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Methods Of Data Collection

Submitted To: Tareeka Sonawane

1. 2. 3. 4.

6. 7. 8.

Steps involved in research What is data collection ? Types of data Collection of primary data Collection of secondary data Selection of appropriate method Conclusion References

Define the research problem/question.

Write the research proposal. Develop the research design.

Collect data. Select procedure and analyze data.

It describes a process of preparing and collecting data . The purpose of data collection : Obtain information. To keep a record. Make decisions about important issues. Pass information to others.

A formal data collection is necessary since it ensures that the data gathered is defined & accurate.

Primary Data
Collected afresh Original

Secondary Data

Collected by someone Compilation

Depending on the sort of data one is collecting, a method of data collection would be selected accordingly.

1. Observation Method. 2. Interview Method. 3. Questionnaires Method. 4. Through Schedules.

Scientific observation is a methodological way of recognizing and noting a fact or occurrence.

Types Of Observation:

1. Structured and unstructured

2. Participant and non-participant

3. Controlled and non-controlled

1. 2.


Subjective bias is eliminated. Information obtained relates to the current situation. Independent of respondents willingness to respond.

1. 2. 3.

Expensive method. Information provided is limited. Some unforeseen factors may interfere.

Involves presentation of oral-verbal stimuli and reply in terms of oral-verbal response.

Types of interview method:


Personal interview: Structured Unstructured Focussed

Telephone interview


1. 2.


More likelihood of getting response More accurate Can get responses from illiterate individuals The questions may be explained when necessary.

1. 2.


Unsuitable for large geographical area. Bias of interviewer may creep in. Honest responses are rare.

It consists of a number of questions printed or typed in a definite order on a form or set of forms.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Inexpensive method. Applicable to widely spread geographical area. Free from the bias of the interviewer. Respondents have adequate time. Respondents who are inaccessible can be reached. Large samples can be made use of.

1. 2.


4. 5.

Low rate of return of the duly filled in questionnaires. Applicable only to educated respondents. The control over questionnaire may be lost once it is sent. Interpretation of omissions is difficult. This method is likely to be slowest of all.

Schedules are filled by the enumerators who are specially appointed for the purpose. MERIT:

Yields fairly reliable result.


Very expensive.

1. Published Data Various Publications - National Govt. - International Govt. Technical and State Journals Books, Magazines and Newspapers Reports Public Records and Statistics 2. Unpublished Data


Reliability of Data
Inquiring about the sources and the compiler.


Suitability of Data
Specificity of data may change.


Adequacy of Data
Level of accuracy may change.


Nature, Scope & Object Of Enquiry

The type of enquiry conducted by the researcher should be suitable.


Availability of funds
Researcher must act within the limitation of funds.


Time factor
Some methods take relatively longer time.


Precision required
Level of accuracy for each method is different.

In the design and conduct of a socio-economic investigation, emphasis should be placed on assuring data quality. Deficiencies in primary data, cannot be compensated by any amount of sophistication in sampling and analysis of data. Thus, the most desirable approach for method selection depends on the nature of a particular problem, time and resources available along with the desired degree of accuracy..

Research methodology Methods and techniques by C.R. Kothari, second edition, new age international (p)limited, pg no.95-112. Methods/Data collection methods/DATA COLLECTION METHODS.htm

Anagha Juvekar
Pooja Das K. Parnika Kadam Swarali Kamath

BBT-1-09020 BBT-1-09021 BBT-1-09022

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