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Implementation of TQM in Vodafone

GROUP 8: Ramya Kanna P Pratyush Pratap Azeem Rahman Ishaan Dadhich Tanis Thomas

TQM- Total Quality Management

A method in which the top, middle and lower level employees engage to increase the quality of production. Control process of bringing together all the employees and the employers, in order to increase the quality of products on a continuous basis. Main purpose: minimize wasteful practices of the organization, optimize the use of resources.

Why TQM?
For better control over the production To minimize wastage and excess production To improve the quality of goods and services To maintain a good productivity ratio To control the overall cost of manufacturing For introducing modern methods and techniques in the production process For liberalization and globalization with the organization outside the country.

A telecommunication service provider company, doing very well in the market all over the world. At present - providing a quality service through its telecommunication network to all of its customers in an effective and systematic way . Effective business- a grand name in the field of telecommunication corporation. Quality of service, and their offers to the customershighly acceptable by their customers globally.

Established on 1st January 1985 as a telecommunication service institution. Dedicated efforts in the field of the communicationable to provide their customers, services more than a number of 359 millions all over the world . Actually originated in NEWBURY . At present- 7 new brands worldwide in different countries and operations running in more than 30 countries successfully.

Characteristics of the company

Customer needs are identified and anticipated Relationship with the suppliers. Flexibility

Advantages for the company.

Market share increases Managing cost efficiency Achieving customer loyalty Controlling and managing complaints

Problems associated with the company

Huge number of staffs Complexity Less tangible Difficult to measure

Changes in the organization.

The company realizes that there must be some requirement of changes if they want to continue their successful rate i.e. to maintain the ratio of the number of customers they have, during their business operations. For maintaining their status in the market-introduced new products like smart phone, voice mail, e-mail, etc. which help their customers to share important documents and valuable information, video conference facilities for accessing applications relating to corporate sector from any geographical region. This is the reason why the company has been trying to catch all the clients so that they can avail every kind of opportunities.

3 Stage method of change

Unfreezing Changing Refreezing

Implementation of TQM
Role of top level management: o Coordinate with all the lower level employees o MDG centre to set strategic objectives. o Initiate projects related to provide 10 million carbons reducing machine to machine connection, reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2)emission up to 50% from the year 200607 baseline to March 2020.

Functions provided by TQM consultants

Help to create a high quality of services to the customers of the company. The consultants effectively and deliberately doing their jobs add an extra value to the service of the company at a particular said period. Prepares a structural design for giving training to the employees to keep in mind the maintenance clients quality standards.

Depends upon many factors like people, financial resources, infrastructure etc- determine the key success. Strong commitment- helps to control and manage the impact and behavior of system and policy of the management structure. Sustainability strategy-focuses on the benefit of delivering the society with the help of product and services. For example the company introduces low-carbon strategy for the society and also improving the communication. Network deployment

Empowering/motivating the employees of the company.

Vodafone way:the arrangement of a set or values and behaviour for all the employees of the organization. The basic characteristic of this concept are Speed Simplicity Trust Review


Rewar d

Implementation of quality program-a continuous process for top level management.

Training: Optimum utilization of human resources. Development of human resources. Skill development Tools and Techniques applied: Diagnosis and preparation(cost of quality,DPA) Management focus and commitment (cause and effect, flowcharts, pareto analysis) Intensive improvement (SPC and FMEA)

Tools aiding TQM

Histogram Flow charts Scatter diagrams Pareto charts Cause and effect analysis Check sheets

Total quality interactive model

Leadership Teamwork Customer orientation System thinking- people tools and statistical tools

The company also focusses on.

Continuous improvement Customer focus Prevention Universal responsibility Benchmarking Supplier teaming


GUIDELINE 1 Whether the company is committed with its customers or notContinuous improvement for attaining higher consumer satisfaction Requirement of Quality in Daily Work Target the customer needs and value up to the exceed point Importance of word of mouth strategy in marketing IMPLICATIONS Bring new customers through satisfaction existing customers both internally and externally Training session will provide learning facility to the candidates This will help the candidates to bring changes in the behaviour.

GUIDELINE 2 Role of the management in bringing improvement through responsibilities Understand the concept of Total Quality Service and proper knowledge Try to be consistent and maintain a creditability with the employees IMPLICATIONS Walk the talk Create a role model Leading by example

GUIDELINE 3 Change through self improvement and education for development Through education the employee can earn knowledge, skill and mind and character. It is employees own effort to bring self-improvement related to status, mind and ability. Change through radical transmutation or replacement process. IMPLICATIONS Experimental learning Continuous changes Taking an active step rather than passive step to learn Make an immediate classroom environment

GUIDELINE 4 Introduction of Kaizen practice and continuous process-oriented learning Kaizen is a Japanese management practice which can be modified through implication of tools and techniques. Kaizen refers suggestion to become good through change Kaizen is an effective and efficient tool for reorganising and restructuring for an Organization. Utilization of open system for interaction within the environment of the organization. IMPLICATIONS Learners need to improve their learning capacity through seminars, training sessions and workshops etc. Learners required to maintain a standard of learning Learners are required to utilise their skills in the real practical world

Working environment need to be free from fear and it should be stimulating No job stress Stimulating environment Requirement of self actualisation and self esteem system Proper use of innovative activities under the organization Requirement of hygienic facilities for the employees IMPLICATIONS Proper job specification is required Approximate training design Active learning through engagement Analysis of implication and limitation Atmosphere for open questions and suggestions.

Teamwork should be introduced to meet the expected requirement of the customer which will help in achieving Better social needs Ego needs Self-fulfilment Self motivation IMPLICATIONS Use strategy to reduce the variation between performance of team work

Suggestion and recommendations.

Proper participation and co-operation among the employers and the employees of the company and branches all over the world. Individual and personal efforts from each and every staff of the company. Self-development and proper training sessions with the help of Job description, enlargement, rotation and enrichment. Establishment of training centres and training schools.

Better communication with the old customers and suppliers of the company. Involvement of lower level employees in the process of decision-making.

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