For Eggplant

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Crop Establishment of Eggplant

Land Preparation
Plow the field at least 2 times Plow at a depth of 15-20 cm Harrow 2 times

Mechanical method

Conventional method

land preparaion using a tractor

land preparaion using a moldboard plow

Construction of beds and furrows

Using Plastic mulch -construct 1.0 m wide beds raised at 20 cm height. - Provide 0.8 space between two adjacent beds.

Conventional method -Construct ridges of alternating 1.0 m -Provide 0.8 m space between ridges

Planting bed w/ Plastic mulch Furrow for irrigation Planting ridge Furrow for irrigation

0.5 m 0.5 m 1.0 m 1.0 m 0.8 m 1.0 m 1.0 m

Field layout when plastic mulch is used

Field layout for conventional method using planting ridges (wet season)

Fertilizer management
With plastic mulch
Make a small furrow on each side of the constructed beds. Apply the following fertilizers every 10 linear meters of a planting row: 0.5 kg PCM or any commercial organic fertilizer 0.4 kg ammonium phosphate (16-20-0) 0.4 kg ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) 0.1 kg muriate of potash (0-0-60) Cover the fertilizers with soil, or mix them thoroughly with the soil.

Drench 170 ml (1 small can of sardines) of fertilizer solution per hill. Follow this recommended schedule, and source and amount of fertilizer to apply Time of Application Drenching Solution

3,5,9,13 and 17 weeks after transplanting (WAT)

7,11,15 WAT (fruiting stage)

3 tbsp urea (46-0-0) per 15 L water

3 tbsp muriate of potash (0-0-60) per 15 L water

Conventional method (unmulched) Basal

Apply 0.5 kg PCM or any commercial organic fertilizer 0.4 kg ammonium phosphate (16-20-0)

dibble fertilizer at the midpoint (25 cm) between plants along the rows distribute it evenly in a shallow furrow 20 cm away from each planting row. For every 2 adjacent beds
Time of Application 3 and 9 weeks after transplanting (WAT) 6 and 12 WAT Amount of Fertilizer 6 g (0.4 tbsp) urea (46-0-0)/hill; or 120 g (8 tbsp) urea/10 linear meters planting row 6 g (0.52 tbsp) muriate of potash (0-0-60)/hill; or 120 g (10.4 tbsp) muriate of potash/10 linear meters planting row 6 g (0.52 tbsp) muriate of potash (0-0-60)/hill; or 120 g (10.4 tbsp) muriate of potash/10 linear meters planting row

15 WAT

The use of plastic mulch is an improved technology for tomato production. It controls weeds, preserves soil moisture, prevents soil erosion and leaching of fertilizers, and reflects sunlight to repel insect pests hiding under the leaves.

Steps in setting up the plastic mulch: (1) Stretch the plastic mulch over the planting bed, with the silver color on top. (2) Fasten the edges of the plastic mulch to the soil with bamboo slats spaced 1.0 m apart. Note: If bamboo slats are not available, cover its edges with soil using a rake, or by passing a moldboard plow near the edges.

Making Planting holes

1)Measure 0.5 m planting distance 10 cm from the edge on both sides of the plastic mulch and mark the spots. 2)Make the holes following any of these three ways: Using a serrated-lipped tin can (7-10 cm) Using a hot tin can (7-10 cm) Using a cutter

making holes with serrated tin can

punching holes with a hot tin can

making holes with a cutter

With plastic mulch -Flood the beds two days before transplanting to cool down the soil under the plastic mulch and dissolve the fertilizers applied. Conventional method -Irrigate the furrows to dissolve the fertilizers applied and minimize direct contact of the seedling roots with the fertilizers. Transplant 21 to 30-day-old seedlings Transplant only one seedling per hole Plant seedlings at 0.5 m distance between hills. Water the transplants immediately with a sprinkler.

one seedling per hole

Weed Management and Side Shoots Removal

Manual weeding Off-Barring at 14 DAT Hilling-up at 21 DAT Remove side shoots before the first flower emerges.

sideshoot removal

off-barred eggplant field

Water Management
During rainy season, irrigate as the need arises. During dry season, irrigate at 7,21 and 30 DAT or irrigate every 10 days thereafter. Irrigate after every fertilizer application.


Give at least 3 importance of using Plastic mulch?

2) What is the plant population of Eggplant in 500 m2? Given: Between hills: 0.5 m Between row :1.0 m Between double row:0.8 m

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