.

Query results are displayed here.

You can query the employees information of your company . The case on this page: Query the idle engineers who have SDH skill. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 17

Suppliers Employees Information Query

(Training Information) Training after 1

Jan, 2009

Query Result List

The detail information of employee

Query result: employee joined a training started from 2010-4-9

Suppliers can only query the training information about their employees on the Search Employee Information page. Training Content provides two fuzzy keyword search function, such as SDH, WDM,, the training information meet both conditions will be displayed The case on this page: Query the engineers who have been trained after1st Jan, 2009. Page 18 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential

Suppliers Employees Information Query

(Working Experience)
Search conditions

Query Result List

The detail information of employee

Suppliers can only query such information about their own employees on the Search Employee Information page. Working Description provides two fuzzy keyword search function. The case on this page: Query the engineers who have worked in JONT STOCK COMPANY in 2009
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 19

1 2 3
Brief Introduction to System Functions Login URL and Interface System Operation Guide 3.1 How to query supplier information 3.2 How to query suppliers employees information 3.3 How to maintenance supplier information 3.4 How to Maintenance suppliers employees information 3.5 How to update suppliers employees dynamic information

Channels for Problem Feedback


Huawei Confidential

Page 20

Supplier Information Maintenance

(Update Supplier Information)

Click the Update button to access the supplier information modification page.

First access Supplier Basic Information page, click Search button to find your companys basic information. Then click Update button to access the supplier information modification page.
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 21

Supplier Information Maintenance

(Update Supplier Basic Information)

Supplier basic information: For the suppliers which passed Huawei qualification, most of the information is imported form ERP system automatically, only parent company name, address and supplier qualification information can be updated.
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 22

Supplier Information Maintenance

(Update Supplier Reward Information)

Supplier punishment information imported from SCAR system automatically, can not be updated in iFirneds system. Supplier can add, update and delete reward information about their own company. Reward information are not limited issued by Huawei, the reward issued by other vendor, by government, by operator also can be recorded in iFriends system. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 23

Supplier Information Maintenance

(Upload Supplier's Project Experience in Batches)

All sections of supplier project experience can be added, updated and deleted. Supplier can update project experience information online, also can upload it in batches. It is required to download the project experience template and supply related information before importing project experience in batches. In the template, one pieces of information should be one row. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 24

1 2 3
Brief Introduction to System Functions Login URL and Interface System Operation Guide 3.1 How to query supplier information 3.2 How to query suppliers employees information 3.3 How to maintenance supplier information 3.4 How to Maintenance suppliers employees information 3.5 How to update suppliers employees dynamic information

Channels for Problem Feedback


Huawei Confidential

Page 25

Suppliers Employees Information Maintenance

(Add Employees' Information 1/2)

Click the Add button to access the page of adding suppliers employees information.


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Suppliers Employees Information Maintenance

(Add Employees Information 2/2)
Click the tabs here to access the corresponding tab pages for information maintenance.

To add a suppliers employees at first time, the basic information page is required, the training information, work information skill information can be added later. The blanks with red ** are mandatory.
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 27

Suppliers Employees Information Maintenance

(Update Employees Information)

Click Update to access the employees information modification page.

The basic information, training information, and working experience of employees can be maintained with the employee information update function. The operation process of updating employees information is the same as that of adding employee information. You can update the employees information of your company. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 28

Suppliers Employees Information Maintenance

(Export Main Information)

The system provides function of exporting employees main information by batch: Step 1, Query the require employees list; Step 2, Export the main info. Export Main Info: Export the fields displayed on the query result page, including skill, region, and status.
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 29

Suppliers Employees Information Maintenance

(Export All Information)

Export All Info: Export all information about suppliers employees. The exported basic information, skill information, training information, and working experience are recorded in one Excel sheet. In the export form, each employee only occupy 1 line, the skill info, work info and training info columns are on the right of the main info. In the form, at most 4 skills, 3 working and 3 training info will be show. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 30

Suppliers Employees Information Maintenance

(Add Employees Information in Batches)

The Import function is used to import new suppliers employees information in batches. To use the Import function, download the Excel template for importing employees information, record the information about the added employees in the Excel sheet, and then save the file in the local computer. Click Browse... to select the local Excel file, and then click Import to upload the data in the template. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 31

Suppliers Employees Information Maintenance

(Add Employees Information in Batches)
Key Field Explanation Level1 Level2 Name Sex Nationality Supplier Name Explanation Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory MandatoryID Type and ID Number together will be keyword of employees ID Type Main Info information, and cannot be repeated MandatoryID Type and ID Number together will be keyword of employees ID Number information, and cannot be repeated Native Language Mandatory Current Sub-Region Mandatory Current Country Mandatory Skill Info OptionalWhen add new employees info, each employee can only occupy one Training line, which means only one skill, work and training info can be included. Info When more skill, work and training need to be input, the Many of Importwill take effect, please refer to the next page Work Info

The Import function is used to import new suppliers employees information in batches. To use the Import function, download the Excel template for importing employees information, record the information about the new added employees in the Excel sheet, and then save the file in the local computer. Click Browse... to select the local Excel file, and then click Import to upload the data in the template. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 32

Suppliers Employees Information Maintenance

(Update Employees Information in Batches)

The Many of Import function is used to add the existed employees skill, training and work information by batches. This template and function cannot be used for adding new employees info. In the template, the Name, ID Type and ID No. must be recorded in each line so as to match which employees info need to be add. The template contains 3 pages: Skill, Train and Job. One or more employees multiple records, including skill, training and work experience can be import together at one time. Page 33 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential

Suppliers Employees Information Maintenance

(Template of Many of Import)
Key Field Explanation Level1 Main Informati on Level2 Name
ID Type ID Number

Explanation Mandatory
MandatoryID Type and ID Number together will be keyword of employees information, and cannot be repeated MandatoryID Type and ID Number together will be keyword of employees information, and cannot be repeated OptionalWhen add new employees info, each employee can only occupy one line, which means only one skill, work and training info can be included. When more skill, work and training need to be input, the Many of Importwill take effect, please refer to the next page

Skill Info
Training Info

The Many of Import function is used to add the existed employees skill, training and work information by batches. This template and function cannot be used for adding new employees info. In the template, the Name, ID Type and ID No. must be recorded in each line so as to match which employees info need to be add. The template contains 3 pages: Skill, Train and Job. One or more employees multiple records, including skill, training and work experience can be import together at one time. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 34

Suppliers Employees Information Maintenance

(Resignation Operations)

Click Update

Modify Service Info

After an employee leaves the company, supplier need to log in to the system and access the page for updating the basic information about suppliers employees, and then set field In -service/Dimission to Dimission. After the operation on an employee is completed and saved, you will not be able to view any information about the employee. Only the idle employees employment status can be modified HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 35

1 2 3
Brief Introduction to System Functions Login URL and Interface System Operation Guide 3.1 How to query supplier information 3.2 How to query suppliers employees information 3.3 How to maintenance supplier information 3.4 How to Maintenance suppliers employees information 3.5 How to update suppliers employees dynamic information

Channels for Problem Feedback


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Page 36

Suppliers Employees Information Management

(Update Dynamic Information1/2)

The dynamic information of suppliers employees should be updated by supplier administrator, and approved by Huawei. Input the key words to find the employees you want to update and click Update button to access the dynamic information updating page.

Updating more than one employee once is supported .


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Suppliers Employees Information Management

(Update Dynamic Information2/2)
Project Code is Mandatoory Apply for entering

Appro ve

Busy(Othe r)


Enter Application Leave Application



Appro ve

The sections of Current Sub-region, Current Country, Skill, Project Code, Project Level, Health Status and Begin Date are mandatory.

The following 2 status changing need Huaweis approval.

1) Idle->Busy( Huawei Project) 2) Busy( Huawei Project)->Idle The following 2 status changing neednt Huaweis approval. 1) Idle->Busy(Other Project)

2) Busy(Other Project)->Idle
If the employees have more than one skill, the skill used for current task should be selected. If the employees has no any skill yet, one skill information should be recorded first. Date should be within 7 days. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 38

1 2 3 4
Brief Introduction to System Functions

Login URL and Interface

System Operation Guide

Channels for Problem Feedback


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Page 39

Question & Suggestion

If you have any doubts or suggestions, feel free to contact Huawei iFriends project team. Email: ifriends@huawei.com


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