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August St.

Pauls URC Space Academy Blast Off Service Led by Kate Amos and An Other

Prayer of Approach
Almighty God, you created the universe in all its splendour: galaxies, stars, planets, constellations, light and dark, night and day. Nothing was made without you, and you hold it all in your hands. Almighty God, you are awesome! The light which brightens our day right now left the suns core 30,000 years ago yet you were there long before that, and always will be. Almighty God, you are awesome!

Prayer of Approach
As our earth travels through space, each minute we are 19,000 kilometres away from where we were and yet we are always with you. Almighty God, you are awesome!
Our planet is so small that over 1 million earths would fit on the sun, yet you know and care about every individual who lives on earth who ever has, and ever will. Almighty God, you are awesome!

Prayer of Approach
Though you are our awesome God, you came to earth to live as a man, in your son Jesus Christ. And through his death and rising you made it possible for all who believe in him to be with you forever.
Almighty God, you are awesome! Amen

Lords Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. AMEN


Lords Prayer Texting version!

dad@hvn,ur spshl. we want wot u want &urth2b like hvn giv us food &4giv us lyk we 4giv uvaz. don't test us! save us! bcos we kno ur boss, ur tuf&ur cool 4 eva! ok

30 Mile an hour limit

Traffic Lights Ahead

Road Works Ahead

Fried Egg on Toast or Bumpy Road

Road Narrows Ahead

Children Crossing

Fighing and Riots Ahead?

Very Winding Road Ahead?

Lord God, you are wise and good, giving us rules by which to live. But sometimes we forget and break them, and for that... We are sorry, God.

Lord God, you are kind and gracious, reminding us when we forget your ways. But sometimes we ignore you, and for that... We are sorry, God.
Lord God, you are loving and forgiving. Help us day by day to hear your voice, to know your ways and to walk in them. Amen.

Star Songs - make your own Slides

Prayer for our Offerings God of space and time who offers us gifts and joys as well as challenges, we ask that you take these offerings from us and bless their use in your service. Amen

PRAYERS God our help when we are in exile,

Help us to trust you

May the God of great big things like planets, stars and universes bless you. May the God tiny minuscule things like ants and cells and bacteria bless you. May the God of everything in between including you me and everyone here - bless you.


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