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An assignment on

Salmonellosis in poultry

Dr K.S.Prajapati
Professor & head
Pathology Dep.
Veterinary college Anand
Avian salmonellosis
 Avian salmonellosis is a term comprising of
a large group of acute or chronic diseasesof
 These diseases are cause by any one or
more members of the genus Salmonella.
Diseases cause by
Salmonella in Poultry
 Pullorum Disease Salmonella pullorum
 Fowl typhoid Salmonella galinarum
 Fowl paratyphoid Salmonella typhinurium ,
Salmonella enteritidis ( and
more then 200 types of Salmonella
Pullorum disease.
 The organisum is non motile and antgenicaly
identical with S.gallinerum.
 In its acute form, pullorum disease is almost
exclusively a disease of young chickens, and the
agent can be recovered from almost all chicken
organs, tissues and faeces.
 In older birds that have become carriers, S.
pullorum is most frequently recovered from the
Young chicks most susceptible
Older chicks comparatively resistant
Lighter breeds(leghorn)resistant than
heavy breed
Disease follows in cycles in natural
Vertical and horizontal transmission
Clinical Signs
 Reduced hatchability
 Increase Percentage of dead in shell embryo
 Young chicks : Dull,Inactive,Hurdling,Gasping
with pesty vents.
 Mortality in second week up to 60-70 % in sever
cases servivals may become cerrier .
 Adult
Fowl typhoid
 Septicaemic disease of domesticed bird
 May be acute or chronic
 Cause by Salmonella gallinarum
 Disease is transmitted vertically as well as
Clinical Signs
 Among chicks mortality strat within 2-3
days after hatching.
 Chicks become dull, loss of appetite, white
 Amongs breeders and layers –dullness, loss
of appetite, high temp,drowsiness and green
Gross lesions (fowl typhoid)

 Heamorrhages, caseous nodules on

Myocardium &throught Intestine
 Bilateral Pneumonia in young chick.
 Enlargement of liver and spleen
 Necrotic foci are seen on the surfaces of
liver &spleen.
Diagnosis of salmonellosis
 History
 Clinical signs,
 P.M. lesions
 Isolation of causative organism for
 Antibiogram
 Enrofloxacin 1ml /Litter water
 Furazolidone @ 2kg per tone of feed for 10
 Biotrime 1ml/2 Litter of water
 Pullorum testing(18 wks of age pref.)
 Egg from infected breeder should not be use
 Deep litter systen should be avoided
 Improve the hygienic cond. Of farm
Electron microscopy of sallmonella

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