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1. Use your 5 articles form The Internet TESL Journal (

to find and write examples of in-text citations (both direct and indirect citations)

2. Get the full reference for 3 articles from MEXTESOL Journal ( From their home page, click on Publications, then download as many issues as you need to find your 3 articles. WISHING YOU HAD IT PRINTED? We have some printed issues from MEXTESOL Journal here at our Facultad de Lenguas Library. They are on the second floor, you can ask the librarian to help you find them.

3. Print or download the TRUJILLO AND QUEREDA pdf on research generalities (it is the one in Spanish). It is here in our Yahoo group (FILES, CLASS MATERIALS). 4. At least pay a short visit to the APA Manual at the library. There are always 3 or 4 copies of it there. 5. You are already collecting articles on a given topic. Start thinking why you are interested in it. To verbalize it, you can write down some notes, or talk about it with a classmate. Anyway you do it, try keeping a record of what you said/thought.

Introduction 150 200 Justification 150 - 200

Literature Review 650 700

Research questions 1 or 2

Methodology Introduction to the methodology (type of research, what you will describe in the chapter, 100 or less) Subjects 100 150 Instruments 75 100 per instrument Procedure 250 300 Concluding remarks (about how you would like this Project to turn out in the future, posible limitations) 100 or less TOTAL: 1500 1650 WORDS Reference list Appendix A, etc.

DATA: what it is Data collection: how you will/want to collect it Data analysis: how you will/want to analyze it Introduction to the methodology (type of research, what you will describe in the chapter, 100 or less) Subjects 100 150 Instruments 75 100 per instrument Procedure 250 300

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