Genie in The Bottle Version 2

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William Benjamin Tanner Cheek Alan Greene

The accident at SL-1 Human Factors Issues Variables Solutions Discussion

Problems at SL-1

Three servicemen on site

No supervisor
Little to no training for the task at hand

Poor Communication
Lack of maintenance on the sticky rod

Very Poor Instructions Given

Instructions Given to the Men

Reassembly Instructions

Design Flaws of the Reactor

Reliance upon a few High Worth rods Lack of safety precautions Clamp used was incompatible with safety standards

Inside the SL-1 Reactor

Rescue Efforts

Rescue workers were ill equipped With full radiation suits, could still only remain inside the reactor for just over a minute Took over an hour and a half to find the men Radiation levels over 1000 rads/hr

Symptoms of Nuclear Radiation Exposure

Comparison of Radiation levels

1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Radiation in rads/hr

Normal Early symptoms Moderate Response Low Fatality levels SL-1 Levels

Improper training of team members Lack of supervision of team members Too few team members on the night shift Vague instructions for disassembling and reassembling drive housing Poor procedures for local response teams

Removing one rod lead to meltdown Lack of built in safety precautions Lack of psychological support for the jobs level of stress


Proper training for the servicemen

Practice on a mock-reactor

Require supervisors for every shift Detailed step-by-step Instructions Creation of a maintenance log for work performed on the reactor Discontinuation of manual labor on reactor Better training and equipment for rescue workers

Incorporate a safety measures Discontinuance of high worth rods in reactors Redesign of clamps to be used on the control rods

Plan of Evaluation

Annual tests for technicians

Both practical, written, and psychological

Supervisors performing weekly audits of the facility and its team members Complete inspection of the reactor every refueling period


Works Cited

Casey, S. Set Phasers on Stun. Santa Barbra: Aegean Publishing Company. Karam, A. (2004 12-11). Enviromental and Background Radiation. Retrieved November 28 2010 from Health Physics Society: LeVay, S. (2008). When Science Goes Wrong: Twelve Tales From the Dark Side of Discovery. Penguin Group. McKeown, W. (2003). Idaho Falls: The Untold Story of America's First Nuclear Accident. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: ECW Press. Ragheb, M. (2010 23-11). Stationary Low Power Plant Number 1, SL-1 Accident. Retrieved November 28 2010 from %20Nuclear%20Reactor%20Systems/Stationary%20Low%20Power%20Plant%20Number%201%20 SL1%20Accident.pdf b/Cm5206b0155im.jpg&imgrefurl= m5206b0155.htm&usg=__j6R1yt7NlnjzlerdS3ELgodR5Wo=&h=1188&w=918&sz=86&hl=en&start=3& zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=IMOFys_Tq0BmM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dradiation%2Bpoisoning%2Bcharts%26hl %3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1 age&q&f=false

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