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Paymetric SD User Training

SAP Credit Card Processing

Presented by

Rupesh Shringarpure

2008 Paymetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved. | Confidential do not Distribute

Main focus

And how they relate to:

Sales orders Deliveries Invoices

Basic document flow in SD Sales orders

Authorization requests Optional adjustments to authorization requests Authorization responses Managing authorizations on sales orders

Deliveries Invoices/Billing Blocked documents

Authorization Reprocessing options

XiPay exception research

Solution Overview
Enterprise Datacenter
Banking Relationships
Acquiring Banks Custom & Legacy PCMA
XiPay Adapters XiPay Cartridges

The Payment Chain Gap

XiPay Server

Processor s & Gateways

Internet Frame Relay

Web Servers

Issuing Banks

Extend SAP Capabilities

Modular Enterprise Integration

Intelligent Transaction Processing Engine

Modular Banking Connections

A Proven Solution.

Basic Document Flow (SD/FI)


Delivery Invoice

Accounting Document Accounting Document

Sales Order

Settlement Run

Authorization via XiPay
Settlement via XiPay

Authorization Requests

Authorization Request Authorization Response

Preauthorization Manual authorization

Authorization requests
All authorization requests are generated from the SALES ORDER, in standard SAP. Capturing credit card information

Sales overview screen Payment card tab on sales order header recommended

When will authorization occur?

Standard SAP will ONLY authorize at order save


Authorization requests

How much authorization is required?

Next delivery/service value Confirmed quantities Material availability date (Delivery related) Billing date (Non delivery related)


Authorization requests

How many Authorizations?

Multiple cards Limit-to-values Impact of deliveries Impact of invoices

Optional Auto-Adjustments to Authorizations

Note: These are NOT part of standard SAP and are strictly OPTIONAL, requiring separate coding to enable the necessary functionality.

Authorization splitting

Split for future deliveries Split for future invoices Scenarios must be predictable to be automated

Authorization inflation

Inflate for values not known at time of order creation Inflate for future freight/shipping/taxes Scenarios must be predictable to be automated

Forced Authorization of all, some, or none of order items

Authorization regardless of Material Availability Date or Billing date


Authorization Responses
ALL responses are stored in the sales order Payment Card Header screen.

Authorization types:

Automatic Authorization Manual (Verbal Authorization) Pre-auth (SAP Pre-authorization) Automatic Real-time Immediate (typically), but can be done in background Communication via RFC XiPay Processor Issuing bank



Authorization Responses


Also known as verbal authorizations When to perform a manual authorization Manual authorization button Capturing the manual authorization details

Manual Auth


Authorization Responses

An additional kind of authorization:

Pre-auth (SAP pre-authorization)



Authorization Responses
Response types and actions : Approval

Status: APPROVED Authorization granted No pop-ups or messages in the sales order


Status: DECLINED Pop-up message indicating authorization issue Saving the order will place it on Authorization Block Status: COMMUNICATION ERROR Pop-up message indicating authorization issue Saving the order will NOT place it Authorization Block


Managing Authorizations
Possible actions for a non-approved authorization response:

Status: DECLINED Check status Check text message Contact internal helpdesk to verify known issues and communications Uncheck Authorization Block manually (if applicable) Re-save order to attempt a re-authorization Status: COMMUNICATION ERROR Check Status Check text message Contact internal helpdesk to verify known issues and communications Re-save order to attempt a re-authorization If RFCs are down, this may require restart of Services on XiPay Server

NOTE: Do NOT delete an APPROVED Authorization Response!


Managing Authorizations
Sales Order screens: Payment card tab on sales order header
Available authorizations Approved Not expired Not billed

Unavailable authorizations Non-approved (e.g. Declined, Comm. Error or Preauthorization) Expired Billed



Managing Authorizations
Payment card detail (from within Payment card tab)
Primary fields Authorization number Auth.refer.code
(XiPay transaction ID)

Authorization amount Authorization type Pre-authorization flag GL account Merchant ID Response text Response codes


Payment Guarantee Procedure


Each delivery requires at least ONE authorization

Delivery process will check for available authorizations on the order

When available authorizations identified, there is no update of the sales order

Relevant available authorizations CANNOT be viewed within the delivery

No payment card information is copied into the delivery, it remains in the order Insufficient authorization results in delivery going on credit hold


Each invoice requires at least ONE authorization Invoice process will check for available authorizations on the order When available authorizations identified, the Sales Order is updated with a billing status against the consumed authorizations

Payment card information is copied into the invoice

Relevant available authorizations can be viewed within the invoice

Payment Card info on Invoice header with Authorization Details

Insufficient authorization results in invoice going on billing block


Blocked Documents

Any document blocked due to payment card reasons (insufficient authorization)

Must have the missing authorization amended to the sales order Will typically be visible to the sales order upon reprocessing, thereby automatically adjusting the amount to be authorized

T-code VCC1 (Payment Cards: Work List)

Sales orders and Deliveries VCC1 versus VKM1 (Blocked SD Documents)

VKM1 lists all blocked documents VCC1 lists Payment Card relevant documents only

Reprocessing options re-authorize and release PCMA enhanced version of VCC1: /PMPAY/PU_VCC1

Runs as a background job Automatic authorization attempt If auth successful, will release from credit hold


T-Code VCC1 vs. /PMPAY/PU_VCC1



VCC1 SD Document List


Blocked Documents
T-code VFX3 (Release Billing Documents for Accounting)

Invoices Reprocessing options re-authorize and release PCMA enhanced version of VFX3: /PMPAY/PU_VFX3 Runs online and as a background job Automatic authorization attempt If auth successful, will release to accounting


T-code VFX3 vs. /PMPAY/PU_VFX3



Paymetric PCMA

Transaction /PMPAY/PMENU


Authorization Reprocessing Options (continued)

Implementation Decision

Preventative options:

Re-authorize orders in background (Program RV21A010) Authorization Value Split user exit at time of Order Save Re-authorization in background during Delivery creation PCMA Utility: Expiring Payment Card Authorizations Re-authorizes orders with expired authorizations Batch Job Online Program /PMPAY/PU_EXP_AUTH


Authorization Reprocessing Options

Corrective options:

Manually re-save Sales Order engages authorization logic

Sales Orders and Deliveries on Credit Hold for Insufficient Authorization:


Re-authorize order and release order/delivery Std SAP transaction

VCC1 in Background Re-authorize order and release order/delivery in Background PCMA Program /PMPAY/PU_VCC1

Billing Documents on Billing Block for Insufficient Authorization:


Re-authorize order and release billing document Std SAP transaction

VFX3 in Background Re-authorize order and release billing document in Background PCMA Program /PMPAY/PU_VFX3



Authorization exceptions Research (authorizations and settlement) Reporting Printing Individual Invoices Operations Independent authorizations Independent settlement



2008 Paymetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved. | Confidential do not Distribute


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