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Prepared by: Engr. Jeffrey P.


Sample Problem
1. Evaluate

a. 9 c. 6

b. 8 d. 4

2. Solve for x

a. c. 1/3

b. d. 1/5

3. Solve for x+y if x (y+2) (3x-y) y 8 =2 and 16 =4.

a. 2 c. 5

b. 6 d. 4

4. If = 1024, x find the value of 4 a. 14 c. 18 b. 16 d. 20

(2x+1) 4

5. Determine the value of y if

a. 4 c. 6

b. 5 d. 7

6. Find the value of y if

a. 2 c. 6

b. 4 d. 8

7. Given

Solve for

a. 3.545 c. 4.535

b. 5.345 d. 3.455

8. Solve for x from the given equation

a. 2 c. 4

b. 3 d. 5

9. If

Determine x + y a. 18 d. 4

b. 0 d. 5

10Find the rational number equivalent to repeating decimal 2.3524242424. a. 23289/9900 b. 23261/990 c. 23298/9900 d. 23264/9900 11. Find the 1987th digit in the decimal equivalent to 1785/9999 starting from decimal point. a. 8 b. 7 c. 1 d. 5

12. In the equation x2 - kx +9 = 0, find k if the roots are equal. a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 5 13. Find the value of constant h in the 2x2 hx2 + 4x + 5h = 0 so that the sum of the roots is 2. a. 4 b. 6 c. 12 d. 18

14. In the expansion of (x+4y)12 the numerical coefficient of the 5th term is: a. 126720 b. 216720 c. 506880 d. 253440 15. In the expression of (2x 1/x)10. Find the term independent of x. a. 6th term b. 5th term c. 4th term d. 7th term

16. The 5th term of the expansion (x2 + x1)n is 210x8. Find the value of n. a. 8 b. 10 c. 12 d. 14 17. Find the sum of the coefficients of the expression (3x 1)12. a. 4095 b. 5094 c. 4590 d. 5490

18. Find the 5th term of the series whose sum of n terms is given by 3(n+2) 6. a. 1458 b. 2432 c. 1264 d. 1062 19. In the given series of number 1, 1, 1/2, 1/6, 1/24 an find the 6th term. a. 1/120 b. 1/130 c. 2/245 d. 2/300

20The 3rd and 8th term of an arithmetic progression are 9 and 24 respectively. Find the 20th term. a. 60 b. 63 c. 36 d. 69 21. A pile of poles contain 1275 poles in layers so that the top layer contains one pole and each lower layer has one more pole than the layer above. How many layers are in the pile? a. 50 b. 30 c. 40 d. 20

22. Once a month a man put money onto cookie jar. Each month he put 50 centavos more into the jar than the month before. After 12 years he counted his money; he had P 5436. How much money did he put in the jar in the last month? a. P 73.50 b. P 75.50 c. P 74.50 d. P 76.50

23.Supposed a ball rebounds one half the distance if falls. If it is dropped from a height of 40 ft, how far does it travel before coming to stop? a. 120 ft b. 140 ft c. 160 ft d. 180 ft

24. A piece of paper is 0.05 in thick. Each time the paper is folded into half, the thickness is doubled. If the paper was folded 12 times, how thick in feet the folded paper be? a. 17.07 b. 10.24 c. 12.34 d. 11.25

25. The sides of a square is 6 cm long. A second square is inscribed by joining the midpoints of the sides of the seconds square and so on. Find the sum of the areas of the infinite number of inscribed squares thus formed. a. 72 b. 36 c. 144 d. 216

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